RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - vila - 15-12-2011 20:34
(13-12-2011 06:16 )Sm© Wrote: I saw those lameass polls on twitter, noticed that Babestation got just about as many votes as all the other channels combined Goes to show that The channel and its girls are much more appreciated on twitter than on this BS hating/Elite fanboy filled forum. 
Or maybe it's a reflection of the fact that they probably have as many viewers as all the others put together, since the majority of viewers have only Freeview and there's no competition on that platform until after 1am, when most of them are likely to have already gone to bed?
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - bytor - 15-12-2011 22:19
(15-12-2011 19:31 )dionnelover09 Wrote: I noticed that people complained about girls such as lolly, the twins and camilla getting most the air time while back with the other girls not getting much chance of doing stints on there own. But now that lori is back she will be on just as much as them girls already who get most airtime at babestation so will people start to complain lori on to much as well.
Will let you know once she gets her own channel like lolly.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - mikedafc - 15-12-2011 23:19
So are you saying you think she(Lori) will make more at B/Station than she did at Elite? And if so on what basis?
(15-12-2011 17:46 )bytor Wrote: (15-12-2011 09:48 )shankey! Wrote: well as far as lori is concerned i think its a sad loss to the viewer ,she wont be doing her keep fit exercises naked on b/s ,cant help thinking this is a bad move for her ,she will never get the freedom she had at elite ,who in my opinion are trouncing babestaion with the quality of the girls and shows they put on !
While I understand your view I imagine you will find only one thing will concern Lori, as it would most of us. Where can I earn the most money.
She probably won't give a damn whether or not she has the freedom to do naked cartwheels or is stuck on a bed with 3 other girls hardly able to move if she is earning a royal mint! These girls are professional models looking to earn the most they can over a relatively short career.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - babestation - 15-12-2011 23:30
(15-12-2011 20:34 )vila Wrote: Or maybe it's a reflection of the fact that they probably have as many viewers as all the others put together, since the majority of viewers have only Freeview and there's no competition on that platform until after 1am, when most of them are likely to have already gone to bed?
sounds like we know what we're doing then
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - bytor - 16-12-2011 00:58
(15-12-2011 23:19 )mikedafc Wrote: So are you saying you think she(Lori) will make more at B/Station than she did at Elite? And if so on what basis?
No I am saying that I doubt Lori would have given much thought to the fact that she would have less artistic freedom if she went back to babestation. It will be a business decision that that will be behind the move. That is from what basis I am basing my comment from. However sure BS will be hoping she will generate plenty of calls as Lori has a far bigger following since she was last at BS, add that to the freeview market she will now be available to.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Censorship :-( - 16-12-2011 01:23
I hardly ever watch the babe channels theses days, as they are so dismally tame; watching paint dry would be more entertaining!; however, I happened to tune in last night to see Lori's 'début' return to TS, and I'm glad I did. Unlike many, it would seem, I don't like technical nudity, and that's all she seemed to do on, the hugely disappointing, Elite – side on to camera tedium!. Last night, she was clothed (sans footwear, most of the time, unfortunately; something that is rife on all channels these days - yet another reason not to watch!), oiled up, moving around, posing, POV...; quite the best thing I've seen on the babe channels in a long time. Of course, it could have been better still, with less DOGs, advertising, and all the other TS irritations, but very good none the less.
Hopefully, no return to Technical Nudity Tedium for Lori, though I suspect that's wishful thinking, as is my hope that she keeps her shoes on!.
Lori's (relatively speaking) great performance also shows that it's not just Ofcon & the babe channel owners that are to blame for the tedium that is prevalent on the babe channels, these days (on FV, at least).
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Censorship :-( - 16-12-2011 01:25
Spoke too soon - TNT!  
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - The Silent Majority - 16-12-2011 04:23
(15-12-2011 14:25 )mikedafc Wrote: The reason they don't open a new channel is because of the three night channels,BS Blue is the worse performing of them , so what they are trying to do is put different programmes/ideas on there hoping to ulimately replace BS Blue with one of these other programmes.
And you know this for a fact, how exactly? Or is it just you're opinion?
Speaking as a caller I've never had the impression it was easier to get through to the girl on BsBlue than the other 2 channels.
They probably can't muck about with the other 2 channels because they need them to advertise Xtreme.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - HannahsPet - 16-12-2011 07:02
(15-12-2011 09:10 )The Silent Majority Wrote: (15-12-2011 08:01 )Charlemagne Wrote: (15-12-2011 07:29 )bytor Wrote: If, as we are led to believe by BS they are raking in the money then the expense of a new channel should be no problem.
I thought they were loosing money and that why the were trying various options to bring in the cash...
Seems you're both right, sort of. As I read it, Cellcast has had a very good year compared with previous years but, within that, revenue is in steady decline at the moment after it peaked in March.
They're obviously trying to find ways to halt this decline, hence the new shows. Maybe they're using the Bsblue channel to trial them and see if there's enough demand before giving them a channel of their own. It might explain why they haven't cut the shifts of the regular girls on the 2-show nights even though they're apparently engaged in major cost-cutting at the moment.
hmmm revenue started to decline after vodafone debacle so tells you something if they werre to cut the calls to 75p or 1£ a min revenue would go back up again     Have to say was a pretty decent Night all n all Good mix of girls Good to see the oil and Lori and TJ going naked and oiled up and think there was no 3 on a beds either
only complaint No paige on BS1 again shes been on 4 nights and think shes only done 1 small stint on there but least got some naked bum action going on BSX   
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Charlemagne - 16-12-2011 07:34
(15-12-2011 23:30 )babestation Wrote: sounds like we know what we're doing then 
It sounds like you know what your doing...........
However after watching the changeover from Masti to Babestation last night I'm beginning to doubt you.
It was a total shambles.........