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Elite TV/Studio66 Daytime - Discussion Thread - Printable Version

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RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - londonpete72 - 05-09-2011 18:15

I'm liking this split screen on ch905 today.3 great babes on today. Get to see them all at onceHeart

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - aceman65 - 12-09-2011 12:50

They seem to be having a few technical difficulties with the Sky channel 914 today!!!!

It's totally frozen on my system. But the same show is fine on channel 921. Although it's a lot less quality on there.

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - IvIaxed Stats 76 - 17-09-2011 06:50

U still do a great show elite & the early mornings are my favourite.....
sophia and becky look pure class & its great waTCHING..

love you becky Shy

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - dirk362 - 18-09-2011 09:51

I'm sure I'm not alone in finding it difficult to find out exactly when certain babes are on.
The schedule on the website doesn't really help as it doesn't let you know which channel they'll be on, and phone numbers are different per channel. That and they move them around anyway. I know there's a thread on this forum to help although that still makes things difficult somewhat.
How the f**k are we supposed to know when say Fernanda is on, on what channel (as her primary, so she'll always be on this one irrespective to any simulcast), so we can watch and call her ?
Given many watch/call to specific women, it seems strange (and annoying) that we're in this state of affairs.
Oh and I'm moaning now mostly 'cos I missed Fernanda in the morning show today and her fabulous white outfit.

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - Rammyrascal - 28-09-2011 18:54

this must be the current elite tv interview for potential new daybabes

1)are you a glamour model?
2)do you appear currently on page 3 and in the lads mags espcially nuts and zoo
3)are you best mates with a current elitetv babe

if the answer to all 3 is yes then YOURE HIRED!!!!!!!!!! Smile

think elite now have the strongest day roster of all the channels by a susbstantial margin now. theyve got a really good mix of established babechanel day babes including vikki thomas, emma spellar, sophia lares, fernanda and becky roberts and now theyve shrewdly got a fantastic group of babes who currently appear in the lads mags including melissa debling, sammi-jo, becky roberts, hannah martin, leah francis, brandy brewer, clare richards, kelly bell, lucy-anne and caitlin wynters and daisy watts

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - beardedbob - 28-09-2011 18:59

it's just a shame that hardly any of them ever move.

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - quiquems - 28-09-2011 19:11

Big Grin

Quote:mrelitetv Jamie Mac
I still haven't given up on you making a return to the Elite TV studios @missireynolds Let me know when you are ready Wink
1 hour ago

[Image: 23a8c363ed7067d338c2659954d39e9c_view.jpg]

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - Rammyrascal - 28-09-2011 19:17

yep was just about to post that jamie wants india back would be another good move since india is a regular in the lads mags and page 3 these days

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - londonpete72 - 11-10-2011 17:05

Elite's daytime roster is nothing short of stunning these days. The addition of Caitlin after Leah and Sammi-Jo is a mastestroke. Signing a certain Ukrainian would top it offBig Grin

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - oklahoma001 - 11-10-2011 19:36

im still bummed i wasnt aware of these channels when india was on elite. it would be damn near incredible news if she made a comeback.