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RE: General News Thread - lovebabes56 - 01-08-2020 20:04

Ghislaine Maxwell has been granted a stay of execution over her personal papers being released on Monday. It is thought it was likely that within them is a document in which has perjured herself in denying she ever knew about sex trafficking by Epstein.

What would this this mesn and hoe long would it last?

RE: General News Thread - HannahsPet - 01-08-2020 21:22

I wouldnt use a phrase like Stay of Execution with this case Tongue Tongue Tongue

RE: General News Thread - HannahsPet - 02-08-2020 13:17

Scandal Brewing as a 50 year old Tory mp and ex minister has been charged with sexual assault

Because of the law voted by westminster MP's in 2018 he get anonymity where if it wa me or I we would be named

Makes you Sick !!!

RE: General News Thread - lovebabes56 - 02-08-2020 18:38

Ans the whips is not suspended so he can sit in parliament

He should not be allowed to sit or be anywhere in Parliament while investigation is carried out, one rule for them on rule for us, you're quite right HP if it was any of us, we can't be protected by anonymity like he can. Another Conservative MP possibly off to do porridge at some point.

RE: General News Thread - HannahsPet - 03-08-2020 02:49

I can see the dilemma on removing the whip though? because they annouce they have removed the whip of someone and boom the person is named

RE: General News Thread - lovebabes56 - 03-08-2020 06:26

Mind you it wouldn't take the press long to find out

RE: General News Thread - lovebabes56 - 06-08-2020 17:58

today is the 75th anniversary of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima Japan and the world entered the Nuclear Age. 140,000 people perished as the US sought to bring Japan to surrender and end WW2 in the Pacific.

RE: General News Thread - Chrisst - 07-08-2020 18:19

In 1940 the British Army were stuck in on the continent, the Wehrmacht forcing them back into the Channel.
Escape seemed impossible but for Operation Dynamo. A typically British affair, hampered by limited resources the only way was to galvanise the national spirit and an armada of little ships evacuated some 335,000 troops where they thought they might get 50,000.

And now that's happening again. The Spanish, Napolean, Hitler; none of them could invade this country though massed invasion but little ships can get through and are. Bringing so many illegal immigrants to the shores of Kent and Sussex every day.

These people have journeyed across continents to get here at great personal risk and at huge expense and aren't going to be put off by a ride in a little ship when the white cliffs of Dover are visable from Calais.

The reaction of our authorities seems to be primarily the safety of the immigrants and to that end if they are picked up mid channel or on our beaches they are cared for and bussed around the country at the taxpayer's expense.
We might say they're being processed but the message going back home must appear more like they're being accepted into the UK and so more keep coming.
I'd be interested to know how many who are apprehended are actually sent back to France...I'll bet it's few. A reporter this morning said that they just claim asylum and probably stay.

My feelings are mixed. On the one hand I suspect that the plight of the immigrants is much worse than mine. I believe we have a very nice life in this country and we should welcome those who's needs are greater. On the other hand I feel that I've been sold a fast one and I don't want any more people here because that means more cars and I like driving fast.

I read that the Navy might have to ramp up the action. What are they gonna do? Open fire with machine guns? The answer must lie with the Europeans but it's not in their interest, they don't want them either.

RE: General News Thread - lovebabes56 - 07-08-2020 20:56

If we are no longer a part of the EU thn we have to grow a pair and say "it's not our problem anymore it's YOUR PROBLEM YOU DEAL WITH THEM!!"

I would say there are enough people like you mate who share your view.

But now it is time we & Europe did something abut the people behind it all the traffickers we need the immigrants to stand up and say who they were talking to and were helped by so that we can find them expose and arrest. the more trafficker rings we can smash and put behind bars hopefully we can stop the steady flow, but we have to make these people understand that we are not neccessarily the answer to all of their problems and we have to shoe we cannot be the end answer

RE: General News Thread - HannahsPet - 08-08-2020 13:13

Love this goverment !!

its was Take back control of our borders and now its Please help us enforce our borders Tongue Tongue Tongue