RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - mr mystery - 03-05-2011 17:18
Elite must have the least amount of night time girls on there books out of all the channels compared to channels they broadcast from , I don't think the ratio of 9 Full time night girls to 4 channels is quite enough , not brainy enough to work out ratio's but it must be the lowest ratio of girls per channel out of them all , BS have 1 less channel but must have way more girls per channel than Elite , and it must be the same for RLC , RLC just have 3 channels but i am betting they have more girls than Elite on their books even though they have less channels , not sure about the Sport xxx channels but if the Asian babes/guys are included as they are also run by the Sport people i guess they have more as well , but isn't Jamie's philosophy "quality over quantity" or something like that , i personally think some channels have way to many girls on their books and because of this you don't get to see some for weeks at a time , this is not the case on Elite , but agree with Rammy 1 or 2 new girls is needed .
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - TheWatcher - 03-05-2011 19:00
(03-05-2011 16:54 )Rammyrascal Wrote: not sure about that as elite have added 2 night babes recently adele and rachel louise which means the night roster is
paige green
rachel louise
sophia knight
ashley emma
lori buckby
which is 9 night babes plus the daybabes gone bad; becky, fernanda,sophia lares and alice goodwin which is a total of 13 night babes so perhaps just 1 or 2 needed with 4 channels at night
You have mentioned Adele, but not included her in your list or count. 
Also, is Danica still doing nights?
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - tapit54 - 03-05-2011 19:29
(03-05-2011 14:58 )RockN'Roll Wrote: They need more night girls.
They probably have enough girls but what they do need IMO, is encourage some of their current girls to liven up a bit...I can think of 3 immediately that are a cure for insomnia.
Either liven up or replace them with babes that will put some effort into making the show interesting.
Given current restrictions, Elite should be coming up with ideas to keep the shows fresh, but if they are happy to leave things as they currently stand they will lose viewers/callers.
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - Wazo - 03-05-2011 19:48
(03-05-2011 19:29 )tapit54 Wrote: They probably have enough girls but what they do need IMO, is encourage some of their current girls to liven up a bit...I can think of 3 immediately that are a cure for insomnia.
Either liven up or replace them with babes that will put some effort into making the show interesting.
Given current restrictions, Elite should be coming up with ideas to keep the shows fresh, but if they are happy to leave things as they currently stand they will lose viewers/callers.
I see nothing wrong with the current Elite roster i think you have the right mix of Girls/Style of performance not everyone is going to like the same sorta show i couldn't sit watching Lori's type of shows as i dont find that interesting but get its some peoples taste were all different i think by now we all know what the elite girls styles are like you dont have to like all of them but with the Mix that elite have there will mostly be someone for every taste on the show most nights.
An Jamie has said in a post in the past the way they are currently set up seems to be the way thats bringing in Elite the most Money compared to ways that they have tried in the past so why change that.
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - quiquems - 04-05-2011 01:43
* Rachel naked.
* Paige naked.
* Charlie naked.
mrmann happy.
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - Charlemagne - 04-05-2011 07:43
Elite you really need a few exciting new sets.....
Your babes are taking a bit of stick about a lack of performance but they are being stuck on the same sets every night.
Bring back a water set, (bath, shower or hot tub).
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - brinsford - 04-05-2011 09:43
An Jamie has said in a post in the past the way they are currently set up seems to be the way thats bringing in Elite the most Money compared to ways that they have tried in the past so why change that.
2 girls to 4 channels makes the phone stacking longer hence more money
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - sweetsugar007 - 04-05-2011 10:16
(04-05-2011 09:43 )brinsford Wrote: An Jamie has said in a post in the past the way they are currently set up seems to be the way thats bringing in Elite the most Money compared to ways that they have tried in the past so why change that.
2 girls to 4 channels makes the phone stacking longer hence more money
Good point. I Did not think about that!!
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - broncobilly10 - 04-05-2011 10:17
Its a good team small and effective I think the odd daytime babe doing nights keeps it fresh too
RE: Elite TV - General Chat & Discussion - winsaw - 04-05-2011 10:35
(03-05-2011 19:29 )tapit54 Wrote: is encourage some of their current girls to liven up a bit...I can think of 3 immediately that are a cure for insomnia.
Either liven up or replace them with babes that will put some effort into making the show interesting.
i agree with you that they need livening up, but it is the lack of competition that has lead to this, Ash probable does good mins with out having to work hard but say for example elite got Lucy summers & Jemma Jay in and Ash was on the same night, i think she would be waving her phone a lot and she would have to up her game,
at the moment all the girls get 3 or more shifts a week every week, this has lead to complacency and the lack of effort we see at the moment,