RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - mikedafc - 03-01-2012 01:58
could someone explain the difference between Naked B/Station and BS Xtreme, as they advertise it like it is two different things whereas I thought Naked B/Station was part of what you pay for if you are going to watch BS Xtreme
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - bytor - 03-01-2012 22:24
For fucks sake someone take the mic off megan and give her a phone. She never shuts up. Annoying on the mic but just what you need on the phone!
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Snooks - 03-01-2012 23:11
I see the 3 on a bed and lets cram them in like sardines in a tin treatment returned for a while too although its down to two now . All this 3 on a bed stuff just does my head in. Its so ridiculous I can't help but laugh sometimes. With the one at the back I feel like getting the binoculars out - doh
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - DannyB - 03-01-2012 23:13
Well done Babestation.
Now you've (finally) managed to get more than the one channel streaming online, I no longer need be frustrated when told my favourite girls are on the other side! 
Well done!
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - The Silent Majority - 04-01-2012 15:30
Thought it was a really good show last night. Lots of good solo sections from all the girls and only one short annoying 3-in-a-bed that I saw.
They even gave Paige the oil bottle for a change 
This is the type of show that entices you to make a call even when you weren't planning to (Babestation take note )
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - dogman - 04-01-2012 16:45
I know it is the time of year where there is a lot of channel swapping between the girls,Lori came from Elite,which was a good signing,but why did B/S allow Rosie Lee to go the other way,alright she only done daytime shows on B/S,but she used to be on nights.And now she has gone to Elite to start nights again,a big mistake on B/S part I think,or is it that every new girl now has to be willing to do extreme,Rosie would have been great on B/S nights,a big gain for Elite,a big clanger from B/S in my opinion.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - SYBORG666 - 04-01-2012 17:28
Last night would of been a great show but as usual Megan ruins it by constantly interupting the girls. Like Bytor I wish BS would stop putting Megan on mic duties and put her on the phones because then we wouldn't have to constantly hear her banging on forever about the same thing over and over again due to the fact that she is constantly repeating herself, which means what should only take a minute or two with any other girl takes Megan fucking forever. Megan say it once and then fuck off for half an hour or even better come back when the girls are changing over and let us the viewer/caller enjoy the girls in peace because it's us that give BS the money to pay your fucking wages. Anyway, here's to hoping Megan doesn't ruin another night tonight but i'm not going to hold my breath.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Rammyrascal - 04-01-2012 18:06
agree get ready for meganinteruptionitis
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - loveass - 04-01-2012 20:46
Where is Ella?Missing her hot body and sweet ass.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - aceman65 - 04-01-2012 23:17
Well it's damn nice to see Amanda & Megan putting on a genuine 2-4-1 for a change.   And they even have the oil out.  