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Is it time for a mass attack on OFCOM? - Printable Version

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RE: Is it time for a mass attack on OFCOM? - Tonywauk - 24-04-2011 08:50

(24-04-2011 01:44 )mrmann Wrote:  Anyone else feel like boycotting these channels until they take a stand against Ofcon?

Might be a bit unrealistic to expect callers to stop calling, but something needs to be done. Sport and Red Light are barely showing any nudity because of lame complaints, so I don't see why these channels are still rated 18, if we can't even see a fully nude woman. Until these channels start helping each other out, and start to show more, nothing is going to change. I think from now on, all of the channels need to start showing full frontal nudity at the same time, so that no rival channel can complain about another for doing so. They should agree on a night, and on a time for when they will show more, and they should stick by it.

If only the channel producers had the balls to do this, it might work, but I fear they don't, which is why boycotting these channels might be an alternative in the long run. What else is there to do? You have to be 18 to phone in, yet vaginas are evil and to harmful still? There's only so long of just seeing breasts, before it becomes lame and depressing. We want to see a fully nude woman, not just boobies!

Anyone have any other ideas on how else the babe channels can accomplish this, or how boycotting these channels might work, if at all?

I've already given up watching them as there are a complete waste of time as currently constituted. But will my absence as a viewer or that of thousands of others make an iota of difference to the channels themselves? - no it won't as they rely on the callers to earn their money

RE: Is it time for a mass attack on OFCOM? - Scottishbloke - 24-04-2011 14:36

As the old saying go's if you give somebody enough rope they will hang themselves, at present with the Daily Mail aswell as some leading politicians questioning the integrity of Ofcom and have been referred to as a toothless organisation surely it's only a matter of time before enough pressure is put on this Government to call time on Ofcom, it's positive that there are now more than enough reasons that just to get hard core porn on the screen and to allow for more freedom on the Babe Channels. Here we have Ed Richards a man at the top of the organisation on a whopping £381,713 a year coming out of our pockets the Tax Payer. No it won't be the Babe Channels who will defeat Ofcom it will be the politicians who I think are now coming to terms with just what a waste of money this is costing the economy when such money could be spent elsewhere on the NHS, Education, Unemployment and The Police and Housing. All of which in dire need of an injection of money. Like my father allways say's when you have money the golden rule is never to waste it, only buy what is necessary. So will we see an end to Ofcom, only if the politicians continue to put enough pressure on the Government but it most certainly won't be the porn industry that ends it, that's for sure.

RE: Is it time for a mass attack on OFCOM? - chrislatimer - 24-04-2011 17:08

arent you guys taking this a bit far, reading some of the posts in this thread its almost like some of you think ofcom sit there and think , "how can we screw with the babechannels this week"

Ofcom covers a LOT more ground then just the babechannels, and you cant blame just ofcom for the sucktasticness of the channels currently.

babestation = a crappy selling tool for shoddy products
rlc = is gonna become the leeds united of the babechannel world
tvx = ended with a whimper
paradiso = could get away with risque stuff as their viewership is on par with the wedding channel.
elite = repetitive same stuff all the time

Bottom line is you wont change nothing by boycotting the channels so why cut off your nose to spite your face.

RE: Is it time for a mass attack on OFCOM? - oooxooo - 24-04-2011 18:26

(24-04-2011 14:36 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  As the old saying go's if you give somebody enough rope they will hang themselves, at present with the Daily Mail aswell as some leading politicians questioning the integrity of Ofcom and have been referred to as a toothless organisation surely it's only a matter of time before enough pressure is put on this Government to call time on Ofcom, it's positive that there are now more than enough reasons that just to get hard core porn on the screen and to allow for more freedom on the Babe Channels. Here we have Ed Richards a man at the top of the organisation on a whopping £381,713 a year coming out of our pockets the Tax Payer. No it won't be the Babe Channels who will defeat Ofcom it will be the politicians who I think are now coming to terms with just what a waste of money this is costing the economy when such money could be spent elsewhere on the NHS, Education, Unemployment and The Police and Housing. All of which in dire need of an injection of money. Like my father allways say's when you have money the golden rule is never to waste it, only buy what is necessary. So will we see an end to Ofcom, only if the politicians continue to put enough pressure on the Government but it most certainly won't be the porn industry that ends it, that's for sure.

scottishbloke i agree i have not called a channel for ages and wont untill things change you might think that your boycott wont matter to these creeps but it will and if others done the same it all adds up so how many free watchers would they end up with not giving them our hard earned eh sure as fuck it wont pay their bills for them. one other thought i for one will be on the case of my mp tory twat that he is letting him know my feelings and suggest others do the same to their mps if only for pester value lastly if only the appeasers would stop posting here if they like what their getting fine but comments such as if you want nudeity go watch porn plays only into the hands of the enemy

RE: Is it time for a mass attack on OFCOM? - mrmann - 24-04-2011 22:07

(24-04-2011 17:08 )chrislatimer Wrote:  arent you guys taking this a bit far, reading some of the posts in this thread its almost like some of you think ofcom sit there and think , "how can we screw with the babechannels this week"

Ofcom covers a LOT more ground then just the babechannels, and you cant blame just ofcom for the sucktasticness of the channels currently.

babestation = a crappy selling tool for shoddy products
rlc = is gonna become the leeds united of the babechannel world
tvx = ended with a whimper
paradiso = could get away with risque stuff as their viewership is on par with the wedding channel.
elite = repetitive same stuff all the time

Bottom line is you wont change nothing by boycotting the channels so why cut off your nose to spite your face.

If what you say is true, about Ofcon not being out to get these channels, then why are the women nervous about our revealing comments? One comment was made in the Sport section, and now, for over a week it's been tameville. The women are afraid that Ofcon employees are coming on here, reading our comments and watching the vids, and asking for recordings of shows. They also fear that Ofcon will get the evidence from this forum and make up fake complaints to use against them. So, because of it, we have to tame our comments and be afraid every second we post something. We also are screwed, because rival channels and women will read our positive posts about certain women, and will complain to Ofcon because of jealousy. Something needs to be done. Ofcon is the main problem, or else the channels would be allowed to show a normal body part for once, like the non adult channels can. What's sad is that even if Ofcon aren't currently seeking our a channel or performer, some jealous loser is always going to make a complaint, so we're kind of screwed anyway. Lucy Summers apparently has had someone complain about her, yet she's never broken any rules at all, so now, the producers are not letting her go nude, even though it's allowed. All of this because of Ofcon.

So encryption is obviously out of the question I take it?

RE: Is it time for a mass attack on OFCOM? - Scottishbloke - 24-04-2011 22:35

All we need is some rules that are reasonable, Ofcom rules state that a model is allowed to go naked after 11 O'Clock but one snag in the deal is they are not allowed to show their vagina, well correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a bit confusing as the Vagina is as much a part of the models body as is the tit's. These rules need to be redone, to me no half measures, it's either all or nothing as far as I'm concerned and the babe channels need to go back to Ofcom to have these rules written up again to clarify this, then stick to the rules and only warn or fine the channels if they undergo any of this outwith the permitted hours. Just watching the eurotic tv webstream and they have similar rules in place but the models are allowed to show everything fully from 10PM to 3AM and it works perfectly and they just get on with it and the show goe's on without any hindrance or fear of upsetting the board of censors. All we need is commonsense rules such as theirs and all we need to ask for, it's that simple. Far from ideal but it would be a start.

RE: Is it time for a mass attack on OFCOM? - gazfc - 24-04-2011 22:41

(24-04-2011 22:07 )mrmann Wrote:  If what you say is true, about Ofcon not being out to get these channels, then why are the women nervous about our revealing comments? One comment was made in the Sport section, and now, for over a week it's been tameville. The women are afraid that Ofcon employees are coming on here, reading our comments and watching the vids, and asking for recordings of shows. They also fear that Ofcon will get the evidence from this forum and make up fake complaints to use against them. So, because of it, we have to tame our comments and be afraid every second we post something. We also are screwed, because rival channels and women will read our positive posts about certain women, and will complain to Ofcon because of jealousy. Something needs to be done. Ofcon is the main problem, or else the channels would be allowed to show a normal body part for once, like the non adult channels can. What's sad is that even if Ofcon aren't currently seeking our a channel or performer, some jealous loser is always going to make a complaint, so we're kind of screwed anyway. Lucy Summers apparently has had someone complain about her, yet she's never broken any rules at all, so now, the producers are not letting her go nude, even though it's allowed. All of this because of Ofcon.

So encryption is obviously out of the question I take it?

Shouldnt you be asking the girls why they're doing that, anyone looking in would see that as a kind of guilty conscience thing, like the girls know they're breaking some kind of rules

RE: Is it time for a mass attack on OFCOM? - Scottishbloke - 24-04-2011 22:56

Gazfc could you be more specific, I am not aware of any of the models breaking any of the rules that is currently stated in the Ofcom code, so I think possibly you've come on this forum here just to try to stir up some unnecessary shit, or are you just typing for the sake of it because it's comments such as your's that only add more fuel to the situation which is not needed in the current climate. Think seriously about what's you are saying here because it is not needed and if ask me is a bit below the belt.

RE: Is it time for a mass attack on OFCOM? - gazfc - 24-04-2011 23:15

(24-04-2011 22:56 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  Gazfc could you be more specific, I am not aware of any of the models breaking any of the rules that is currently stated in the Ofcom code, so I think possibly you've come on this forum here just to try to stir up some unnecessary shit, or are you just typing for the sake of it because it's comments such as your's that only add more fuel to the situation which is not needed in the current climate. Think seriously about what's you are saying here because it is not needed and if ask me is a bit below the belt.

i didnt say any of them was, what i was saying was in response that some of girls have changed their shows due to peoples comments, hence why i said that it looks like the girls know they may be breaking some kind of rule.

maybe if you read the post i quoted you would know what i was referring 2 but just for you ive highlight the sentence

RE: Is it time for a mass attack on OFCOM? - Renfrew169 - 24-04-2011 23:17

(24-04-2011 22:56 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  Gazfc could you be more specific, I am not aware of any of the models breaking any of the rules that is currently stated in the Ofcom code, so I think possibly you've come on this forum here just to try to stir up some unnecessary shit, or are you just typing for the sake of it because it's comments such as your's that only add more fuel to the situation which is not needed in the current climate. Think seriously about what's you are saying here because it is not needed and if ask me is a bit below the belt.

Very well said Scottishbloke - I can not think of any concerted breaches of the rules. As has been said, nakedness is allowed after 11. The girls have not shown their vaginas so there ought not to be problem. Speculative comments or references to non existent instances of " breaking the rules" are neither helpful or welcome.