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RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - gavlcfc10 - 09-02-2012 01:16

Overrated and deluded person.

Not picking enough on form players i.e Micah Richards, and sticking up for John Terry, when this racism row will probably cause unrest between the players.

Good riddance, Arry time but would be keen on a surprise...Brendan Rodgers quality manager.

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - Phoenix - 09-02-2012 01:27

My respect for Capello has certainly gone up now, he’s the only one to come out of this with any dignity. Overall I think he actually did a good job (compare his reign with the previous) and we should be happy a manager of his magnitude (just look at the guy’s CV!) managed our national team, instead of getting all snooty ‘cos he isn’t English. Yes, SA 2010 was a disaster, but he admitted he made mistakes which he would've learned from and I think we could’ve had a decent Euros under him (We’re not good enough to win it but that doesn’t necessarily mean it couldn’t of a good/beneficial tourney). He was certainly heading in the right direction with his introduction of Jones, Welbeck, Wilshere etc.

The only thing that irked me during his reign was his apparent inability to speak fluent English after 4 years, which probably played a big part in his unpopularity with the fans.

But anyway just give the job to ‘Arry because anyone else will have an immediate disadvantage with the media. If Redknapp doesn’t get it however personally I’d like to see Ian Holloway get the job (great motivator, popular amongst media, promotes good football, young, passionate). Why the hell not!?

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - 7 stars of the orient - 09-02-2012 01:44

(09-02-2012 01:27 )Phoenix Wrote:  My respect for Capello has certainly gone up now, he’s the only one to come out of this with any dignity. Overall I think he actually did a good job (compare his reign with the previous) and we should be happy a manager of his magnitude (just look at the guy’s CV!) managed our national team, instead of getting all snooty ‘cos he isn’t English. Yes, SA 2010 was a disaster, but he admitted he made mistakes which he would've learned from and I think we could’ve had a decent Euros under him

I agree with this. I think 2010 was Capello's first international tournament and he would have learnt a lot from it. I honestly think he was ready for the Euros and was much better prepared this time and England would have had a good tournament. Apart from the 2010 finals when everything went wrong Capello's had a very successful 4 years in charge.

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - southsidestu - 09-02-2012 02:15

I know the World Cup was a disaster but i think he was really turning things around he was playing the youngsters giving them their first caps, trying out the 4-3-3 formations. I think the response of the players on twitter speaks volume they are shocked and gutted.

I think the biggest problem is the FA, for one of the worlds best leagues they are the world's most incompotent governing body, they make FIFA look good. They spent most of their time having affairs with their secretaries, the HQ is in fucking Soho. I still remember when they hired Scolari came out saying we got their man, then when he bailed and they
panicked signed McLaren they came out shouting he was our number one choice.

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - sweetsugar007 - 09-02-2012 02:18

Absolute bollocks! We dont hire 60 something year old foreign managers on 6mill a year to run an absolute disaster as he did in SA show an inability to communicate effectively with his squad, effectively mastermind the PR disaster which is JT then force the FA to act cause of his devision.

His qualifying campaigns were successful I admit but the groups we were in we should of qualified. For 6m a year we should be hitting semi finals.

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - southsidestu - 09-02-2012 02:57

I think your communication thing is off the mark look at the way football is its completely multicultural look at the premier league the squads spanish, portugeses, dutch, french, russian etc they all communicate with each other from the get go and your not telling me they all speak perfect english to each other. I have heard certain pundits say that football is its own language that those who work in the game understand each other regardless of the language barrier.

Once again i remind you of the players reaction take the word of those who are on the inside who work with him they have nothing but praise for him, when players come out and talk about problems then there is validation in your view but right now the communication barrier theory is unfounded

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - HannahsPet - 09-02-2012 07:15

Can someone please tell me why harry redknapp is favorite whats he won in the game apart from the FA cup with portsmouth. reckon his wins record against top 4 sides with the managers of the calibre he will come up against in latter stages of tournaments isnt that good

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - shan_123 - 09-02-2012 07:33

Give the job to hiddink atleast for the euro's, his a free agent and his got a proven record.

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - georgesovereign - 09-02-2012 10:17

Capello speaks the language well enough. He had no problems telling the FA what he thought about them taking the captaincy away from John Terry and he didn't need an interpreter to do it either. I agree about Hiddink as he is very experienced in international football and has a great record, you'd think he'd be the obvious choice for the Euros and he's said he'd be interested.

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - Charlemagne - 09-02-2012 10:20

(09-02-2012 02:18 )sweetsugar007 Wrote:  His qualifying campaigns were successful I admit but the groups we were in we should of qualified. For 6m a year we should be hitting semi finals.

He's not the one putting on the football boots...
Yes he made some tactial decisions but it was the likes of Rooney who were really to blame.

Capello has on paper (67% win rate), been the best manager that England has ever had. He was left in an impossible position by the FA heirachy.

So it's a must that we get rid of Bernstein.