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RE: Hello Boys! - Leila - 23-03-2009 12:57

Come on now you pair - let's agree that you both love me equally, and I love you both equally! Big Grin

I hope you all watched me on Saturday? What did you think of my little yellow dress? I wasn't sure whether it was a bit bright or whether it looked good with my dark hair - what did you think?

Oooo and while I think about it - as lots of you know, I enter beauty pageants and I have one coming up this weekend - Miss Galaxy UK - I am Miss Bournemouth Galaxy and if I win the competition get to represent England over in Florida for the Miss Galaxy final in July! Very exciting stuff! Big Grin

I also am in the final of Miss Ceredigion, which is a regional heat to Miss Wales 2009 as my family are from Wales! So I need to ask you all a big big big BIG favour - PLEASE can you vote for me in this competition! It's super duper easy, and all you have to do is text Lucinda Cox to 84205 or call 09016 561576 and enter 02 which is my two digit number.

I am super duper excited about this, and will be eternally grateful if you can support me in my quest to become a beauty queen! Woooo!

Big kisses - thank you xoxox

RE: Hello Boys! - rickhardo - 23-03-2009 13:00

Leila you looked fantastic in both your outfits on Saturday, they showed off those perfect pins beautifully. Best of luck with your pageants, how can you lose? xx

RE: Hello Boys! - BriWizzle - 23-03-2009 15:01

Of course I seen you on Saturday, loved both your outfits. I did actually recorded a video but I was having a bad day so I didn't actually put it onto my computer because somehow it wasn't there. :o Oh well, another time.

Leila, how much is it to text? I will vote for you!

RE: Hello Boys! - Colbert Rules - 23-03-2009 16:41

The yellow dress was a star and it perfectly showed off your assets to the max! I remember watching my sister in a beauty contest back in the early 90's and I really feared for her. At the time she was quite overweight and I thought to myself 'Jesus, she's going to come last here'. Anyway, she used her personality & intelligence to win over the judges and managed to finish 3rd. Good luck with the competition at the weekend.

RE: Hello Boys! - Leila - 26-03-2009 19:59

Chipdude - dare I say it - is officially my biggest fan - check out his avatar! Big Grin Wowza!

We had a little work get-together on Tuesday and I got talking to the very lovely Amber....we found out that we're both from the same town! And we know the same people! I guess the water where we lived was full of sexiness! Wink And isn't Amber just lovely? I think I'm going to stay at hers before my Tuesday show Smile


RE: Hello Boys! - BriWizzle - 26-03-2009 20:04

Yay, thanks Leila Smile

I missed you, glad your back posting again. Smile I sent you a PM. Oh, you and Amber eh? Big Grin

From, your Number 1 fan, Chipdude.

RE: Hello Boys! - Colbert Rules - 27-03-2009 02:03

Chip is your biggest fan because his avatar is of you? I'm quite willing to get a Leila tattoo if that's what it takes. I haven't eaten in days because I've spent all my money on texting for you to win the comp. Well, Leila if you only knew how much I love you. Guess, I'd better stop voting then and not upload my wicked video I have made...nevermind! Anyway, are you in this years Miss England competition because I'm looking at the 24 shortlist representing Leeds in my paper and they aren't very good to be honest. CHIP...does anyone have medication for depression.

RE: Hello Boys! - Leila - 27-03-2009 09:33

Colbert Rules Wrote:Chip is your biggest fan because his avatar is of you? I'm quite willing to get a Leila tattoo if that's what it takes. I haven't eaten in days because I've spent all my money on texting for you to win the comp. Well, Leila if you only knew how much I love you. Guess, I'd better stop voting then and not upload my wicked video I have made...nevermind! Anyway, are you in this years Miss England competition because I'm looking at the 24 shortlist representing Leeds in my paper and they aren't very good to be honest. CHIP...does anyone have medication for depression.

Oh Mr Colbert! That is a very good reason not to eat tho, right? Wink I'm not in this years Miss England as I have been too busy with my uni work Sad I might see if I can squeeze in as Miss Bournemouth or Miss Stafford (where I am originally from!) although I think it may be too late!

Errrrrm - wicked video?! Yes please! I'd like to see this Mister!

And Chipdude, Me and Amber?! Get those naughty thoughts out of your head....I've got to ask her first Wink


RE: Hello Boys! - Dreamlander - 27-03-2009 09:43

Amber and Leila? That's got PP 3am written all over it! Big Grin !


RE: Hello Boys! - skateguy - 27-03-2009 12:04

chipdude or colbert? .....

[Image: harryhill_fight-ce3558858f.jpg]