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RE: Rolf Harris Charged On Multiple Child Sex Offences...."Shocker" - elgar1uk - 01-07-2014 13:49

(01-07-2014 01:58 )tony confederate Wrote:  there is an ongoing enquiry into Jimmy Savile's time at the BBC, so if anyone witnessed anything untoward this is their chance to say something, along with an explanation of why they didn't say anything at the time. Maybe a more interesting question is whether BBC executives SHOULD have known what was going on. If they were aware of rumours, maybe they should have looked into Savile's activities more than they did?

When the report is published I expect it to criticise BBC executives for not doing more to investigate Savile. They will be accused of knowing Savile had a certain reputation and turning a blind eye to the rumours.

RE: Rolf Harris Charged On Multiple Child Sex Offences...."Shocker" - lancealot790 - 01-07-2014 14:02

Jimmy Saville, Stuart Hall and Rolf Harris all worked at the BBC, all have been found guilty or accused of multiple sex offences over a period of 50 years and nobody at the corporation knew enough to speak out about it, and people believe that!

No wonder victims don,t want to come forward.

RE: Rolf Harris Charged On Multiple Child Sex Offences...."Shocker" - tony confederate - 01-07-2014 14:19

(01-07-2014 14:02 )lancealot790 Wrote:  Jimmy Saville, Stuart Hall and Rolf Harris all worked at the BBC, all have been found guilty or accused of multiple sex offences over a period of 50 years and nobody at the corporation knew enough to speak out about it, and people believe that!

As already posted, there's currently an enquiry in progress to find out if more could have been done by the BBC, in Savile's case anyway.

RE: Rolf Harris Charged On Multiple Child Sex Offences...."Shocker" - HannahsPet - 01-07-2014 15:12

Well as the BBC employs thousands of employees its the 9th Largest employer in the country after the NHS, govrment depts and the armed forces

so thats 3 cases in 50 odd years in a staff of 23,000+

at that rate Parliment is worse for this sort of thing with Cyril smith and maybe could class lord renard in that bracket although its all allegations with him

but 1 case in 600+ mps would equate to a lot more when put

and how many teachers are done in a year for similar offences not to mention Doctors and Nurses also struck off for offences

BBC get it in the stick because of the anti bbc agenda. of certain papers and stations

Dont get me wrong if BBC staff did cover up these offences then they should go to Jail same as in all walks of Public Life

RE: Rolf Harris Charged On Multiple Child Sex Offences...."Shocker" - HannahsPet - 01-07-2014 20:31

Wow interesting on the Local evening news in the northwest seems that the current Rochdale MP is asking for the then home secatary Leon Brittain what he knew about an alledged pedophile ring in westminister

also from a letter from Cyril smith to the BBC to stop investigating the private lives of Several MP's

RE: Rolf Harris Charged On Multiple Child Sex Offences...."Shocker" - lancealot790 - 01-07-2014 22:32

This is not just about what has happened at the BBC, my comments are aimed at the higher levels of society as a whole, politicians, celebrities, judges, solicitors, councillors, law enforcement and the wealthy. People who use their influence and money to cover up scandals and illegal activities. Do people really think that Saville, Smith, Hall, Harris and Clifford are the only ones involved in all this? Just because a few well known people have been exposed it does not mean that everything is hunky dory. This lot are just the tip of the iceberg.

RE: Rolf Harris Charged On Multiple Child Sex Offences...."Shocker" - trevor format - 02-07-2014 00:24

(01-07-2014 22:32 )lancealot790 Wrote:  People who use their influence and money to cover up scandals and illegal activities.

If it's that easy then why didn't the people you name use their influence and money to escape justice?

RE: Rolf Harris Charged On Multiple Child Sex Offences...."Shocker" - The Silent Majority - 02-07-2014 07:18

(01-07-2014 15:12 )HannahsPet Wrote:  Well as the BBC employs thousands of employees its the 9th Largest employer in the country after the NHS, govrment depts and the armed forces

so thats 3 cases in 50 odd years in a staff of 23,000+

at that rate Parliment is worse for this sort of thing with Cyril smith and maybe could class lord renard in that bracket although its all allegations with him

but 1 case in 600+ mps would equate to a lot more when put

and how many teachers are done in a year for similar offences not to mention Doctors and Nurses also struck off for offences

BBC get it in the stick because of the anti bbc agenda. of certain papers and stations

Dont get me wrong if BBC staff did cover up these offences then they should go to Jail same as in all walks of Public Life

Yes, but it's 3 abusers (that we know of) at the BBC, not 3 cases of abuse. If you're going to start with statistics it should be based on the number of victims.
The scale of the abuse they achieved was a direct result of their celebrity status at the BBC and the level of access to vulnerable people it gave them.

RE: Rolf Harris Charged On Multiple Child Sex Offences...."Shocker" - HannahsPet - 02-07-2014 07:44

you will find that most cases of abuse were carried out away from the BBC

what i was trying to say is the BBC is no more liable than the Dept of Health or Education or even the palace of westminister for the conduct of its staff

its quite right and proper all said institutions do a proper enquiry and if there are flaws in there safeguarding systems fix them so it is very unlikely it will never happen again cant say abuse will never happen again because highly unlikely that will ever be the case

least with Rolf society and the victims got some sort of justice that they never got with saville

RE: Rolf Harris Charged On Multiple Child Sex Offences...."Shocker" - lancealot790 - 02-07-2014 10:51

(02-07-2014 00:24 )trevor format Wrote:  
(01-07-2014 22:32 )lancealot790 Wrote:  People who use their influence and money to cover up scandals and illegal activities.

If it's that easy then why didn't the people you name use their influence and money to escape justice?

In the Saville case it was due to the number of victims who came forward, when he was exposed the other lot were then reported, and obviously it is that easy to hide things as the abuse had been going on for decades.