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RE: Paris attacks - wackawoo - 17-11-2015 03:14

Quote:Impossible style super terrorists and not mass murdering religious zealots.

This has nothing to do with religion. ISIS was created by the west by going into their country and slaughtering their people by the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS; all to protect oil interest. For those disagreeing, there was no massive American military intervention in Rowanda or Yougoslavia in the 90's were millions died.

It's not exactly rocket science to see how the youth of those middle eastern countries became radicalised.

Pre 1978 middle east countires were no threat to the west.

Womans rights and fighting extremists is nothing but propaganda and excuse.

RE: Paris attacks - lovebabes56 - 17-11-2015 08:37

but when you look back to the 79's & 80's the PLO were at their height in the Middle East right?
Surely what they were doing was on the same level as ISIS and Al-Qaeda

terrorism is nothing new

and we had to endure the IRA

RE: Paris attacks - setter1000 - 17-11-2015 10:16


Charlie Hebdo murder had nothing to do with Western policy's

What about them issuing a fatwah On Salmian Rushdie?
Even than they showed no respect for our laws or customs.
Even Cat Stevens said he broke an oath and must pay with his life.
They have always taken their religion more serious than the laws and custom of their country. The fact that they have Been brain washed into thinking that if they die in a holy cause they will live in eternity being waited on by 100 vestal virgins makes them incredibly dangerous.

Quite a few of Isis fighters are from western countries but brought up on eastern/muslim ideology.

RE: Paris attacks - space watson - 17-11-2015 12:54

(17-11-2015 03:14 )wackawoo Wrote:  ISIS was created by the west by going into their country and slaughtering their people by the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS

That doesn't explain why they kill so many Muslims. ISIS said in one of their videos they target Shiias first, then Yazidis and then Kurds.

RE: Paris attacks - tony confederate - 17-11-2015 15:43

(17-11-2015 03:14 )wackawoo Wrote:  This has nothing to do with religion.

You're right (technically), as most of the people killed by ISIS have not been killed for religious reasons, but for sectarian reasons.

As Sunni Muslims the main aim of ISIS is to eliminate Shia Muslims, so it's not their victims' religion they object to but their sect.

RE: Paris attacks - BigOmar1980 - 18-11-2015 01:31

Quote:Be nice if Muslims will go on tv slamming the culprits as a blight on humanity not just Islam and apologising on behalf of all Muslims. Will that happen? Doubt it.

maybe you are watching the wrong channel

I have seen Muslims left and right on TV, social media and in person condemning the attacks in Paris

RE: Paris attacks - lovebabes56 - 18-11-2015 06:36

**********BREAKING NEWS""""""""""""""""""""""""
more shootings in Paris in Sainrt Denis area north of Paris

several police officers wounded in operation to find suspects

Explosions heard in suburb of police raid

I don't think either Blair & Bush what big fucking can of worms they opened when they went to war in Iraq all those years ago

RE: Paris attacks - space watson - 18-11-2015 12:37

(18-11-2015 06:36 )babelover48 Wrote:  **********BREAKING NEWS""""""""""""""""""""""""
more shootings in Paris in Sainrt Denis area north of Paris

The police raided a flat where suspects were holed up. That's basically the story. We already knew that armed police were carrying out a manhunt for suspects, so today's news isn't that dramatic. Reports say that 2 suspects are dead and others have been arrested.

RE: Paris attacks - bigfatpiggyporker - 18-11-2015 23:10

For balance, a slighty humourous screen cap being shared around twitter at the mo.

[Image: CUDDGdzW4AEc-sK.png]

and a slighty more serious one, not a fan of the twitter account it came from but hey I like the sentiment.

[Image: CUFrkNkWcAA8vfB.jpg]

RE: Paris attacks - space watson - 18-11-2015 23:31

It looks like those suspects the French police rounded up this morning were just about to carry out a second attack on Paris.