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Memories of Childhood - Printable Version

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RE: Memories of Childhood - GMach1 - 22-04-2019 01:41

School Journeys-anyone go on those? I went on one in my primary school back in Jubilee year of 1977. We went to Swanage, Dorset and whilst it was a sort of holiday we also had actvities to do and some work assignments. We went to Portland Naval Dockyard where we had a VIP guided tour of a Royal Navy ship, Poole Pottery famous for its ceramics and some historic visits including Winchester Cathedral. All the boys shared a dormitory and separated from the girls but we could go and see them.We could also call our teachers by their first names which was odd but fun. It was memorable for me because a) someone played a prank on me by squeezing toothpaste into my fold-up rucksack which took months to clean up and get rid of the minty smell AND b) someone threw my teddy bear out the window; luckily it was found by a dinner lady but I was furious - never did find out who didit but I had my suspicions. One scary moment. One of my friends shoved backwards into the swimming pool and I floundered about for a bit trying to stand up. I had had a bad experience as a youngster and had nearly drowned. Had it not been for a lovely Italian lady who dived into the pool on holiday and saved me I would have died.

I remember us singing silly songs on the coach-does anyone remember The Quartermaster's Song it went : There was Fred(add the name of the kid first) Fred, eating crisps in bed in the store, in the store - repeat- adding at the end "in the Quarter master's store" and then the chorus "My eyes are dim I cannot see, I have not bought my specs with me, I have not bought my specs with me" Ring any bells?
When I got back it was close to my birthday in May but I ended up in bed with a cold!

RE: Memories of Childhood - milfspotter - 24-04-2019 08:25

My dad used to sing a slightly different version of the song:
"There was rats, rats, big as bleeding cats, in the stores, in the stores ..."

RE: Memories of Childhood - GMach1 - 24-04-2019 12:49

Interesting I've not heard of that version before. I wonder what the origin of both is - perhaps,it is an army song because the Quartermaster usually gave out clothes and tools to new recruits.

RE: Memories of Childhood - GMach1 - 24-04-2019 17:39

Does anyone remember those write-on-wipe-off quiz games you used to get at service stations. Usually it was for spotting road signs or the like and you got this coated playboard thing and you used a pencil to cross off any that you had on your list. After you'd finished you could wipe them clean and start again.

RE: Memories of Childhood - lovebabes56 - 24-04-2019 18:47

What was your favourite ice cream from the Ice Cream Van if it came down your road? I often had a 99p flake or a screwball that had that bubble gum ball at the bottom. i used to have one that had lemonade in it!!

RE: Memories of Childhood - GMach1 - 24-04-2019 19:02

Hmm let's see. Well ice cream wise I would say the old 99 flake as well, with strawberry sauce-oh yesssss! I remember Orangeade and Lemonade Sparkles, FAB's and Calyppo(the giant ice pop-type) I vaguely remember the Screwball but I never could blow bubbles with the gum even with that other stuff Bubblicious. Not had an ice-cream from a van for years.

RE: Memories of Childhood - milfspotter - 25-04-2019 08:29

It has to be the 99 with the flake. Still love them now.

RE: Memories of Childhood - lovebabes56 - 25-04-2019 10:03

I do remember we still had thev ice cream van coming round in NOVEMBER!!

RE: Memories of Childhood - GMach1 - 25-04-2019 11:41

We had one ice cream van in March really taking the mickey playing jingle bells! We do have two different vans and somehow they don't meet.

RE: Memories of Childhood - lovebabes56 - 25-04-2019 19:35

I think one of ours played a version of "Greensleeves" and was pink!! we had two as well one would turn up at least a hour after the first one!!

Right first football album sticker book bought & completed growing up. I bought so many back then even during the world cups, but I don't recall ever completing one. But sticker packets were like I think 20 - 30p I'm sure back then so a weeks' pocket money got you a fair few packets back then compared to today.