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RE: US Election & Presidency - Tumble_Drier - 15-09-2020 22:08

America sneezes and the world catches a cold.....

It's got fuck all to do with culture and everything to do with the huge Stock Market crash that would follow any "epic meltdown" in the USA.

It would make 2008 look like a picnic and Joe Public couldn't do anything about it.

But hey, it'll be fun to watch on TV. For a while.

RE: US Election & Presidency - SecretAgent - 15-09-2020 22:12

After accusing Biden of being on drugs last in an interview Last week he’s retweeted a twitter post today which claims Biden is a paedophile. Their is no limit to how low he will go.

RE: US Election & Presidency - Tumble_Drier - 15-09-2020 22:15

^Remind me who it was who was caught leering at a Teenage girl on an escalator and commenting that he would be dating her in a few years?

The name escapes me right now... Wink

RE: US Election & Presidency - Slabhead - 15-09-2020 22:19

(15-09-2020 22:08 )Tumble_Drier Wrote:  America sneezes and the world catches a cold.....

It's got fuck all to do with culture and everything to do with the huge Stock Market crash that would follow any "epic meltdown" in the USA.

It would make 2008 look like a picnic and Joe Public couldn't do anything about it.

But hey, it'll be fun to watch on TV. For a while.

Trump's been in power for 4 years, I think America and the world is still standing. Its coronoavirus that has crippled much of the global economy, caused by a virus that came from China. I see all the seething towards Trump but nothing towards China lying yo the world about the true nature of covid, embarrassing really lol.

Befotrr covid, the American economy was doing far better than under Trump's recent handful of predecessors. He took China to task over the trade war and it was the Chinese who were losing big time in that war.

The SJW's reaction to Trump winning anything is always epic to watch, but even they can't cripple the economy, try as they might. They make for good television.

RE: US Election & Presidency - The Silent Majority - 15-09-2020 23:21

(15-09-2020 22:19 )Slabhead Wrote:  He took China to task over the trade war and it was the Chinese who were losing big time in that war.

Let's see some statistics to back that up.

RE: US Election & Presidency - Slabhead - 16-09-2020 04:30

Worst quarterly performance in 26 years for China, under The Donald's watch:

Before the coronavirus emerged from the Communist Party run China, Trump's economy was growing at a 2.4% annual rate, pretty damn good for an already highly advanced economy.

RE: US Election & Presidency - The Silent Majority - 16-09-2020 07:10

Quote:A study published in fall 2019 in the Journal of Economic Perspectives found that by December 2018, Trump's tariffs resulted in a reduction in aggregate U.S. real income of $1.4 billion per month in deadweight losses, and cost U.S. consumers an additional $3.2 billion per month in added tax. The study's authors noted that these were conservative measures of the losses from the tariffs, because they did not take account of the tariffs' effects in reducing the variety of products available to consumers, or the tariff-related costs attributable to policy uncertainty or the fixed costs incurred by companies to reorganize their global supply chains. A study by Federal Reserve Board economists found that the tariffs reduced employment in the American manufacturing sector.

An April 2019 working paper by economists found that the tariffs on washing machines caused the prices of washers to increase by approximately twelve percent in the United States. A 2019 paper by Federal Reserve Board economists found that the steel tariffs led to 0.6% fewer jobs in the manufacturing sector than would have happened in the absence of the tariffs; this amounted to approximately 75,000 jobs.

In May 2019, analyses from varying organizations were released. A May 2019 Goldman Sachs analysis found that the consumer price index (CPI) for tariffed goods had increased dramatically, compared to a declining CPI for all other core goods. A CNBC analysis that month found that Trump had "enacted tariffs equivalent to one of the largest tax increases in decades," while Tax Foundation and Tax Policy Center analyses found the tariffs could offset the benefits of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 for many households. The Tax Foundation found that if all existing and proposed tariffs were fully implemented, the benefits of the Trump tax cut would be completely eliminated for all taxpayers through the 90th percentile in earnings. Another May 2019 analysis conducted by the National Taxpayers Union warned that the existing and proposed additional tariffs, if fully implemented, would constitute the largest tax increase of the post-war era. According to an analysis by Peterson Institute for International Economics economists, American businesses and consumers paid more than $900,000 a year for each job that was created or saved as a result of the Trump administration's tariffs on steel and aluminum. The cost for each job saved as a result of the administration's tariffs on washing machines was $815,000.

Analysis conducted by Deutsche Bank estimated that Trump's trade actions had resulted in foregone American stock market capitalization of $5 trillion through May 2019.

Trump announced on August 1, 2019, that he would impose a 10% tariff on $300 billion of Chinese imports beginning September 1; four days later the Chinese Commerce Ministry announced that China was halting imports of all American agricultural goods. American Farm Bureau Federation data showed that agriculture exports to China fell from $19.5 billion in 2017 to $9.1 billion in 2018, a 53% decline. The figure was $21.4 billion in 2016.

A September 2019 Federal Reserve study found that tariffs Trump imposed through mid-2019, combined with the policy uncertainty they created, would reduce the 2020 real GDP growth rate by one percentage point.

A study by four economists published in October 2019 by the Quarterly Journal of Economics estimated that U.S. consumers and firms who buy imports lost $51 billion (0.27% of GDP) as a result of the 2018 tariffs. After accounting for increases in government tariff revenue and gains to U.S. producers, the study authors estimated the aggregate U.S. real income loss to be $7.2 billion (0.04% of GDP). The study found that "retaliatory tariffs resulted in a 9.9% decline in U.S. exports within products." The study also found that workers in heavily Republican counties suffered the most from the trade war, because retaliatory tariffs focused on agricultural products.

Between the time Trump took office in 2017 through March 2019, the U.S.'s trade deficit grew by $119 billion, reaching $621 billion, the highest it had been since 2008. As of January 2020, the Trump administration had imposed tariffs on 16.8% of all goods imported into the U.S. (measured as a share of the value of all U.S. imports in 2017). The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) published its estimate of the U.S. economic impact from Trump's trade policies:

In CBO's estimation, the trade barriers put in place by the United States and its trading partners between January 2018 and January 2020 would reduce real GDP over the projection period. The effects of those barriers on trade flows, prices, and output are projected to peak during the first half of 2020 and then begin to subside. Tariffs are expected to reduce the level of real GDP by roughly 0.5 percent and raise consumer prices by 0.5 percent in 2020. As a result, tariffs are also projected to reduce average real household income by $1,277 (in 2019 dollars) in 2020. CBO expects the effect of trade barriers on output and prices to diminish over time as businesses continue to adjust their supply chains in response to the changes in the international trading environment.

RE: US Election & Presidency - lovebabes56 - 16-09-2020 08:48

Nobody could forecast how much of an impact the virus had on the global economy (and will do for some time to come) we probably won't know true cost of it for many years.

Trump now says he 'up played' the virus despite recordings of him saying he was playing it down.

Another one for the Trump lie list...

RE: US Election & Presidency - Slabhead - 16-09-2020 09:26

@ TheSilent Majority, now compare the losses to China. The Chinese have economically lost far more than the US. Now they're also getting humiliated over Huawei and Hong Kong. Trump is seen as the one hope amongst Hong Kongers.

In Britain we had pathetic David Cameron begging like a dog to Chinese authoritarians, Trump is actually standing up to them. Credit where it's due. Leftists infected by Trump Derangement Synsrome won't give him credit naturally lol.

RE: US Election & Presidency - SecretAgent - 16-09-2020 10:43

Trump yesterday declared that Covid would go away with or without a Vaccine (he ignored the interviewer saying with many more deaths) and then declared that “herd mentality” was developing. Yes folks it’s not herd immunity anymore it’s “herd mentality”. Must be something to do with wishing it would go away or possibly an admission that his followers are mental Bounce