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General Election called for June 8th - Printable Version

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RE: General Election called for June 8th - munch1917 - 09-06-2017 15:30

May speaking with the DUP to bodge thrash out a deal. I guess the DUP could still tell her to fuck off, that'd be interesting Smile

Word is that the tories are backing off on May to let her get the government in and sorted, but they will then pounce, possibly as early as the summer recess, which typically starts towards the end of July, so her days may be well and truly numbered.

RE: General Election called for June 8th - HEX!T - 09-06-2017 15:32

a coalition with the DUP? who's the terrorist sympathiser now?...
you cant make this shit up and her hypocrisy seems to have no bounds.

RE: General Election called for June 8th - Censorship :-( - 09-06-2017 15:35

(09-06-2017 15:30 )munch1917 Wrote:  May speaking with the DUP to bodge thrash out a deal. I guess the DUP could still tell her to fuck off, that'd be interesting Smile


Didn't the DUP say, before the election, that they would be willing to work with the Tories?

RE: General Election called for June 8th - lovebabes56 - 09-06-2017 15:46

I wonder how long the DUP's shopping list is?

RE: General Election called for June 8th - SOCATOA - 09-06-2017 15:47

CONservatives dont fuck about when their leader is weak, it won't be long.

Is there a spot going on CougarsTongueTonguelaughlaugh

RE: General Election called for June 8th - Censorship :-( - 09-06-2017 15:47

I wonder why no one has suggested the obvious solution - a coalition between the Tories and Labour? Huh Rolleyes Bounce

Well, if you can't laugh, you'd cry... Sad Wink

RE: General Election called for June 8th - munch1917 - 09-06-2017 15:52

If Thezza is only just banging out details of the deal with the unionists, I wonder how her convo with Queenie went :

" Wot's that treacle, you wanna form a government, yeah no probs, just come back when you got a few mates to play wiv and we'll chat abat it. Now fuck off it's time for a fag and I'm missing Bargain 'unt"


RE: General Election called for June 8th - lovebabes56 - 09-06-2017 15:56

(09-06-2017 15:47 )Censorship :-( Wrote:  I wonder why no one has suggested the obvious solution - a coalition between the Tories and Labour? Huh Rolleyes Bounce

Well, if you can't laugh, you'd cry... Sad Wink

I don't think there ever has been one

RE: General Election called for June 8th - lovebabes56 - 09-06-2017 15:58

How long does anyone think this coalition will last?

RE: General Election called for June 8th - Snooks - 09-06-2017 16:01

My faith in politicians and indeed human beings generally is at an all time low. This country has presided over two of the most divisive referendums in living memory. The Scottish Independence referendum and the Brexit one. Both campaigns in both referendums failed utterly and miserably to come up with what I deemed to be constructive, clear, well reasoned and compelling arguments one way or the other. It was speculative, disingenuous bullsh#t from both sides in both referendums. The contempt I hold politicians in because of the nasty, vitriolic and dubious style of campaigning will linger like a bad smell for many years to come.
My personal feeling is one of anger, disappointment and heartbreak that the major questions being asked of people have been whether to sever ties of whatever and varied nature with folk.
And ultimately I feel all it did and continues to do is stir up wholly unnecessary and distasteful tensions that I have become as unforgiving of as I have become disillusioned with. Not only do I feel it has bred division and isolationism but also an ever increasing sense of selfishness and greed of which I am heartily sick and tired.

Yesterday I trudged off to the polling station, with every step to the point of reaching the polling booth riddled with doubt and questions.
Do I trust any of the parties? No
Do I believe in their proposed methodology to achieve their goals? No
Do I think there is really any hope no matter which prize bunch of sanctimonious, unworthy buffoons get in? Errrr no
Do I believe they really have only the so called 'national interest' at heart? No

I put a cross in a box and trudged back again in even more misery and despair than I made my initial walk Sad.
And for what?
A hung parliament BounceRolleyes. There is an element of poetic justice about that for a million and one reasons bladewavelaugh.
A country divided, seemingly by a generation divide.
We have now reached a rather ludicrous point where Kensington looks as though it might go to Labour and part of Scotland goes Tory Surprised.

What an unholy mess has been created by such monumental political expediency.
I will never........ever forgive the politicians of any side for what the last number of years have brought and my temptation to vote weakens more and more with every passing minute despite any insistence of many that the democratic right of casting my vote is so important.