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Petition - Printable Version

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RE: Petition - Money_Shot - 19-12-2011 01:22

Excellent stuff well said Roq. well done eccles and like you say the others who were nominated. eccles sure had to beat off some stiff competition Wink ....maybe that's how he won gold !! Tonguelaugh

RE: Petition - eccles - 19-12-2011 22:20

Thanks everyone, Im flabbergasted and never expected to win something. Special thanks go to the readers of this thread who must feature heavily among the voters for the award. And commisserations to the runners up, particularly if they voted for me.

Suppose it means Ill have to keep up the standard.

By the way, the petition is up to 462 votes and back on the first page of DCMS petitions (number 20) where it will be seen by more passing traffic.

RE: Petition - fedup1 - 20-12-2011 09:53

(19-12-2011 22:20 )eccles Wrote:  Thanks everyone, Im flabbergasted and never expected to win something. Special thanks go to the readers of this thread who must feature heavily among the voters for the award. And commisserations to the runners up, particularly if they voted for me.

Suppose it means Ill have to keep up the standard.

By the way, the petition is up to 462 votes and back on the first page of DCMS petitions (number 20) where it will be seen by more passing traffic.

Well done and also well done for having the knowledge and strength to get something done..The petition is doing well and i will still continue to get new ideas and talk to folk about signing the petition,,the fight is far from over..With more folk signing and becoming aware of it the more word spreads ...We are still waiting for it to hit somewhere where it will strike a big chord and really take off..There have got to be more people out their pissed off with the whole sexist ofcom i just need to keep finding them and asking them to spread the word..

RE: Petition - eccles - 22-12-2011 03:20

Wow, that was some awards party. Im mostly recovered now. Boy can those girls drink.

RE: Petition - continental19 - 22-12-2011 20:13

(22-12-2011 03:20 )eccles Wrote:  Wow, that was some awards party. Im mostly recovered now. Biy can those girls drink.

Well Done Matey you deserve itSmile

RE: Petition - eccles - 24-12-2011 03:56

470 votes!

RE: Petition - Scottishbloke - 28-12-2011 18:20

First of all a big congratulations to eccles for winning the forum prize, I am gracious in defeat so I won't be sharing my champaigne with anybody now, I'll drink the whole bloody bottle myself, I even had a suit on for the occasion with Lucy Summers accompanying me to the awards ceremony, ah well gotta give it to eccles, the petition was the best achievement of the whole year and for that makes eccles a worthy champion for coming up with the idea, 476 votes now so my prediction for 500 wasn't far off, so a big thanks to all who signed it, will this petition make any good of the current situation, who know's but it won't be for the want of trying.

RE: Petition - eccles - 30-12-2011 03:13

480 votes now. Pretty close to my target of 500 by New Year and 1000 by summer is looking achievable. Stready growth helps credibility and 1000 will be a real landmark. Thanks to everyone for support over the past few months.

RE: Petition - Scottishbloke - 31-12-2011 19:46

Hmm I see modesty isn't part of your vocabulary eccles going by your avator Rolleyes just incase anybody's in any doubt eccles won the best broadcasting poster of the forum awards and will probably be gloating now for the next entire year, however if we get enough votes for this to force Ofcom's hand into cutting the babe channels a bit of slack then I will happily buy eccles a bottle of champaigne and toast his name as the man who saved the babe channels, 484 now, 500 would be a great way to see in the New Year and heap further pressure on the pricks at Ofcunt HQ who will probably choke on their champaigne Cool

RE: Petition - eccles - 01-01-2012 02:15

Thanks for noticing! "Winner" was what it said, Ive stopped gloating now and updated it to "custodes qui custodiet" (The watchers that watch), and Ill freely admit to that being pretentious and self important.

If Ofcom do eventually crack Ill be gloating along with everyone else, but it wont be down to me, its down to everyone who posts here, signs the petition, writes to their MP and gets ignored (seemingly - MPs remember and worry) and all the other ways of chipping away at the retaining wall of biassed prejudice until finally one lasy chip joins up with all the previous ones and the Government realises that adult tv is no more of a threat than top shelf mags, sexwork DVDs in high street shops and cinemas, but arbitrary censorship really is harmful.

[edit] 484 votes at year end.

Heres to 2012.