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RE: 'Tamestation' - Hazhard - 11-10-2009 01:58

Babestation is the most tamest of all the Babechannels, Its a complete joke at times, and the only reason i watch it is because it has some of my favourite babes. Constant Voice overs and the ridiulous amount of spam advertising, ruin our viewing. In my opinion Babestation have never cared about what we want, its always been from the very start about money they are squeezing out of us.

RE: 'Tamestation' - Josh - 11-10-2009 02:00

(11-10-2009 01:48 )vila Wrote:  Oh come on, Josh! Sit in front of a pc having to refresh the screen every 5 mins (Elite)? Hardly covenient or relaxing and certainly not comfortable. And I thought someone said that all the best Bang Babes stuff isn't shown on the stream?

Besides, I don't know how big your monitor is, but mine's very small compared with my tv.
My big LCD is my monitorCool. All three Bangbabes channels are on and requires no refresh.

RE: 'Tamestation' - vila - 11-10-2009 02:05

Hang on! It was YOU who told me the good stuff isn't shown!!!

Edit: Oh, and where's the sound?

I know there's no refresh on BB that's why I specifically mentioned Elite, which would be my viewing choice most of the time. (You know why!).

The joke gets better. Karina is now asking viewers to text in if they want another 2-girl section.

Pay £1.50 for another load of dross like that? Bounce

Edit 2:
Quote:My big LCD is my monitor.
'Nuff said.

RE: 'Tamestation' - oxygenIT - 11-10-2009 03:10

That Caty and Karina section was hilarious. At one point Caty got on the mic and said...

"Karina and I have not been on freeview together...cos we're usually too naughty for it ( Bounce ) however we got our producer drunk tonight and he's letting us do naughty stuff."

After 3½ minutes of minimal contact from saying that Caty started to lick Karina's SHOULDER and I kid you not in a split second the camera pans up to cut that bit of action out of the picture until Caty stopped.

2 minutes later it looked like they were going to touch lips, the camera starts to pan away then it looks like they won't so it goes back, then again it looks like they might as they get closer and the camera again pans away first toward the empty wall and then in a circle to make sure nothing appears on screen. It was like the camera man was on a boat.

It was both hilarious and ridiculous at the same time especially all coming after Caty's declaration of "do[ing] naughty stuff". Yeah real naughty, I didn't realise shoulder licking was too hot for TV Bounce. I have it recorded but I'm not sure it's worth the time and bandwidth to chop it and upload it.

It really is ridiculous and they don't even hide it well when the camera shoots off to the side or pans up/down to cut out the action.

RE: 'Tamestation' - vila - 11-10-2009 03:56


Caty's just described that 2-girl section as 'the hottest, raunchiest, sexiest 2-4-1 we've ever done'. That's just a straightforward lie.

They're a fucking disgrace.

Edit: Please note that "They" in this instance means Cellcast, not Caty and Karina.

RE: 'Tamestation' - oxygenIT - 11-10-2009 04:07

Caty and Karina have just started another segment and it didn't take long for the first bit of comical camera work. Caty went in for a nipple lick so the cameraman moved the camera upwards double quick to get it out of shot, must have thought Caty was finishing because he brought it down and when he realised she was still at it shot it back upwards.

It's ridiculous, the only way I can see them improving is if people stop phoning up and paying £1.50 a minute for this crap. Not going to happen though because BS know they are the only option on Freeview.

I know it's been said over and over in this thread now but it really is pathetically prude for an adult phone sex channel.

RE: 'Tamestation' - TheWatcher - 11-10-2009 11:46

(11-10-2009 03:56 )vila Wrote:  WHAT???

Caty's just described that 2-girl section as 'the hottest, raunchiest, sexiest 2-4-1 we've ever done'. That's just a straightforward lie.

They're a fucking disgrace.

Edit: Please note that "They" in this instance means Cellcast, not Caty and Karina.

I totally agree with vila here.
I've just watched my recording of Caty and Karina from last night. It was the tamest girl-girl stuff I think I've seen by either of them. I was disappointed because they are 2 of my favourite girls.

Also, Re: Josh's earlier post about watching the webshows instead.
This is not a solution since unattended timed recordings are not possible and picture quality is worse than tv.

RE: 'Tamestation' - vila - 11-10-2009 13:41

Caty and Karina are two of the very best girl/girl performers and capable of giving a show that is second to none.

Last night, at least on Freeview, their talents were completely wasted.

As they did two 2-girl sessions during the 4 hours of FV, I would be very surprised if they didn't also do a couple during the previous 4 hours of Sky-only. If so, how did they compare with the FV efforts?

The theory that there is no such thing as 'Freeview rules' is supported by consideration of other happenings last night.

After Party Girls finished I watched the last 30 mins of BS1 on CH 96. Jemma was on and at first I was disappointed to see her in the old standard FV position, face down on the bed. Then she thrust both hands down into her crotch and her finger tips could clearly be seen playing between her legs. Formerly that would have been panic stations for a FV cameraman but this time, instead of panning away, the camera zoomed in on the action.

I've just watched my recording of Partyland and when Caty came on to plug her 3G session during one of Camilla's sections she was kneeling behind Camilla, who was lying on her side, and she reached down to play briefly with Camilla's right nipple. Again, instead of panning away, the camera zoomed in but by the time it was showing a full screen close-up of Camilla's nipple, Caty had already withdrawn her hand, presumably because of the 'keep it tame' orders she'd been given for her first FV 2-girl section on Party Girls.

So it appears that we are at the mercy of each producer's personal idea of what he should/shouldn't allow and at the moment it looks as if most of them still think they have to censor FV content but have no idea of exactly what they're supposed to be doing.

RE: 'Tamestation' - cdm79 - 11-10-2009 15:54

When I watched the Caty and Karina 2-4-1 on Freeview last night I guessed it would be talked about on here. It was pathetic. When they did kiss or one of them kissed the other's nipple, they were forced to hold the phone in the way so you couldn't see anything! As has been said, it seems that different producers/cameramen adhere to the 'rules' to different degrees. It looks like Mary Whitehouse was the producer on PartyGirls last night.
I watched a bit of Caty and Karina pre-Freeview and there was plenty of nipple licking/sucking going on. This whole taming down on Freeview didn't really bother me when it was just BS1 and PartyLand that were affected, but now all the Cellcast channels are on Freeview us Sky viewers are being put out.

With the other Sky channels upping their game (proper girl on girl kissing on Elite and BangBabes and fully naked girls like Bailey) Cellcast really need to pull their finger out, or face Sky viewers switching to the other channels. Of course the people who don't have Sky don't have that option, not until BangBabes starts on Freeview at least. It'll be interesting to see what their output is like.

I thought that with the Freeview channels moving to the 'adult' section of the EPG things were going to change. And to be fair, some stuff has been good. But all the producers need to be singing from the same hymn sheet. We don't want a repeat of last night's PartyGirls.

Whilst I'm having a bit of a rant, I might as well mention another thing that annoys me. At the start of the Freeview shows the on screen warning mentions that there may be 'strong language'. That's a joke, as the girls can't even say 'dirty' or 'filthy' but have to use the dreaded 'cheeky' (although again this seems producer specific as Jemma Jey said dirty a lot last night on BS2). Isn't bad language allowed if the subject matter warrants it? Like The Wire on BBC2 for instance. These are late night adult chat shows, shown way after the watershed, they should be able to swear as much as they like. That goes for all the shows by the way, not just the Freeview ones.

I think that's enough for now Big Grin .

RE: 'Tamestation' - Josh - 11-10-2009 16:03

For the past three nights, I have watched no Cellcast channels at all. As the show is so tame (producers fault not the grls), performances from various girls all look the same after a while. The only difference is a change of outfit or they are on one of four beds. The show has become very predictable and kind of stagnates for me. Its a shame as I do like so many of the girls.

2-4-1's are beyond a joke(apart from a few performances). I would much rather see an end to it as it is not sexy to watch. The only combinations of late that have offered anything remotely sexy for me is Caty & Reede, Caty & Paige and Lori & Reede. The four girls paired with other babes have been tame in comparison.

Over the past 10 months, I have uploaded many many vids across the Pimpcast channels. There has been much variety in many of them, but I find recent shows all too similar when making caps and will not be uploading as much content as before.

We could ask for changes, but whats the point, the producers will continue to do what they want to extort the viewers hard earned cash with the tamest show on tv. It would be good if the producers were all on the same page though with what can be shown. Least we know that when it comes to Ofcom, they are not to blame for the current viewing state of Pimpcast channels.