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Words or Expression That Should be Banned - Printable Version

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RE: Words or Expression That Should be Banned - Snooks - 16-01-2011 01:13

"So he turned round to me and said no way, and I turned round to him and said yeah its true and he turned round to me and said no you must be joking so I turned round to him and said No honestly I am serious so he turned round to me.........". The number of times I have heard people tell stories like this. Welcome to the dizziest conversation in the world where people are supposedly turning round 360 degrees to reply to anything said by those with whom they are conversing. The reality is of course that they did not turn round to say this or that every few seconds otherwise they would have been spinning like a ruddy top after an hour of rotational speech. I'm off to practice my red lorry - yellow lorry repetition while spinning around and throwing in the odd "So I turned to myself and said red lorry-yellow lorry" Rolleyes

RE: Words or Expression That Should be Banned - iamthatjack - 14-07-2011 18:40

I hate anything associated with 'fail' or 'epic fail' - drives me up the fucking wall!

Plus, I refuse to read a sentence that starts with: 'That awkward moment when...' fucking hate that shit!

RE: Words or Expression That Should be Banned - Boomerangutangangbang - 15-08-2011 22:50


RE: Words or Expression That Should be Banned - terence - 15-08-2011 22:51

any words that willie thorne utters!

RE: Words or Expression That Should be Banned - SYBORG666 - 15-08-2011 23:05

Everything that comes out of David Cameron's and Ed Milliband's mouths because they're both a pair of useless tw@ts and chat shit.

RE: Words or Expression That Should be Banned - handsomeSOB - 15-08-2011 23:15

i don't get the saying, "he wouldn't say 'boo' to a goose", i mean, why would you anyway? i'm pretty sure they don't understand english

and "pissed as a fart", how would an anal noise be drunk?

RE: Words or Expression That Should be Banned - handsomeSOB - 20-08-2011 13:02

i find it funny, we're all saying sayings and phrases we don't like, so someone could just put all of them in a paragraph and piss us all off! lol

RE: Words or Expression That Should be Banned - Money_Shot - 20-08-2011 13:34

I have only just seen this thread, I've been laughing out loud, it's funny. Mr Gumage should have his own ranters corner laugh

One phrase I really hate is...

"I don't mean to be rude but...."
So you intend to go ahead and be rude anyway....

Another one I hate.

"Don't take this the wrong way"
It means there are two ways of taking it first of all, just tell me what you mean. It also means that person is about to tell you something you don't want to hear, and also means if you don't take it the right way, it isn't their fault any more.

There are so many words I hate that people use. Buzz words piss me off such as "In this current climate"

Other words like "abundance" and "legislation"

The worst however is this word.... Serendipity annoyedannoyedannoyed Only a complete C|_|nt would use that word annoyed

RE: Words or Expression That Should be Banned - mr williams - 21-08-2011 19:52

(15-08-2011 23:15 )whoopah Wrote:  i don't get the saying, "he wouldn't say 'boo' to a goose", i mean, why would you anyway? i'm pretty sure they don't understand english

That's what you think.....

[Image: image-6F4F_4E5153C4.jpg]

RE: Words or Expression That Should be Banned - handsomeSOB - 21-08-2011 22:06

"what have you been doing with yourself (lately)?" everything! i've been doing everything with myself! everywhere i go, i'm there!