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April and Summer - Printable Version

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RE: April and Summer - HEX!T - 25-01-2009 17:40

honeslty though last nights show was poor, april pulling faces like she's bored just isnt on. she chose to do the job she should conduct herself accordingly. i think at least half the callers last night will go elsewhere when she is on.
in essence she may be pretty but her attitude last night sucked. if this is the best she can do when she dosent feel up to it then maybe the night show wont miss her.
shes to explicite on the day show for ofcoms taste (im sure shes gona find this out) and to prudish for the nightime show, yes shes getting her tits out but her line in chat is very limited, she realy dosent know how to talk dirty, thinking that shouting do you want to fuck me down the phone repeatedly or ohh ahh is enough. megan moore and geri from playstation (although not as physicaly attractive) do the job much better and megan is only 19, megan also does the party people 5:30 am slot where she has to be more lady like and pulls that off very well without resorting to the tricks april uses on her day show.

so yeah april has a lot to learn about how to conduct herself on both day and night shows and i for 1 woudnt miss her if she didnt do nights.

infact i think amy williams would be a more than worthy replacement.

RE: April and Summer - datalossfs - 25-01-2009 17:45

cherryryder Wrote:
datalossfs Wrote:To save cluttering the thread up with a zillion pics, all caps from latest video posted here

how come you never have topless caps, if you don't mind my asking?

I can understand the Youtube vids being 'clean' but the screenshots too?

ps. I don't mean to sound ungrateful for you are the one responsible for infecting us with the April Effect..

The Screen Shots are from the Youtube video, if I start hosting topless caps, I'd have issues being listed in search engines and what not to be honest as soon as you say you have adult content your pretty much screwed in terms of people finding you unless you move to a adult hosting provider and have legal disclaimers and other crap. As for hosting the vids myself I could but then I'm reducing the viewership overall by making it niche to the site only with limited distribution and harder for peeps to share on social networks and what not. Better to use existing channels with a ready made audience.

RE: April and Summer - cherryryder - 25-01-2009 17:46

lol you really hate April with a passion, don't you Hexit? I don't think it's possible for someone to hate a babe who they don't know as much as you..fair play, you gotta have critics otherwise there'd be no one to keep 'em on their toes..

I've called her during the night show twice and she was shit but she was on another level when I called her during the day...damn fine woman...

RE: April and Summer - datalossfs - 25-01-2009 18:33

Hey you go cherryryder have 5 minutes of 'safe' youtube video

RE: April and Summer - HEX!T - 25-01-2009 18:33

dont hate any1 m8, but she dosent bring the best out of me. im just of the oppinion shes in the wrong job, she'd do better as an airhostess or working on a shopping channel.
every criticism i have laid out in these threads has been valid, i havent made anything up or embellished the truth in anyway... what i post is fair and accurate without emotional attachment...

if she could do the job proffesionaly then i wouldnt have a leg to stand on but she cant, and at the bottom of it i think she knows it 2.
i think if she was to move to another channel she would soon reolise that she is in way over her head...
she proves this time and time again when she hangs up on people, yawns, pulls faces, or is just outright rude. if she was a bloke in a pub doing these things while people were talking to her i doupt shed walk out with all her teeth.

so just because shes pretty dosent excuse her to me.
i find her boring and repetative. so no i dont h8 her just dont rate her as highly as some here.

RE: April and Summer - Stewartie - 25-01-2009 19:01

I find the criticism of April rather harsh but Im not really in a position to judge as I can't get reception on Channel 960. Surely, however, it is up to the producer/director to try and bring the best out of girls and give them guidance. It seems to me that most of these channels have absolutely no direction and the babes are simply stuck in front of a camera and thrown to the wolves!!

RE: April and Summer - cherryryder - 25-01-2009 19:04

datalossfs Wrote:The Screen Shots are from the Youtube video, if I start hosting topless caps, I'd have issues being listed in search engines and what not to be honest as soon as you say you have adult content your pretty much screwed in terms of people finding you unless you move to a adult hosting provider and have legal disclaimers and other crap. As for hosting the vids myself I could but then I'm reducing the viewership overall by making it niche to the site only with limited distribution and harder for peeps to share on social networks and what not. Better to use existing channels with a ready made audience.

good answer Smile

RE: April and Summer - Dreamlander - 25-01-2009 20:12

Hexit Wrote:what he dosent get is he has a domain and probably unlimited bandwidth, he could host the vids hiself.

as for dreamlander, i take offence that you dont want to express an valid well thaught out oppinion with out saying you dont want to cause offence.

you read my posts? i call it as i see it whether it causes offence or not, if sum1 wants to argue the point in a constructive manner then they should be allowd to speak.

You got me! It's just with the comings and goings lately on this forum I thought I would tread carefully. This was an extremely positive thread before I made my comment and looking back now the second post was a cop out. I just can't be as forthright as you and see no need to put someone's nose out of joint that I have never met face to face just to make a point.I do personally think you have taken too many opportunities to have a go at April but there are two April's in my opinion.The April you call and the April you watch.Those who call as you say may be disappointed in her performance,I cannot vouch for that,although Cherryryder says she is very good during the day. And those who watch.I find April to be an amazing girl to watch and find there is no better girl visually.I don't care if she just reads a shopping list down the phone line as I will never call her.I like to watch her and see no need to fault her for something I am never going to use.This may be the case for others who post on April threads because I think only a couple of posters have spoken to her,the vast majority ,I think,are just commenting on her visual performance.


RE: April and Summer - Stewartie - 25-01-2009 20:45

Dreamlander Wrote:
Hexit Wrote:what he dosent get is he has a domain and probably unlimited bandwidth, he could host the vids hiself.

as for dreamlander, i take offence that you dont want to express an valid well thaught out oppinion with out saying you dont want to cause offence.

you read my posts? i call it as i see it whether it causes offence or not, if sum1 wants to argue the point in a constructive manner then they should be allowd to speak.

You got me! It's just with the comings and goings lately on this forum I thought I would tread carefully. This was an extremely positive thread before I made my comment and looking back now the second post was a cop out. I just can't be as forthright as you and see no need to put someone's nose out of joint that I have never met face to face just to make a point.I do personally think you have taken too many opportunities to have a go at April but there are two April's in my opinion.The April you call and the April you watch.Those who call as you say may be disappointed in her performance,I cannot vouch for that,although Cherryryder says she is very good during the day. And those who watch.I find April to be an amazing girl to watch and find there is no better girl visually.I don't care if she just reads a shopping list down the phone line as I will never call her.I like to watch her and see no need to fault her for something I am never going to use.This may be the case for others who post on April threads because I think only a couple of posters have spoken to her,the vast majority ,I think,are just commenting on her visual performance.


Yes I think this is fair comment. I have absolutely no idea what April's
performance is like on the phones so I have nothing to say about that. She is most certainly a most attractive girl (in my opinion) and I would love to see her working soon with some experienced togs from the world of modelling.Tongue

RE: April and Summer - HEX!T - 25-01-2009 21:54

well neather of you guys have taken unwarented abuse off her on these forums. if you had your oppinion of her would change... she called sum of us fucking freaks, for what? because we didnt worship at the alter of april? we dared to give her honest oppinions of her show without blowing smoke up her ass.
saying that april isnt the only girl on this channel to suffer citacism from me. so i aint making her a skapegoat. just calling it as i see it.
and if you havent seen her do her show how would you know if im being unfair?... like i said the critsism is on the whole impartial and fair. unlike her comments to some of the forums users...

yeah as cherryrider said she talks a good game during the day but in doing so she has risked the wrath of ofcom, if the show is as straped for cash as they have made out then a fine is the last thing they need...

my biggest gripe is that during the day she is super hot, but at night she is a tame prudish shadow of the day april... she is struggling to find the rite balance for the day show and the night.