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RE: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine - skully - 17-02-2025 14:27

I think this goes nowhere, and I blame America's dodgy dealing with Russia for it. Ukraine have already said that they won't accept any outcome of an America Russia deal, because they aren't stupid. They know what's happening, Putin keeps land, America gets rare earth minerals, Ukraine doesn't get the safety of NATO, even though NATO is pointless thanks to vetoes. An EU deal will go nowhere because Russia aren't involved and the nations that are up their arse say the EU has no right to discuss peace, well they have more right than America, so we know where Slovakia etc stand, it's certainly not for true peace in Ukraine. A bit of a mess all around.

As far as boots on the ground goes, that only happens if we go to war with Russia imo, I can't see any peacekeeping force being allowed to be in Ukraine without a fight, America have already made their part in it clear, as in they don't want to be involved. Imagine that, hey we'll do a deal for peace, our rules and what benefits us and Russia, but you can enforce it. Fuck off America!

RE: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine - lovebabes56 - 18-02-2025 09:16

I think now the EU really has to show it's mettle and put individual countries ideas & needs to one side - and properly unite as one faction, from what has been said over the last few days, we cannot rely on the US to dig us out out of a hole forever - the time has come for the EU show what it can really do in a international crisis.

I too now begin to think that, putting a EU peacekeeping force in place in Ukraine would now be very difficult - while one side might agree to it and welcome it, the other side will see it as being a confrontational thing and wouldn't be happy, but whatever happens, any deal struck needs to allow Ukraine to keep it's sovereignty, land and borders intact, but the reality is that even that remains something of a remote possibilty which it shouldn't be. Even so I woildn't trust any deal Trump makes with Russia as being one that can last.

Also,making Putiin back down now is a lot harder than you think it is, the thing that strikes me as cold is both Russia & America talking and not involving Ukraine in that process, it doesn't sound at all right that two superpowers should even dictate the future of another country without involving the Ukrainians properly, and I will not be at all surprised if Zelenzky as he has hinted - rejects any deal outright,whatever deal they come up with.

IMO - America should be mediating any talks and should remain completely neutral in any talks.

But if anything be prepared to see Ukraine get screwed over - hard.

RE: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine - southsidestu - 19-02-2025 00:39

RE: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine - HannahsPet - 19-02-2025 07:46

So trump blaming it all on Ukraine. even saying russia deserve parts of Ukraine for losing men

should say shocking but its not

RE: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine - lovebabes56 - 19-02-2025 12:09

From what you are saying HP you can be sure Ukraine is going to get screwed over. It'll be good to see Zelenzky to actually stand up to both Trump & Putin.

Then it makes you wonder just how the talks between Starmer and Trump will go. It does seem to begin to look like Starmer is going to have a hard time.

RE: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine - skully - 19-02-2025 12:20

Of course Trump is blaming Ukraine, he was willing to drop to his knees and smear his lipstick for Putin last time, so nothing has changed, it's certainly not a sign of strength.

RE: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine - Freeloaderthatsme - 19-02-2025 14:26

Trump looking after Trump

RE: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine - Snooks - 19-02-2025 17:33

Trump calling Zelensky a dictator Bounce.
What that makes Putin fuck knows bladewave Rolleyes

RE: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine - lovebabes56 - 19-02-2025 17:49

Is he trying to make Putin the good guy in this?

He'll be calling everyone a dictator but himself.... and I'm shocked that America's press aren't calling him to be impeached (he should be). It's one dark dangerous rabbit hole he's going down.

RE: Russian Invasion Of Ukraine - lovebabes56 - 19-02-2025 17:57

Trump needs to tread carefully now - and at the same time take a long hard look at himself in the mirror one morning.

IMO by calling Zelenzky a 'dictator' (WTF) he has lost the plot completely.
Mr President - may I ask just exactly who started this war??? It wasn't Zelenzky that's for sure!! Yes it was the man you are talking to!! (or sucking up to) Thank you very much!