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RE: What's The Name Of The Girl...I.D. Requests - RESPONSIBLE ADULT - 01-11-2010 16:28

I find it very strange when someone takes offence by seeing a pregnant lady still making an honest living, even though at the time she happens to be semi naked. I would like to bet that this same poster as had a grumble over censorship in the past. But to me it seems that he as now become a censor himself, because if it is something that doesn't fall into his way of thinking then it can't be good.

The lady in question, Ashleigh, though iv'e never spoken to her seems a smashing type of person, one who always finds time to keep in touch with her fans on this forum, and someone who doesn't mind dyeing her hair pink. So Ashleigh you carry on and bollocks to anyone who's not in favour.

RE: What's The Name Of The Girl...I.D. Requests - aaron - 02-11-2010 13:11

(01-11-2010 16:23 )speedybert Wrote:  Beautifully put AshleighCoolCoolCool

I agree, well done Ashleigh. Cool

I'm surprised that some people think that pregnant women shouldn't be working. The earliest possible maternity leave that can be taken is 11 weeks before the baby is due, so up until then at least expectant mothers are required to keep on working (and they must work for 15 weeks before taking maternity leave in order to qualify for maternity leave).

RE: What's The Name Of The Girl...I.D. Requests - wadping - 02-11-2010 16:25

what the hell are you on about ! im all for any, one black, white, male, female, preggy, old, disabled working for as long and in what ever job they want im not a fuckin nazi. im not having a go at ash ( and yes i can be more insulting ) she looks beautiful ,glowing and i hope both are healthy i just think its strange that im the wierd one cos i dont want to ring up and ask a lady with a baby bump if i can fuck her up the ass while tossing my salad. That kinda is what these programs are about and you can all be as sucky and ass licky as you want but you aint gonna fuck any of them so ner.

RE: Ashleigh - Charlemagne - 02-11-2010 23:14

Pink and Blue eek

I take it that you like to shock

RE: Ashleigh - Rammyrascal - 02-11-2010 23:33

(30-10-2010 14:14 )Ashleigh Wrote:  Hey there guys!

Apologies for not being online in a few weeks. I've been busy moving house in preparation for the new arrival and have only just had my internet connected.

In answer to the query above, I can't speak for the other girl (I assume you meant Amy Capri), but I've started to cover up recently, as I feel more comfortable that way. Unfortunately I've had a lot of abusive phone calls over the past few weeks and ones that are just going a little too far for my liking! Covering up is just a way to avoid situations I don't want to be put in.

As for the question of my going on maternity leave, I can now confirm my last shift will be Saturday December 4th. I will be back next year, although I'm not sure exactly when, but I don't plan on being away long!

Love Ashleigh xXx

sorry to hear youve had morons calling you, try and not to let it affect you and the baby. lots more people out there are fans of pregnant women and you as well

RE: Ashleigh - rover - 03-11-2010 00:41

Ashleigh 02-11-2010.Smile

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RE: Ashleigh - Shady - 03-11-2010 02:58

Jesus, bad enough I hear Ashleigh's had some dicks on the phone, but I'm disappointed to find some poor behaviour here too.

There's nothing inhumane about Ashleigh working during her pregnancy as that was always going to be the plan - her decision, not CP's. She and I spoke about this months ago, so trust me, it's all Ashleigh's call. Old 'Bob' isn't forcing her to do anything she doesn't want to do. For that matter, this is just a job and like any other job, Ashleigh will go on working until she feels she cannot do so. Yes, the job is different from most, but the premise isn't.

This one from wadping however, really fucking winds me up:

Quote:here is a picture of you on your fist day of school, here's one of you when we just got back from the hospital and this ones when you were in mummys tummy and loads of weridos were wanking off over us night night

I can't imagine why you would post something like that. Are you just ignorant, baiting Ashleigh, baiting members...? Here's the reality of a job like Ashleigh's:

1. If she doesn't work, she doesn't get paid - full stop.
2. There's no maternity leave pay from CP while she is off (Ash, correct me on that if I'm wrong).
3. She is judged for being pregnant and doing this job, yet if she was working in an office the issue wouldn't arise. Get a grip here, it's not like she's bringing a child on set with her!
4. Lastly and worst of all, is the moral hypochrisy that she is presented with. Er yeah it's cool to wank over you, but not when you've got a bump 'cause that would be bad.

I think a little common sense, a bit of perspective and considerably more manners are needed here. Let me start by asking:

Who is more immoral, the Beckhams/Cruises/etc for prostituting their children out to OK, Hello and those rags for millions, or Ashleigh for working through pregnancy to make money for her and her child?

Who is more immoral, the waster who's never worked and who will have a pregnancy and life thereafter, funded by the taxpayers, or Ashleigh for working through pregnancy to make money for her and her child?

RE: Ashleigh - Rammyrascal - 03-11-2010 08:56

well said shady and smelltheroses. ive nothing against ashleigh working whilst pregnant. she isnt the first babe and wont be the last to do this. ignore the people who are having a go ashleigh as youve more people that do like you

RE: Ashleigh - winsaw - 03-11-2010 12:39

ashleigh well done for defending your self, your comments are spot on , do not pay to much head of what some of the VEG on hear say, the inhumane comment is one of the maddest i have seen on hearannoyed,

on a happier note you looked lovely last night and i hope all goes well n the futureSmile

RE: Ashleigh - Shady - 03-11-2010 13:03

(03-11-2010 12:58 )loulo12 Wrote:  Do you think she wanted to see it again?

What do you mean?