RE: Jokes - Summerz_180 - 20-10-2009 18:23
I'm supporting the porn industry.
Single handedly.
RE: Jokes - Summerz_180 - 20-10-2009 18:24
Don't call me in the middle of our text conversation and say, "This will be faster."
There's no doubt in my mind that it will be faster, possibly even easier, but I had no desire to speak to you.
Hence the text.
RE: Jokes - jungleboy - 20-10-2009 18:57
sickipedia lol
RE: Jokes - Summerz_180 - 20-10-2009 20:05
A blonde is on holiday and she wallks into an internet cafe to send an e-mail to her mum in America.
She doesn't know how to work the computers so she goes up to the guy on the desk and says: "Excuse me could you help me send an e-mail to my mum?"
The guy says "Yeh, but it will cost ya"
And the blonde says "Sure i'll do anything for my mum"
The guy says: "In that case follow me"
So she follows him into the back room and he pushes her down onto her knees, he unzips his trousers and pulls down his boxers and says: "Well go on then you said you'd do anything!"
So she picks up his dick, holds it to her mouth and says: "Hello.........mum are you there?"
RE: Jokes - dopey1 - 20-10-2009 23:23
Why didnt NASA send a woman to the moon yet?
Because it does not need to be cleaned!
RE: Jokes - black knight - 21-10-2009 07:50
how can you make a womans toes curl when having sex?
make her leave her tights on
RE: Jokes - black knight - 21-10-2009 07:56
ive just finished a book 500 pages,thats a lot of colouring in when you think about it
RE: Jokes - black knight - 21-10-2009 08:59
prehaps its just me,but every time i get a pm im thinking,shit what am i gonna get told off for now.
RE: Jokes - black knight - 21-10-2009 12:16
studies show that one in five teens cant peel an orange,its a good job they all carry knives.
RE: Jokes - Summerz_180 - 21-10-2009 19:12
Cost of calling babestation t.v on Sky £1.50,
The look on the birds face when you say "Fuck me you`ve let yourself go" then hanging up..Priceless