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RE: Club Paradiso - Chat & Discussion - mr williams - 26-05-2011 01:18

(25-05-2011 13:54 )winsaw Wrote:  {SNIP}

I would love to know what she's is supposed to be doing wrong. The constant sniping at her is so unfair.

She has legs up to her neck, is stunningly attractive, goes naked every time she's on and I wish all the other girls would put as much energy and enthusiasm into their shows as she does.

The only thing she seems to be criticised for is the "bloody on again" comment if she's on three times a week, whereas Donna Duke, Tiffany, Camilla, Adele, Ashley Emma, Charlie O'Neal etc can be on at least three times a week without comment, and without forgetting that some of the girls at RLC are on-screen for three 8-hour shifts in just 40 hours!!! (as you should know from your contribution to the RLC schedules thread, Mr Winsaw!!).

Most employers would be delighted to have such a loyal, dilligent and committed employee, prepared to step in at a moment's notice to fill in for somebody else who decides they want to f*** off without giving any notice or for somebody who decides they don't want to start work at CP, despite having accepted an offer and booked their shifts because another channel has offered them better money.

She is an absolute treasure on the babechannels and I for one won't hear a word said against her.

RE: Club Paradiso - Chat & Discussion - winsaw - 26-05-2011 10:15

^^^calm down dude lol, thought it was plane i was giving her praise for some good shows of late

RE: Club Paradiso - Chat & Discussion - madjack - 26-05-2011 11:17

I like HER,she's always fun,naked and oiled

(26-05-2011 01:18 )mr williams Wrote:  {SNIP}

on again' is because CP only have 1 girl on a night and have a limited staff,a lot of the girls you mention rotate during the night so you don't see them all night .

We need to support these lower budget channels I don't care if BS goes bust but CP going under would be more of a loss to me.

Please Bob bring Tammy back then you'd be no1 for me

RE: Club Paradiso - Chat & Discussion - mr williams - 26-05-2011 14:48

(26-05-2011 11:17 )madjack Wrote:  We need to support these lower budget channels I don't care if BS goes bust but CP going under would be more of a loss to me.

My sentiments exactly.

We are in a time of serious recession and all businesses, including CP, have to cut their cloth accordingly. Unemployment is at levels we haven't seen for 30 years and when times get hard the first thing that goes from the household budget is discretionary spending on leisure items. If you only have £60-odd a week dole money coming in you do not (or certainly shouldn't!) be spending half of it on a w*** call. This industry is in temporary decline, as has been shown by the demise of Bangbabes and Babeworld, and the decision of TVX to withdraw from the chatline market. To say that CP should “put two girls on every night” or “run the channel 24 x 7” are great ideas but vastly increasing your overheads at a time of declining call volumes would be commercial suicide, and if one of the “Big 4” makes a better offer to one of the girls what's Bob supposed to do? He can't just start handing out large pay rises to try and keep them.

There will always be a demand for this type of service, but I think it would be a much poorer place if we were left with just the four main providers. And what if one (or more) of those four failed, and another either fell foul of OFCOM or withdrew from the market? It's not impossible to imagine a situation in the not too distant future where there might be a babechannel offering of just two service providers, one of which we were unable to discuss on the forum.

Club Bob has its limitations, and the one girl a shift format isn't ideal but I for one am happy to have a channel that does not try and sell me something every 30 seconds, does not cover half of its screen with black boxes or OSGs, that does not artificially inflate the cost of a call by making me go around and around a menu for four or five minutes before putting me through to the girl on screen, that does not add a £3.50 service charge onto a text message and most importantly is one where we can come on the forum and raise such issues, even with the owner.

RE: Club Paradiso - Chat & Discussion - Topman 47 - 26-05-2011 18:15

Totally agree Mr W.

CP is my favourite channel mainly because of the reasons u put forward and Bob has tried new faces when others stick to the same transfer market (notably BS and Elite).

It is noticeable that some of the channels do not seem to have their girls fully employed on the phones at times (as u say Mr. W we are in a recession) whereas Ashleigh , Roxy are very rarely off the phones.

See Bob I am still supporting you.Wink

RE: Club Paradiso - Chat & Discussion - deadmaninc - 26-05-2011 19:41


RE: Club Paradiso - Chat & Discussion - schmoo - 01-06-2011 18:26

I've just been looking around on the EPG and noticed CP's EPG changes from Monday night, as follows:

9-10pm Storm Evening
10pm-1am Storm Night
1-5.30am Storm Late Night

And then from Tuesday..

12.30-6pm Storm Afternoon
6-10pm Storm Evening

So what's happening here then?

What is/who are Storm? Is it CP just changing name? Or something more radical? Can anybody shed any light?

Bob, are you there..?

- this may account for some posts by "Bob" that are clearly not by the Bob we know/knew and loved..

RE: Club Paradiso - Chat & Discussion - SYBORG666 - 01-06-2011 21:00

Probably just a name change.

RE: Club Paradiso - Chat & Discussion - mr williams - 01-06-2011 21:59

(01-06-2011 18:26 )schmoo Wrote:  What is/who are Storm? Is it CP just changing name? Or something more radical? Can anybody shed any light?

Louise has posted that all night shifts are filled for the month of June so that doesn't suggest that Bob has left the building and therefore any changes might only be cosmetic - unless of course they've recruited a girl by the name of "Gale"!

Don't forget there has been talk of changes at Club Bob for some months now along with long promised updates to the website etc.

The EPG shows they are keeping the same hours so it could just be a rebranding - or a case of any port in a Storm!

RE: Club Paradiso - Chat & Discussion - mr mystery - 02-06-2011 21:59

I just wonder if Cellcast has got something to do with "Storm" ? , when you press the info button for Ch 966 from after it changes from CP to Storm nights the info says this "Get up close and personal with your favourite storm girls every night from 10pm " it goes on to say a bit more as well but that's not what i am interested in , if i remember correctly the BS channels always used to until recently say on the EPG info more or less the same , ie the "get up close and personal bit , Glamour Chase still uses these words at the start of its's EPG info , to my knowledge only the Cellcast channels have started with these words on the EPG info , so is CP about to have some type of Cellcast involvement ? . I might be barking up the wrong tree of cause and "Storm" has nothing to do with Cellcast