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RE: Tennis Discussion Thread - HannahsPet - 07-03-2016 23:21

yeah but it can happen im sure with the amount off projects and other things she has got going on outside tennis she could have missed one email. also the fact that the drug can be called 2 different names can be a problem i know from experience for taking medication for medical conditions myself where name on the box and the label are different.

least shes owned up to the fuck up and i reckon will be a 1 year ban she will do it.

reminds me of the case of that scottish olympic skier was it alan baxter who won a bronze in olympics that was taken away because he used american version of Vicks Synex for a cold which contained nandrolone but the UK one he usally used didnt so presumed that the US version was the same as the UK one took it and got stripped off medal and banned

RE: Tennis Discussion Thread - Jay1 - 07-03-2016 23:28

(07-03-2016 23:21 )HannahsPet Wrote:  yeah but it can happen im sure with the amount off projects and other things she has got going on outside tennis she could have missed one email. also the fact that the drug can be called 2 different names can be a problem i know from experience for taking medication for medical conditions myself where name on the box and the label are different.

least shes owned up to the fuck up and i reckon will be a 1 year ban she will do it.

reminds me of the case of that scottish olympic skier was it alan baxter who won a bronze in olympics that was taken away because he used american version of Vicks Synex for a cold which contained nandrolone but the UK one he usally used didnt so presumed that the US version was the same as the UK one took it and got stripped off medal and banned

She said in her presser that she received the email, saw it but didn't click on the link to see the updated list. Inconceivable that a professional athlete didn't check the list or have a member of their vast entourage responsible for checking something so important.

RE: Tennis Discussion Thread - Jack Bishop - 07-03-2016 23:28

Apparently read e-mail but did not check the link of new banned drugs. She admits it is only herself to blame but surely at least one of her team should have also been aware.

Like Snok I am a fan and he says she will get a ban. No idea how long that is likely to be at this stage but you think lengthy, given she turns 29 this year I fear that realistically her career may be over.

EDIT Apologises to HP and Jay was compiling my reply before reading yours, covered the same ground somewhat.

RE: Tennis Discussion Thread - Snooks - 07-03-2016 23:29

The team around her could have helped her a little as well me thinks but anyway it's too late now.
I suspect the ban will be between 1 and 2 years.

RE: Tennis Discussion Thread - HannahsPet - 07-03-2016 23:38

yeah i reckon they will go for the 1 year about the same cillic got for using another susbstance

mind you the problem is if shes been using this drug for 10 years for medical reasons will any other drug she use for the medical problems also be banned.

RE: Tennis Discussion Thread - Jack Bishop - 08-03-2016 00:19

Typical bans seem to range from 6 months to a couple of years. So about a year would seem about right. Be interesting if her high status helps or hinder her in respect to the ban dished out. She is certainly a determined miss so perhaps too early to rule anything out yet. However look how long it took Maria to come back to the top again after injury and she was younger then and had protected status.

RE: Tennis Discussion Thread - Tumble_Drier - 08-03-2016 01:34

(07-03-2016 23:21 )HannahsPet Wrote:  reminds me of the case of that scottish olympic skier was it alan baxter who won a bronze in olympics that was taken away because he used american version of Vicks Synex for a cold which contained nandrolone but the UK one he usally used didnt so presumed that the US version was the same as the UK one took it and got stripped off medal and banned

Baxter's appeal (supported by the BOA) failed, in no small part due to the evidence of an American doctor who was also a member of the committee that allowed the likes of Carl Lewis to compete after failing drug tests. Stitched up much?

As for Sharapova, she's been stupid but she's no Lance Armstrong.

RE: Tennis Discussion Thread - mikedafc - 08-03-2016 02:40

given she had been taking drug for 10 years and it has been legal, you wouldn't suddenly expect it to be banned

RE: Tennis Discussion Thread - jimminybob - 08-03-2016 03:15

I see the Sharapova PR machine has worked its magic on here. She was taking a medicine that is known to boost endurance and is unlicensed in the US (her country of residence) for a decade for, as yet, no proven reason. She has taken control of the situation by holding the press conference but even on her own terms she has failed to show real justification for taking such a drug. It is highly likely from where I'm sitting that she knew she would gain an advantage from taking it and justified it by the fact that the authorities were slow to pick up on its uses. Not against the rules as such but highly questionable on a 'sporting' level. I'd liken it to tax avoidance. The substance wasn't on the banned list until this year but it was on the 'watched' list for the whole of last year and the notification that it was to be banned was released in October. To believe that an athlete such as Sharapova with the team she has around her was unaware is incredibly naive in my book. More likely she couldn't do without it. Even with her version of mitigating circumstances she has admitted taking a performance enhancing drug so a minimum ban of 2 years should apply here.

RE: Tennis Discussion Thread - HannahsPet - 08-03-2016 06:58

find it weird if the tennis associations knew she was taking this medication im sure you have to declare any medications you take then surely they could have warned her by another email saying that the medication she was using was going to be banned rather than just sending out a standard email. surely if she is one of the faces of the female game then you would least make sure.

Not saying she isnt to blame but surely should be up to the sport, her agents and her staff to all check for things like that as well as her

See Nike already dropped her. prob think they can take the loss from her just wish they could have acted so fast when fifa offiials were arrested Wink