RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - shan_123 - 24-04-2012 21:45
(23-04-2012 13:30 )Mastes1 Wrote: I haven't been able to come on here for a while and i haven't seen much Babestation over the last couple of months so please excuse my ignorance but is it just me or have a lot of the usual girls dissapeared?, most of them seem to of gone apart from Lolly and the twins and a few others. They seem to of been replaced by a load of girls who look like they have been picked up off street corners or something, very economy like.
The channels are going down hill imo, well what channels are left seen as though some of them seem to of gone off Freeview.
Just wish a girl can have one screen to herself instead of having to share it all the time or be interupted, I think they got too many girls employed with bs and maybe some should be let go instead of cramming them onto one screen.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - The Truth - 24-04-2012 22:42
Where i'm from the phrase for bs apprentice models is,Gyal From Road (just thought i'd put it there)
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - xthatshortguyx - 25-04-2012 13:10
lol wow i actually feel like im being haunted by geri. she is the only girl that i cant stand yet i c her eveyday whether that be on the mic (which actually means she will be on the beds more than most of the girls) or taking up a third of the screen with her pics being advertised when she is not even there!!
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Robot Devil - 25-04-2012 13:22
I know what you mean. I have nothing against Geri, I'm sure she's a nice woman, and she seems pretty dedicated to BS. But, physically she does absolutely nothing for me. She has, what I call, a 'yoga body'. Not so much curves but muscle instead- slightly sinewy looking. And yet she is the most heavily pushed person on all of BS I think- even more so than Lori, Lolly, or the twins. Strange choice of performer as your shows figurehead.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Chilly - 25-04-2012 16:25
Geri has the look of someone who's had a hard life.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - bytor - 25-04-2012 17:46
(25-04-2012 13:22 )The Robot Devil Wrote: I know what you mean. I have nothing against Geri, I'm sure she's a nice woman, and she seems pretty dedicated to BS. But, physically she does absolutely nothing for me. She has, what I call, a 'yoga body'. Not so much curves but muscle instead- slightly sinewy looking. And yet she is the most heavily pushed person on all of BS I think- even more so than Lori, Lolly, or the twins. Strange choice of performer as your shows figurehead.
I was informed when she originally came off the phones to start the mic lark that she been made one of the producers. Cannot verify how much truth there is in that but it goes someway to explaining why she is:
a) so gobby
b) hardselling the pics so much
c) always trying to grab the limelight
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Rammyrascal - 25-04-2012 17:58
im in agreement with all the above, geri does nothing for me either and i too have nothing against her yet she's getting rammed down my throat. bs are confused about what show is on 909 tonight, the schedule here says apprentice yet my sky epg says bs blue. hope its blue as the three babes bs says are on apprentice arent apprentices (letesha, nicole and lacey)
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - xthatshortguyx - 25-04-2012 18:05
well guess geri is on tonight, i wont have a problem if tiffany and daryl actually get some solo screen time (especially surprised tiff doesnt get more screen time) but very unlikely to happen
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Rammyrascal - 25-04-2012 18:13
i do when geri's on, looking forward to daryl & letesha tonight
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - bytor - 25-04-2012 19:03
I have no issue with Geri being on the phone. She has her fans who obviously want to see her. No problem with that. What bugs me is when she is down as compere but she is on the beds all night you know a listed girl is not getting screen time. If she is going to be taking calls give her a proper slot & let someone else annoy the fuck out of the nation on the mic