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Thanks Button - Printable Version

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RE: Thanks Button - Shady - 28-11-2013 00:58

(27-11-2013 19:27 )percpint Wrote:  Not sure if this is the right thread, but, as well as a thank button would it be possible to have a lol button. I don't want to use it to be sarcastic, its just that in some places a laugh would be better than a thank. Think funny babe show screen caps.
Well that's enough thinking for now, my brain is beginning to hurt!

For a capper like me, a 'thank' suggests that you enjoyed the cap and found it entertaining anyway. In which case, I'd be content to maintain the status quo rather than add code which is probably not necessary. Big Grin

RE: Thanks Button - percpint - 28-11-2013 02:29

OK, I take your point about extra code. So long as everyone is happy with thanks being a double entendre i will use it in both ways.

RE: Thanks Button - Fernandez Esperenda - 21-09-2014 02:23

the only problem with the thanks button is the lack of people using it lately, what is the point in members spending time putting decent posts together and then recieve no thanks?

Is it really that hard to click a thank button to show appreciation?...

RE: Thanks Button - Joey 27 - 21-09-2014 04:27

all you have to do is post a pic of a babeshow babe taking a selfie then you will get loads of thanks

RE: Thanks Button - Scottishbloke - 24-09-2014 22:02

Well I've been off the forum for a few days but I feel the need to express my thoughts on this issue.

From a personal point I have to admit that the amount the thanks per post is not reflective on the amount of time and energy us cappers and in particular vid makers put into this forum.

Sometimes depending on how big the backlog of vids I've still to upload it's taken me hours uploading vid after vid for this forum.

My vids have infact had more downloads than thanks given, I get the impression of late that the vids uploaded are being taken for granted.

Caps are great but the actual video is the real crown jewel, no disrespect to the only cap posts.

Back in the day video uploads used to get 40+ thanks, now you're lucky if it gets past 10.

RE: Thanks Button - Robot Devil - 26-09-2014 15:36

It must be extremely galling for cappers/vid makers to receive so little appreciation from people here. I don't think it's unfair of me to say that the 'site is besieged with scroungers that have zero interested in thanking people for their hard work or even acknowledging when someone has provided useful information that they wanted to know. Personally I'd advocate a spoiler button for every cap/vid post. You wanna see the goods ? You MUST click thanks to unlock the post. It's not asking a lot to simply thank someone for their efforts, is it ?

RE: Thanks Button - Scottishbloke - 26-09-2014 16:41

Well I agree with you there, also on the liveshow forum the caps and vids are hidden from guests, I think a similar thing could be achieved on this forum. Unless you log in you don't get to see the goods.

With that in place I'd be willing to bet that the amount of thanks per cap, video posts would surely be in the 30+ even in the so-called less popular threads such as BS Unleashed.

RE: Thanks Button - Starblade - 26-09-2014 17:17

(24-09-2014 22:02 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  ...

Back in the day video uploads used to get 40+ thanks, now you're lucky if it gets past 10.

... and 5 of those 10 are mods and fellow cappers/video makers who generously thank all the cap/video posts.

RE: Thanks Button - munch1917 - 26-09-2014 17:44

(26-09-2014 15:36 )The Robot Devil Wrote:  ...
Personally I'd advocate a spoiler button for every cap/vid post. You wanna see the goods ? You MUST click thanks to unlock the post.

The problem with systems like this is that people still aren't actually 'thanking' the post, they are simply unlocking the downloads. The thanks becomes skewed, an untrue and inaccurate reflection of true thanks, and becomes irrelevant as a measure.

RE: Thanks Button - circles_o_o_o - 26-09-2014 18:03

Any thanks that has to be extracted through coercion is meaningless, I wouldn't be in favour of a pre-thanking system at all.

However, on other forums, the number of thanks given by each member is visible. Currently only admin seems to be party to this info. If it was public, then it might prompt some more generosity of spirit.

It's always nice to be thanked, so thanks to all the folk who do use it. Smile