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RE: Osama Bin Laden Dead - tsurugi - 04-05-2011 17:46

To lighten the mood Wink

RE: Osama Bin Laden Dead - SYBORG666 - 04-05-2011 18:14

If Osama Bin Laden is actually dead and is eventually proven to the world. It's not going to make things better and having done a tour in Afghanistan 9 yrs ago, I can say that the Taliban and Al Queda will retaliate against the west in general, not just the US. They're resourceful and are a very determined enemy. As much as i'm happy that the victims of 9/11 have got closure, all that's happened is Al Queda, the Taliban and all the terrorist cells have been given a Martyr and added just more fuel to fire. Sorry if i've rained on anyones parade but if anyone seriously thought it would end with the death of Bin Laden, is misguided. This is just my view of things and I genuinely wish I was wrong about it all but I doubt that it will end within the next 5-10yrs (if ever) because Al Queda are too splintered now.

RE: Osama Bin Laden Dead - dirtbag - 04-05-2011 19:30

Syborg, I think you're right that the alleged death of Bin Laden will not make Islamic extremism disappear however it proves that the West will not tolerate terrorism and will hunt down those responsible for any acts of violence against its citizens no matter how long it takes.

It is sad to say that I also believe that home grown terrorism will continue to rise in this Country as UK Islamic elders refuse to allow second or third generation UK Muslims the Western freedom that our current forces and ancestors have fought for. Their confusion over belonging will always make them susceptible to the preachings of Islamic extremists like Bin Laden.

Even if the current terrorist groups disappeared there would be a new crop of nut jobs stepping in to take their place. After all only a few decades ago the IRA were the terrorists of the moment and were forced into rethinking their strategy towards peaceful negotiations.

Fuck me this thread is a bit deep. I'm going to have to take it down to a dirtbag level and wonder what Bin Laden would have made of Lolly's tit job?

RE: Osama Bin Laden Dead - SYBORG666 - 04-05-2011 20:13

I totally agree Dirtbag because we won't quit til the job is done and i'd still go to Afghanistan now if I hadn't been medically discharged from the Army after getting shot in the leg on my first tour of Afghanistan 9yrs ago but i'm still here and grateful. There is still elements of the IRA still going, which is further proof that the War on Terror will be along war. As the saying goes "We may of won the battle but we haven't won the war yet".
On a brighter note, I wonder if Bin Laden is enjoying those 70 virgins, especially when they're all looking like the lovechild of Susan Boyle and Jabba the Hut.BounceBounceBounceBounce

RE: Osama Bin Laden Dead - terence - 04-05-2011 20:21

if america have said he's dead then he must be dead. surely if he wasn't he would be all over al-jazeera holding the newspaper of the day with a middle finger in the air (or the arab equivalent!)Smile

RE: Osama Bin Laden Dead - lucent-x - 04-05-2011 20:35

(04-05-2011 20:21 )terence Wrote:  if america have said he's dead then he must be dead. surely if he wasn't he would be all over al-jazeera holding the newspaper of the day with a middle finger in the air (or the arab equivalent!)Smile

or... they took him alive and just told us he's dead, they can basically do what they want with him then.

Seriously though, capturing him alive and telling us would've been a stupid move, it would set off a wave of kidnappings and hostage bargaining. They had to kill him and they have, long term benefits with short term pain.

RE: Osama Bin Laden Dead - terence - 04-05-2011 20:44

(04-05-2011 19:30 )dirtbag Wrote:  After all only a few decades ago the IRA were the terrorists of the moment and were forced into rethinking their strategy towards peaceful negotiations.

the IRA's goal was peaceful negotiations with britain, so to that aim they succeeded.

RE: Osama Bin Laden Dead - dirtbag - 04-05-2011 21:14

sorry my Irish politics is a little hazy. I thought the nationalists goal was for Northern Ireland to be politically reunited with the South, independent of British rule. They tried to achieve this first by force and then when that failed through peaceful negotiations.

RE: Osama Bin Laden Dead - terence - 04-05-2011 21:27

(04-05-2011 21:14 )dirtbag Wrote:  sorry my Irish politics is a little hazy. I thought the nationalists goal was for Northern Ireland to be politically reunited with the South, independent of British rule. They tried to achieve this first by force and then when that failed through peaceful negotiations.

you are correct to a point but the IRA knew they couldn't do it by force alone. the armed campaign was neccesary to get britain to the negotiation table. i would like to add that i in no way condone their tactics.
america's 'war on terror' has sort of made people lump all terrorist together which i feel is wrong. the irish conflict is competly different to the war on islamic terrorism.
we are enjoying a prolonged period of peace here that i have never known. and while the rise of this dissidant element is a bit worrying, people here have no desire to return to the old ways!Smile

RE: Osama Bin Laden Dead - SYBORG666 - 04-05-2011 21:28

They're still active but less obviously i.e not going on as many bombing campaigns.