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RE: Labour Leadership Contest - brummie - 14-08-2015 20:30

Who says we can forgive the Tories for that Thatcher woman, I certainly never will!

RE: Labour Leadership Contest - brummie - 14-08-2015 20:41

Nice of Tony Blair and Alistair Campbell to try and stick the knife in Corbyn's bid, I think they just made certain he is a shoe in for the job now. Burnham & Cooper must have felt their hearts sink after they weighed in against Corbyn and gave his bid a massive boost instead! But in all homesty Corbyn is the only LABOUR candidate standing, the rest want to see a new Tory party lite so its a bit off when they shout foul play because it looks like they might be rejected by the partys grass roots. Did it never occur to them that the real Labour supporters might actually want a Labour party that upholds Labour values, especially in these times of the Bullingdon boys funnelling money hand over fist into the pockets of their welthy backers and corporations, while screwing the poorest members of society and the NHS.

RE: Labour Leadership Contest - lancealot790 - 14-08-2015 22:12

Hopefully Corbyn will win by a landslide and condemn labour to fate they truly deserve, political oblivion.

RE: Labour Leadership Contest - HannahsPet - 15-08-2015 06:31

Nice peice on Sky news about the Scottish Labour leader election all they were talking about was working with corbyn to help them battle with the SNP idelogicially the other 3 didnt get a mention

like i say i could actually see corbyn winning a general election most of the north and wales will never vote tory again. i reckon scotland would be very receptive to corbyns message taking seats from SNP. the political chattering classes are out for him there must be a reason

RE: Labour Leadership Contest - bigguy01 - 16-08-2015 23:07

(12-08-2015 23:22 )bigguy01 Wrote:  in the telegraph they had an article which stated corbyn could be ousted on his first day as labour leader. labour regardless who their leader is will be forming the next government.

there is a typo I meant to say will not be forming the next government, for reasons the voters don't trust them on the economy/public purse and the boundary changes will be taking place before 2020 will see labour lose more seats in England, there will be 50 seats being lost that means there be will only 600 seats in parliament, has each seat will have the have same number of voters.

RE: Labour Leadership Contest - Doddle - 17-08-2015 07:37

They would do well to think of it as crowning a Caretaker Leader, much as football clubs get Caretaker Managers until they can find a proper one.

RE: Labour Leadership Contest - HEX!T - 17-08-2015 10:05

(16-08-2015 23:07 )bigguy01 Wrote:  
(12-08-2015 23:22 )bigguy01 Wrote:  in the telegraph they had an article which stated corbyn could be ousted on his first day as labour leader. labour regardless who their leader is will be forming the next government.

there is a typo I meant to say will not be forming the next government, for reasons the voters don't trust them on the economy/public purse and the boundary changes will be taking place before 2020 will see labour lose more seats in England, there will be 50 seats being lost that means there be will only 600 seats in parliament, has each seat will have the have same number of voters.
thing is it just goes to show how ill informed the public are.
fact is under labour real borrowing went down and gdp went up and was holding steady until the banks pulled the rug out. (just 1 of many sources that refute the governments claims for austerity.
the cons got in and over stated the size of the problem and are using lies and misdirection to implement there agenda of stripping the public of its assets.

if you were around in the late 70'80's and early 90's you will remember how bad it got. unemployment at record highs (9 million+ at 1 point). people working 70 hours a week for as little as 75p an hour. 1 in 3 hospital beds empty because the nhs didnt have the staff. reduced policing numbers to the point some estates in the north became no go zones. 40+ kids to a classroom, education budget slashed. all of this was corrected under labour. yes they got a few things wrong but on the whole the country never had it so good under tony (war criminal)blair.
why dont the people get this? because there being fed lie after lie by the media who are currently lobbying cameron to get the bbc's public funding removed so murdock can spread even more lies...

RE: Labour Leadership Contest - HannahsPet - 17-08-2015 11:52

(17-08-2015 07:37 )Doddle Wrote:  They would do well to think of it as crowning a Caretaker Leader, much as football clubs get Caretaker Managers until they can find a proper one.

Robert di matteo was a caretaker manager when he won the champions league lol

RE: Labour Leadership Contest - Charlemagne - 17-08-2015 12:30

Gordon Brown's been throwing his weight against chosing Jeremy Corbyn as the party’s next leader, suggesting that the MP for Islington North could damage international relations by allying with Hezbollah, Hamas, Venezuela and Russia.

It could be worse. He could be best buddies with the SNP

RE: Labour Leadership Contest - SecretAgent - 17-08-2015 12:56

^ He will be as they've got removing nuclear weapons in common. Then the Labour Party can officially become the English wing of the SNP as well!

Really enjoying this thread and some of the creative reasoning contributors are using! Oh and didn't some of the industries Corbyn want "to return" to public ownership start out as private businesses before they were nationalised by a Labour Government!