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Babestation Babes - Top 3, 5, 10/Best As A Girlfriend/Wife/To Have A Shower With... - Printable Version

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RE: Top 5 Babes - EvilToaster - 02-05-2009 13:14

1.Rachel Cole (probably my favourite babe from any of the channels Big Grin)
2.Tara Lee

RE: Top 5 Babes - boogieboyb - 02-05-2009 20:47

1. Rachel
2. Morgan
3. Amanda
4. Donna Duke
5. Camilla

Too easy. I'm a bit allergic to silicone and cheek implants.

RE: Top 5 Babes - adelmo - 02-05-2009 20:50

1 amanda
2 morgan
3 charlie
4 jemma
5 jodie

RE: Top 5 Babes - Da Mastah - 02-05-2009 23:00

The Master Says...

The Master may well have posted his selection already, but since he can no longer remember or be bothered to look, he'll post them again.

1. Camilla
2. Dionne
3. Jemma Jey
4. Geri
5. Morgan

RE: Top 5 Babes - iluvjemmajey - 05-05-2009 19:25

So here's mine -

1) Jemma Jey - my fave, gorgeous naughty horny smile and love her body.
2) Jade-Victoria - just love her red hair.
3) Charlie - love her blue eyes.
4) Geri - that little minx is so lovely with a cute pert botty.
5) Dani O'Neal - consistently such a naughty but lovely babe.

RE: Top 5 Babes - Rolly - 06-05-2009 23:11

Jemma Jey

RE: Top 5 Babes - mozza - 07-05-2009 00:25

haven't got a top 5, just a top 1 - camilla, nuff said Wink

RE: Top 5 Babes - Anarchy Rulz - 07-05-2009 16:37

1. Morgan
2. Porcha (pre-boob op)
3. Donna
4. Tara
5. Amanda

RE: Top 5 Babes - tsurugi - 07-05-2009 16:39

1 camilla
2 camilla
3 camilla
4 camilla
5 camilla

RE: Top 5 Babes - stone cold - 07-05-2009 16:39

2.jemma jay