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RE: Welcome - G@Z! - 19-01-2009 18:55

what is this twenty questions lol

i hope i write and says she does not what reality shows Smile

RE: Welcome - T-850 - 19-01-2009 19:01

gazwim Wrote:what is this twenty questions lol

Errr yea, well actually i have 15 left, have you read the first post in this thread? lol

gazwim Wrote:i hope i write and says she does not what reality shows Smile

I'm sorry i don't understand what you said. Smile

RE: Welcome - G@Z! - 19-01-2009 20:15

don't worry bad joke and grammar meant nothing Smile

RE: Welcome - minerwilly - 20-01-2009 17:57

hey Jade. Glad you liked it. :-) I've waited a long time to post and when i saw you had your own thread i knew exactly where to post it. Would you mind if i pm'd you my pic? Mwah. Xxx

RE: Welcome - THE INCREDIBLE BULK - 20-01-2009 18:58

Hey, if you're gonna share with Jade, you can damn well share with the rest of us!!

...I'm kidding, by the way...

RE: Welcome - G@Z! - 23-01-2009 01:31

welcome jade
have you been a good girl? Cool

RE: Welcome - jade-victoria - 29-01-2009 17:59

miner guessing by the name your into domination?
gaz..... i am always a good girl Tongue
As for the other questions here goes:
Summer or winter....SUMMER! Strictly Come Dancing or Dancing On Ice.....NEVER WATCHED EITHER TO BE HONEST Vodka or Tequila......VODKA BABY! And.....Missionary or on top.....DEPENDS WHAT MOOD IM IN AND IF I CAN BE ARSED TO DO ALL THE WORK HAHAHA

RE: Welcome - G@Z! - 29-01-2009 18:02

don't worry jade i believe you Tongue

RE: Welcome - Rammyrascal - 15-04-2009 16:04

hi jade. ive been a fan of yours ever since you started on babestation because of the combination of red hair and your wonderful figure complete with your big natural boobs

RE: Welcome - jade-victoria - 15-04-2009 22:27

Hey rammy thank u babe x