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Early Bird/The Pad - Babe ID requests - Printable Version

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RE: 948 / 959 NOW..plz - Bluearmy71 - 29-09-2009 19:51

Its Frankie Babe

Night shows

RE: 948 / 959 NOW..plz - y0y0tete - 29-09-2009 19:56

cheers mate...

help - andytee - 04-10-2009 08:08

doese anybody have any info on the pretty blonde on 959 early bird please.

RE: Chnl 959 - TheWatcher - 04-10-2009 18:36

Is this Kate Darcy, on now?

[Image: 2009-10-04-191931.jpg]

RE: Chnl 959 - Chilly - 04-10-2009 18:38

^^^ Yes.

RE: help - Mellow - 04-10-2009 19:16

I don't know as I was not up that early, but have you tried looking through the pictures in the ID thread?

948 now - mpearson87 - 05-10-2009 10:19

brunette, blue eyes, fantastic tits eyes and smile - just wondered who it was?

RE: 948 now - bcl - 05-10-2009 10:26

Kate Darcy

babe id on 959 - dibs2k9 - 05-10-2009 17:28

Can someone please tell me who the babe on channel 959 is she is hot!! thanks for any help

RE: babe id on 959 - Shalashaska - 05-10-2009 17:46

Kate Darcy