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RE: Scottish Independence (the sequel) - skully - 19-03-2017 15:36

Being from a family that is Scottish and English, I don't hate the English, but I do think the ignorant ones need to get a clue and think before they speak/type, those are the people that would post how dare you comments if a Scottish person posted similar about England. They are also the ones who feed the anger that Scots feel, like the Tories, they can't see past their own agenda.
I suggest you maybe stop posting about Scotland Wackawoo, as if you continue on with your attitude which is both ignorant and offensive I'll mute you.

RE: Scottish Independence (the sequel) - wackawoo - 19-03-2017 16:19

English poeple have had to deal with Scotish Anglophbia for has long as I can remember.

It's hardly a secret that a lot of Scotish people hate the English. This apparently is perfectly ok. It is the reason why most English people, including myself, did and do throw their support behind Scotland in football tornaments etc, but why Scotland would rather cheer on Argentina. The English have never once had a problem with the Scots, it has always been the other way around.

Now you say my comments are ignorant and offensive? By saying how many brilliant people have come out of Scotland or did you miss that bit?

Did you know I am part Welsh myself and therefore part Celt? I suspect you didn't.

It is quite clear for anybody who can read that by far the majority of what I have writtian is not remotely offensive to Scots (those that don't have another agenda that is), and what information I have gleaned about the situation as come from Scotish people themselves.

Now if you have a problem with my pointing out a perfect fact that Scotland independantly on it's own is not in the world order a particularly significant country, then the problem lies with you not me.

Sturgeon taking Scotland out of both the UK and EU will be damaging to Scotland, not to mention any Scots living in England that my have to leave.

My post on this subject has been entirely about this subject with a little bit of minor neighbourly ribbing, nothng more than that.

RE: Scottish Independence (the sequel) - wackawoo - 19-03-2017 16:22

(19-03-2017 15:22 )Sm© Wrote:  Sometimes I have second thoughts about hating English people, then I read yummyyaz's pish and remember why I do.

So has a rule you normally do hate the English?

Or is that bit of minor ribbing your neighboures ok?

RE: Scottish Independence (the sequel) - wackawoo - 19-03-2017 16:23

So let me get this right. Skully, S@m, silent majority, Terence are actually all Scotish or Irish?

RE: Scottish Independence (the sequel) - Hamish McSporran - 19-03-2017 16:41

(19-03-2017 16:19 )wackawoo Wrote:  It is quite clear for anybody who can read that by far the majority of what I have writtian is not remotely offensive to Scots

Most things you say about Scotland are both ill-informed AND offensive.

RE: Scottish Independence (the sequel) - HannahsPet - 19-03-2017 16:57

(19-03-2017 09:49 )The Silent Majority Wrote:  
(18-03-2017 15:40 )wackawoo Wrote:  I've just been receiving an education into this malarky,

Pity none of it's sinking in.

thats the scottish education system for you Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue

RE: Scottish Independence (the sequel) - HannahsPet - 19-03-2017 16:59

(19-03-2017 16:41 )Hamish McSporran Wrote:  
(19-03-2017 16:19 )wackawoo Wrote:  It is quite clear for anybody who can read that by far the majority of what I have writtian is not remotely offensive to Scots

Most things you say about Scotland are both ill-informed AND offensive.

Are You Scottish Hamish McSporren im not so sure !! TongueTongueTongueTongue

RE: Scottish Independence (the sequel) - Sm© - 19-03-2017 17:00

(19-03-2017 16:22 )wackawoo Wrote:  
(19-03-2017 15:22 )Sm© Wrote:  Sometimes I have second thoughts about hating English people, then I read yummyyaz's pish and remember why I do.

So has a rule you normally do hate the English?

Or is that bit of minor ribbing your neighboures ok?

Actually two of my uncles moved down south years ago, I have two lovely English Aunts and three awesome English cousins ( One a qualified vet and one a doctor, both now work abroad because they couldn't get employment in England)

I don't hate the English, just the way they think they are better than everyone else, arrogant cunts.

You and your strange, xenophobic views baffle the Fuck out of me... why are you like this? I think you are a professional troll, the number of accounts you have had on this forum confirms that.


RE: Scottish Independence (the sequel) - wackawoo - 19-03-2017 17:04

(19-03-2017 16:41 )Hamish McSporran Wrote:  Most things you say about Scotland are both ill-informed AND offensive.

My information as come from Scotish people no where else, to wit they agreed with my assesment.

They are only offensive if you don't like the truth, and the truth it is.

It seems the problem is with my stating in the grand world order Scotland is not that significant a country, sorry if it's a shock to you, but it isn't, it simply isn't rich enough a nation on it's own merits.

You never know, if Scotland does become indepenant, join the EU, have all this Freedom of moving and access to the single market it my well become more powerful than England.

It's hoped you are Scotish becasue you couldn't get a more cliched offensive name, and I'm acused of offence.

RE: Scottish Independence (the sequel) - wackawoo - 19-03-2017 17:11

(19-03-2017 17:00 )Sm© Wrote:  Actually two of my uncles moved down south years ago, I have two lovely English Aunts and three awesome English cousins ( One a qualified vet and one a doctor, both now work abroad because they couldn't get employment in England)

I don't hate the English, just the way they think they are better than everyone else, arrogant cunts.

You and your strange, xenophobic views baffle the Fuck out of me... why are you like this? I think you are a professional troll, the number of accounts you have had on this forum confirms that.


Yes, and I have absolutely nothing against the Scots, English people by and large don't, it's a Scots thing against the English. The English do not think they are better than anybody else, this is just what YOU think, and you have just called English cunts, not a few, but all, guesisng this will be fine of course.

I have stated brilliant poeple come out of Scotland, I have never once insulted, run down, degraded anybody becasue they are Scots, it's not my trolling thats the problem, it's your knee jerk reaction.

The number off acounts shows there is a bias, some memebers can say anything, other peoples post gets jumped on for any tiny little reason imaginable.

My post only baffle you becasue I have actually stated nothing whatsoever xenophobic, but in your mind I have.

Little bit of ribbing and nothing more.