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RE: UFC - mitchell - 09-05-2010 15:31

Well well fuckin well what a silly night that was, After gettin controlled (not dominated) all fight without taking any punishment/damage and gaining some respect for his defence albeit after he`s been taken down and there for possibly coming out of the fight with the better rep Daley goes and ends his UFC career (Dana has binned him).

The fight went as i expected it to the same as GSP v Hardy the Brit getting easily taken down and controlled although both Hardy & Daley did well to go to a decision. I think after the fight and during it both fighters showed their true colours, Kocheck with his bitch antics with the knee and his class after he won & Daley with... well, you only have to listen to Daley`s interviews to know he`s a volatile character, i guess we`ll never know how good he could have been at world level, to be honest i doubt he would have become champion anyway he`s only got himslef to blame.

Dana binned Daley straight after the fight, thats a bit cheap considering some of the shit some fools get up to on TUF series and get to stay on the show, not to mention Nate Diaz who was involved in the Strikeforce brawl & i`ve heard the UFC have also signed one of the fighters from Strikeforce who was also involved in the brawl as well.. one rule for one and.

The good shit, what a win for Shotgun.. sorry showgun Rua he came straight out to go to work Machida didn`t know what or who hit him, he should make a good champ now he`s free of all his injury`s.
A good win for Alan Belcher i think if Bisping wins at UFC 114 he could face Belcher for a shot at Bronze.. sorry i mean Silva.

Don`t forget ESPN midnight tonight for MMA LIVE @ UFC 113 for all the fallout & shit.

RE: UFC - groundnpound - 10-05-2010 01:02

UNBELIEVABLE Fucking prick Dana White! I can't get my head around him cutting Paul Daley so soon after the fight in the heat of the moment? He should have let things cool off and then gave him a warning! It's the guys career for fucks sake! Its not like were playin bowls or something... Its the UFC! The adrenalin is pumping! I think Dana White was so unprofessional it's untrue! What about cutting Brock Lesnar for screaming at Frank Mir after their 2nd fight and Anderson Silva for robbing people of their money or Diaz after the brawl! Daley was clearly provoked and taunted by that arrogant fuckin koscheck! During the mma live interview after the fight koscheck admitted he went a bit low with the trash talk in the last minute of the fight and that he provoked Daley... He's only a brit though rite? Who the fuck cares... FUCK YOU DANA WHITE!!!!

RE: UFC - Winston Wolfe - 10-05-2010 02:03

What happened with Daley was a real shame... Koscheck used spoiling tactics and grinded out the win, but you can't condone what Daley did after the fight finished... As much as Koscheck is an irritating little punk, who talks smack too much and frustrated Daley with his tactics, fact is Daley had 15 minutes to land punches like that. I thought Daley was too tentative and wary of the takedowns... He didn't let his hands go enough during the fight, and I think he was just as frustrated with his own performance as much as anything.

It's unfortunate Dana has chosen to make an example out of Daley and terminate his contract, but there has been a fair bit of bad press for MMA recently. There was bound to be a scapegoat somewhere along the line...

Here's the official quote from Dana White:

“I’m probably the most lenient guy in sports and this is probably one of the most lenient organizations, and we’re all human, we all make mistakes, things happen, but there’s no excuse for that,” said White at the post-fight press conference. “These guys are professional athletes, and you don’t ever hit a guy blatantly after the bell like that, whether you’re frustrated or not. It was probably one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen because he is a talented guy and he is one of the best 170-pounders in the world.”

“He’s done,” continued White. “I don’t care if he fights in every show all over the world and becomes the best and everybody thinks he’s the pound for pound best in the world; he will never fight in the UFC ever again.”

Thought UFC 113 was a good night though, and ended on a high with Shogun in the main event. Awesome performance, he totally destroyed Machida. Big up Shogun!

RE: UFC - mitchell - 10-05-2010 13:13

Yep yep both fair points, lets be honest though Daley & Hardy have shown big inability to stop takedowns.
Bisping has come up short in his two big fights Henderson, Wanderlei he needs to beat Dan Miller who has 7 submission wins from 11 he lost his last 2 fights but they were against Chael Sonnen & Damian Maia both by UD, if he can win this fight as i already said then it could be Alan Belcher next.
Anyway my point is these three brits are struggling a little and thats why i think our best guy maybe Ross Pearson who has a pretty good alround game.

Upcoming fights also include James Mcsweeney & James Wilks.

RE: UFC - Ducky - 10-05-2010 16:00

Only got time for a quick post after reading all your reviews and thoughts on UFC 113.

One tyhing that I wondered was if that strikeforce incident happened on UFC, how would Dana react?
Well he'd have cut both Nick & Nate & even Shields too then?!

I dunno... I just wonder if the strikeforce incident hadn't happened, Dana may not have been so quick to make an example of Daley.
At the end of the day, a major brawl on an MMA event, highly publised & bad for the sprt of MMA & then Daley kicks off with violence after the bell rings and it just seems to me that post-strikeforce Nashville, Dana may well have consciously drawn that particular line on the day of that event & he won't allow fighters to cross it and get away with. period.

Feel bad for Daley, but I hope he can earn a great contract elsewhere now

RE: UFC - 199lives - 10-05-2010 17:08

well daley was an idiot after a 15 minute fight to then sucker punch someone after the bell is just retarded, instant cut seams a bit harsh but then again Dana's not exactly known for being calm and professional about things there was the cro cop and loretta hunt incidents not long ago. from the interview i saw seams he was more pissed at daley's attitude then anything else. with the diaz brawl and signing jake shields after what went on dana doesn't seam to care what goes on as long as its not on his show, that just gave him ammunition to attack strikeforce with and like it or not if your a big draw (lesnar,gsp,rampage) your going to get away with more than if your not as popular and not bringing in the money like Daley.

on a brighter note Tom lawlers entrance was class, coming out to living in america at a fight in canada, pity he lost.
when shogun lost to forrest and then the coleman fight i thought he was done but damm he's recovered from all his injuries and looked fucking awesome wasn't going to get screwed by them judges again, love to see him fight anderson silva.
kiimbo looked good for about 2 minutes then gassed and got beat up, later got cut from ufc.

RE: UFC - mitchell - 12-05-2010 16:55

Episode 2 or Rachelle Leah`s MMAthletics

When i watched it it was alittle out of sync so if you watch it don`t stop/pause it or you`ll end up hearing the end before you see the beginin. it also kept stoping ever 10sec.

[Image: leah.jpg]

RE: UFC - mitchell - 14-05-2010 00:26

UFC PRIMETIME: Rampage v Evans
Starts tonight Friday 14th 23:15 ESPN, RPT Wed 19 23:15
Ep 2 Friday 21st ESPN (probably same time)
Ep 3 not yet listed but maybe on Fri 28th as UFC 114 is on 29th.

Reports say Winner of Rampage v Evans will face Shogun in his first title defense later this year, i`d say maybe Sep/Oct??

RE: UFC - groundnpound - 14-05-2010 00:47

Can't wait for this fight mate
[Image: ufc_114_rampage_vs_evans_poster_thumb.jpg]

RE: UFC - Winston Wolfe - 15-05-2010 09:22

"There's gonna be some black on black crime!" Bounce