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RE: 360 or PS3 - Shandy - 02-02-2009 15:56

I use IE8 and safari on vista, runs good Smile

C&C, thats what i forgot, that is a game i can only play on PC, don't do driving games lol, i can't play them

RE: 360 or PS3 - HEX!T - 02-02-2009 16:19

shandyman Wrote:It does on COD 5, i just checked it. Dunno about GTA, but considering its just a port, i would think so.

and a friend just told me that GTA does have auto aim online, if the people that set the game up choose it, he doesn't know about single player off hand. But the online thing is exactly the same as xbox, Auto Aim can be on or off depending on who sets the game up.
i ment cod 4 and cod 5 there is no auto aim on pc m8. ive never used it and never would.
as im the admin for our clan server with full setup and config privs i can honestly say there is no such setting to turn auto aim on or off, if it was there i would know about it. i aint deliberatly trying to get up yer nose here eather m8 but it does sound like yer missinformed

as for vista it realy is junk, it is so bad there replacing it with windows 7 later this year.

RE: 360 or PS3 - HEX!T - 02-02-2009 16:21

if you like yer security i wouldnt recomend ie8 eather, beta isnt better in this case.

RE: 360 or PS3 - Shandy - 02-02-2009 16:28

COD5 does, i checked that myself on my dads pc with his copy. Anyway, i never have it turned on on the console and if you have it on medium and hard difficulty on single player, its off anyway.when i play it online, i play on servers where its off, so its not an issue. If you're really good, you'd be on those ones so again, it wouldn't be an issue

Vista got a bad rep from the start cos a lot of people had problems with it, once SP1 came out, its been a good sytem all round, but the bad press fucked it over. Windows 7 is based on Vista, to be honest its not even that much different looks wise, and it does manage resources alot better. But i can't really test it out much more cos it doesn't agree with my wifi at the mo.

RE: 360 or PS3 - HEX!T - 02-02-2009 17:09

lol it dosent agree with my system period. random bsods due to incompatable drivers, is just the start but it is coming and it will use less resorces. about 450mb compared to vistas 750mb.

RE: 360 or PS3 - Shandy - 02-02-2009 17:19

drivers aren't down to microsoft tho, and i think thats what most the problems are nowadays. Someone said for W7, at least until proper ones released, use the XP drivers for devices that it doesn't automatically pick up, i've just not gotten round to testing that theory with my wifi yet. W7 is a bit more clever as it uses resources proportionally, not a set amount, its meant to work just as good on any machine.

RE: 360 or PS3 - HEX!T - 02-02-2009 20:25

i didnt say the drivers were down to microsoft. i said i had proplems with W7 and incomaptable drivers and you cant us xp drivers, you gota use vista drivers seriously m8 i aint yer granny but yer trying to teach me to suck eggs. im 30+ not 17 and ive been using computers since i was 9. i know what the problem is...

RE: 360 or PS3 - Shandy - 02-02-2009 20:33

i didn't mean to say you said that, just that alot of people blame vista when its drivers not the OS. I know what i am talking about with pc's i've been building them for about 14 years, what i said about W7 and drivers was about ones that don't automatically install or that just don't work, someone said in the microsoft technet forum to try using XP drivers instead as they had had better luck with them, and like i also seaid, i've not actually had the chance to test that theory out myself. The only problem i have with W7 is the Wifi not authenticating, which is the same problem i have with XP, yet Vista works fine straight off the bat with connecting. how can you know what the problem is?

RE: 360 or PS3 - HEX!T - 02-02-2009 20:41

what wirless you using?

RE: 360 or PS3 - Shandy - 02-02-2009 20:45

Belkin, N Wireless USB adapter, but i had no choice in the matter as i don't have money to splash out on parts. You'd think if it worked pefrectly fine on vista, it would on W7, tried original vista drivers on W7 as well as the latest. I do exactly the same thing when i installed W7 as i do vista.