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RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - Money_Shot - 09-02-2012 18:21

Rio Ferdinand tweeted saying the manager SHOULD be English, the fucking racist! What's wrong with a Brit, or European! Tsk the cheek!!

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - Money_Shot - 09-02-2012 18:23

(09-02-2012 11:53 )sweetsugar007 Wrote:  Why are the Euro's there to be won! At best we are probably the fourth best in Europe behind Germany, Spain, Holland. Short termism is what landed us with Capello and Erickson and short termism is the reason why Venables did not stay in he job longer than he should of!

I think the reason T.V left the England post had something to do with the F.A interfering AGAIN!

Let's be honest, the media want Harry, so he'll get the job. But they will be the first ones, along with the fickle fans from the Premier Greed to be twisting the knife when/if things go tits up.

I can't remember who mentioned it earlier, but who the fuck would want this job? Or the captaincy.

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - eagle_si - 09-02-2012 19:03

Venables supposedly left because he wanted to fight the allegations into his dodgy business dealings. This took up so much of his precious time that he popped up again as the Australia coach within six months of leaving England. It's totally laughable that he's having a go at Capello in the Sun for walking out, when he did EXACTLY the same thing in 1996.

There are quite a few similarities between him and 'Arry. Both are Londonders, both managed Spurs, both have had their business activities scrutinised, and both have loads of mates in the media which helped them (or will help) get the England job.

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - dominar rygel xvi - 09-02-2012 19:09

as things currently stand mr daniel levy is in a very good negotiating position with the FA is he not?

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - cosmonaut - 09-02-2012 19:35

(09-02-2012 19:09 )Dominar Rygel XVI Wrote:  as things currently stand mr daniel levy is in a very good negotiating position with the FA is he not?

I'm not sure. Redknapp's only got another season after this on his contract, so I don't think Levy's position is that strong. The more important question is whether Redknapp fancies another crack at the Champions League next season, in which case he may stay with Tottenham.

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - Money_Shot - 09-02-2012 19:36

(09-02-2012 19:03 )eagle_si Wrote:  Venables supposedly left because he wanted to fight the allegations into his dodgy business dealings. This took up so much of his precious time that he popped up again as the Australia coach within six months of leaving England. It's totally laughable that he's having a go at Capello in the Sun for walking out, when he did EXACTLY the same thing in 1996.

I thought it was F.A meddling, I stand corrected, Si Cool

It is a double standard I have come to expect from the media right now.The whole thing is a farce. The media say one thing and do another. It is a joke and for T.V to come out and say that makes him a complete fucking hypocrite.

It annoys me everyone is coming out now and having a pop at Capello. To be fair, even though I wasn't his biggest fan I think it is laughable that we now have no manager and no captain with a major tournament in only a few months time.

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - cosmonaut - 09-02-2012 19:46

(09-02-2012 19:03 )eagle_si Wrote:  It's totally laughable that he's having a go at Capello in the Sun for walking out, when he did EXACTLY the same thing in 1996.

eagle-si's version of events is wholly incorrect. Terry Venables did not walk out on his contract in 1996. He simply left when his contract expired (which logically was AFTER the Euro tournament, not before as in Capello's case). It's hard to see how Venables did anything wrong by leaving when his contract had expired anyway.

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - Charlemagne - 09-02-2012 20:18

Harry Redknapp's memory isn't what it was....
First he forgets where his money is... and now he's saying that he never thought about the England job...
Do we want a manager who keeps forgetting things.. Big Grin

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - sweetsugar007 - 09-02-2012 20:40

(09-02-2012 19:03 )eagle_si Wrote:  Venables supposedly left because he wanted to fight the allegations into his dodgy business dealings. This took up so much of his precious time that he popped up again as the Australia coach within six months of leaving England. It's totally laughable that he's having a go at Capello in the Sun for walking out, when he did EXACTLY the same thing in 1996.

There are quite a few similarities between him and 'Arry. Both are Londonders, both managed Spurs, both have had their business activities scrutinised, and both have loads of mates in the media which helped them (or will help) get the England job.

Technically thats not true. He wanted the committment of a longer contract which the FA were not prepared to grant given the potential outcome from those dealings.

RE: Fabio Capello Has Resigned As England Manager - mikedafc - 09-02-2012 20:50

whoever has the job has a thankless task as anything less than winning whichever tournament they qualify for is considered not good enough. Same goes for the Rugby team.

Until England get rid of the mindset that they have a divine right to win any tournament in either of the two sports mentioned will they ever be in the right mindset to win a big tournament again.