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RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 11-03-2016 16:47

Mankind vs Shawn Michaels(WWF Mind Games, 22/09/96)

A match that ends in a double disqualification wouldn't normally be anything to get excited about,but not in this case.Mick Foley was one of the few wrestlers that Michaels actually respected during this period and the chemistry between the two was evident from the opening bell.WWF crowds at this point were not used to seeing wild brawling and huge bumps so the entire match has a fresh feeling to it.Foley rated it as the best match of his WWF career.


RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 12-03-2016 14:40

WWF Hardcore Title Match(WWF Invasion, 22/07/01)

Jeff Hardy(champ) vs Rob Van Dam

RVD was the supposed to be the heel but he was loudly cheered throughout in this cracking hardcore match that offered a thrilling combination of hard hitting wrestling and fast paced aerial moves rather than just relying on weapon shots.RVD went over with an imoressive 5 Star Frog Splash onto the the title belt which he placed on the gut of a prone Hardy.Easily the best match on the card that night and a testament to the skill of both wrestlers at the time.


RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 16-03-2016 11:41

TLC For the WWE Tag Team Championship(WWE RAW,07/10/02)

Kane(co holder)vs Bubby Ray and Spike Dudley,vs Chris Jericho and Christian vs Jeff Hardy and RVD.

No real story telling here,just high spot after high spot,weapons shots and stunt wrestling,but it was a significant match though as the drop in quality of entire product was becoming more apparent as each week went buy.Called by a lone Jim Ross,this was the first TLC match ever staged on RAW.Despite my earlier complaints it was pretty exciting,Kane had to compete on his own as his partner,The Hurricane was injured,Kane basically didn't sell anything apart from a Van Terminator late on,Jeff Hardy took his usual massive bumps,as did Spike Dudley,the real work came from RVD,Chris Jericho and Christian.Worth a watch due to the unique circumstances and rarity of this type of match on a TV programme.


RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 17-03-2016 13:28

WWF Royal Rumble 1992(Rumble match,22/01/92)

After the disappointment of the this year's and last year's Rumbles,I went back to 1992 to see how it's done properly.In what is widely regarded as the best Rumble match ever staged,Ric Flair styled and profiled for over an hour,from number 3 to finally eliminate Sid Justice with help from Hulk Hogan,whom Sid had just dumped over the top rope.A truly great example of how a Royal Rumble should be booked.


Note :
Sid Justice was cheered loudly when he dumped Hogan over the top rope on the live pay per view and commentator Gorilla Monsoon said it was totally fair,however on subsequent home video releases,MacMahon edited the crowd reaction and had Gorilla Monsoon rerecord his comments in order to protect Hogan.

RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 18-03-2016 12:12

World Heavyweight Championship Match(WM24,01/04/08)

Edge©vs The Undertaker

Both contestants were undefeated at mania at this point in their respective careers which added another element of interest to the match.After a nice,slow build up,Edge took over in order to set up Taker for his comeback which involved his incredible swan dive over the top rope spot,the counter wrestling from Edge leading up to the finish showed the world what a talent he was,as a viewer,I truly felt that Taker's streak was in trouble.


RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 20-03-2016 12:49

WCW World War 3(26/11/95)

Sting vs Ric Flair

Thought I'd watch a match involving Sting due to his recent retirement.By this time in '95 the pair had locked horns so many times,you could predict almost everything they would do before they did it.However this was a spirited version of their regular,by the numbers match.Although the finish was a pleasant surprise as Sting went over clean via Scorpion Deathlock submission.


RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 22-03-2016 15:49

Dragon's Gate Pro Wrestling Festival(21/07/13)

Open The Dream Gate Title Match

CIMA©vs Shingo Takagi

Takagi finally ended CIMA's Open The Dream Gate Title reign with the Last Falconry at the 37:33 mark of an expertly structured scrap before a sell crowd of 9,600 at Kobe World Hall.If only Vince McMahon had any interest in these athletes,the WWE could be great again.


RE: Last Match Watched - shano123 - 22-03-2016 15:51

Tlc match at wm17

Dunno if that's already been posted on here but what a match!!!! Absolutely crazy from start to finish and featuring some nice spots especially edge's spear

RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 23-03-2016 13:42

Cage Match for the WWF Title(WWF Saturday Night's Main Event,25/04/89)

Hulk Hogan(champ)vs The Big Boss Man

I watched this match as Boss Man is being inducted into the WWE HOF this year.Despite Hogan's limits as a performer in the ring he always had great chemistry with The Boss Man and once again they played out another blinder on tv.Hogan starts off slow due to being jumped by Zeus outside the ring before the bell, to Hogan's credit he sold The Boss Man's violent offence like his life depended on it.A good all round cage match made even more exciting by the tremendous heat both guys generated from the fans.The highlight of the bout was the incredible spot where Boss Man tried to escape the cage by climbing over the top,only for Hogan to stop him by catching him with a huge,vertical suplex back in.


RE: Last Match Watched - rpj316 - 25-03-2016 20:50

Ric Flair vs Kerry Von Erich(World Class,25/12/82)

I watched this classic match as The Freebirds are being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.The fued between Flair and Von Erich culminated in this cage match, with The Freebirds at ringside.At one point Michael PS Hayes dropped Flair so Von Erich could take the win,Von Erich refused and made PS Hayes leave the cage.When Von Erich later tried to exit the cage,Freebird Terry Gordy slammed the cage door into his head(the Freebirds invented the cage door/ head slam spot)and cost Von Erich the match.A bitter and legendary fued between the Von Erich's and the Freebirds ensued.
