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Danica - Caps & Vids - Printable Version

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RE: Danica - Caps & Vids - Johnny23 - 06-08-2010 05:12

danica is amazing. has anyone got any caps of the landing strip?

RE: Danica - Caps & Vids - elitemad - 06-08-2010 12:20

great caps lads!
anyone know when there availible to download?

RE: Danica - Caps & Vids - quiquems - 06-08-2010 13:51

HeartHeart DANICA 05-08-10 HeartHeart
Webstream ELITE TV

[Image: 0daaaaa.jpg]

[Image: 0da1_108.jpg] [Image: 0da2_107.jpg] [Image: 0da3_107.jpg] [Image: 0da4_107.jpg] [Image: 0da5_106.jpg] [Image: 0da6_106.jpg]

[Image: 0da8_106_thumb.jpg] [Image: 0da7_106_thumb.jpg] [Image: 0da9_105_thumb.jpg] [Image: 0da10_104_thumb.jpg][Image: 0da11_103_thumb.jpg] [Image: 0da12_102_thumb.jpg] [Image: 0da13_103_thumb.jpg] [Image: 0da14_103_thumb.jpg] [Image: 0da15_103_thumb.jpg] [Image: 0da16_103_thumb.jpg] [Image: 0da17_103_thumb.jpg] [Image: 0da18_103_thumb.jpg] [Image: 0da19_103_thumb.jpg] [Image: 0da20_103_thumb.jpg] [Image: 0da21_103_thumb.jpg]

[Image: thumbs20100806143512.jpg]

RE: Danica - Caps & Vids - elitemad - 06-08-2010 14:10

thanks qui quems you legend! Big Grin

RE: Danica - Caps & Vids - Josh - 07-08-2010 12:55

5th August - Sky Recording - Full

Embedded Vid

Press the pink play button to view the vid.

DL Screen Caps
[Image: danica_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_00.23.42.jpg]

[Image: danica_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_01.10.23.jpg]

[Image: danica_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_01.43.56.jpg]

[Image: danica_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_01.44.28.jpg]

[Image: danica_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_01.56.48.jpg]

[Image: danica_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_02.12.44.jpg]

[Image: danica_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_02.28.48.jpg]

[Image: danica_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_02.32.50.jpg]

[Image: danica_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_02.54.23.jpg]

[Image: danica_05.08.10.mp4_thumbs.jpg]
Download Link

5th August - Web Stream Recording - Full

Embedded Vid

Press the pink play button to view the vid.

DL Screen Caps
[Image: danica_web_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_00.54.40.jpg]

[Image: danica_web_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_01.09.22.jpg]

[Image: danica_web_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_01.29.40.jpg]

[Image: danica_web_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_01.41.28.jpg]

[Image: danica_web_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_01.50.52.jpg]

[Image: danica_web_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_02.08.52.jpg]

[Image: danica_web_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_02.09.53.jpg]

[Image: danica_web_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_02.29.02.jpg]

[Image: danica_web_05.08.10.mp4_snapshot_02.54.25.jpg]

[Image: danica_web_05.08.10.mp4_thumbs_102.jpg]
Thanks to for Free adult image host
Download Link

RE: Danica - Caps & Vids - dirk362 - 07-08-2010 23:23

This is a couple of days old, although I'm sure there will be people wanting some of this (well I hope so after the effort put in Tongue )

Danica from Thursday night. This is the 2nd half of the show (where we get to see more of her beautiful body), and I've split this into 4 videos.
Why split it you ask ? Several reasons really - it would be a very large single file, you can pick/choose the bits you want, and lastly to keep video quality.

Part 1
[Image: index.php?module=thumbnail&file=914_...2_1of4.jpg]
20mins 27secs, 704x396 16/9 High@L4.1 2Pass
Download link: 914-EliteTV-20100805-Danica-part2-1of4 (197Mb, MegaUpload)

Part 2
[Image: index.php?module=thumbnail&file=914_...2_2of4.jpg]
20mins 24secs, 704x396 16/9 High@L4.1 2Pass
Download link: 914-EliteTV-20100805-Danica-part2-2of4 (197Mb, MegaUpload)

Part 3
[Image: index.php?module=thumbnail&file=914_...2_3of4.jpg]
19mins 41secs, 704x396 16/9 High@L4.1 2Pass
Download link: 914-EliteTV-20100805-Danica-part2-3of4 (197Mb, MegaUpload)

Part 4
[Image: index.php?module=thumbnail&file=914_...2_4of4.jpg]
19mins 57secs, 704x396 16/9 High@L4.1 2Pass
Download link: 914-EliteTV-20100805-Danica-part2-4of4 (197Mb, MegaUpload)

RE: Danica - Caps & Vids - uaw2nome - 08-08-2010 05:10

and so they took their rightful place among the other immortals on Mount Olympus; dirk363, josh and quiquems.
and the people cheered for they had brought them DANICA. Smile

RE: Danica - Caps & Vids - Webbiola - 08-08-2010 11:25

(08-08-2010 05:10 )uaw2nome Wrote:  and so they took their rightful place among the other immortals on Mount Olympus; dirk363, josh and quiquems.
and the people cheered for they had brought them DANICA. Smile

I see I have a competitor in the hyperbole stakes! Like it!Wink

RE: Danica - Caps & Vids - aceman65 - 10-08-2010 10:41

HQ Webstream Video Clip
Office College Girl Session
5th August 2010

(02:57:59 Min's) Full Show
[Image: danica_elite_webstream_05_08_10_nightshow_thumb.jpg]

Download Link 779.47 MB

Sorry For The File Size, But I Increased The Quality On This One.

All Video & Screen Caps Copyright © Elite TV

RE: Danica - Caps & Vids - dizzy_davidh - 14-08-2010 04:06

Has anyone managed to cap the video from Danica's FHM 'Upgrade Girlfriend' shoot ( )?

I tried with loads of downloaders\grabbers and none seemed to find a URL to download it from (pesky flash streaming!).