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TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Printable Version

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RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Rammyrascal - 11-07-2014 15:43

TNA have announced today that there will be a series 2 of British Boot Camp which will be on challenge tv in the autumn. full details will be revealed tomorrow at the London Film and Comic Convention at 5pm

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Doddle - 12-07-2014 06:52

^^^I bet Jenna Palmer ain't on it though Sad

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Rammyrascal - 12-07-2014 18:49

Was at the London Film and Comic Con today (had a fantastic time and could not have gone any better) and during the free wrestling talk TNA did at the convention, more details about British Bootcamp Series 2. First of a the 3 judges are Al Snow, current TNA Knockout Champion Gail Kim and Samoa Joe. Also TNA will be doing trials/auditions for the British wrestlers in 3 cities, London, Manchester and Glasgow. In these cities 4 wrestlers will be chosen and from these 12, the winner will be chosen

Also at the convention I met current TNA knockout Brooke Adams and she was such a genuine and lovely person and she signed her TNA action figure, her TNA moulin rouge banner and also had 2 pics taken with her Smile Smile also I showed her my tattoo of her and she genuinely loves it Smile Smile Smile

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - mikedafc - 13-07-2014 16:44

Would be interesting to see if Grado is 1 of the 12 seeing as Gradomania is running wild

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - bigguy01 - 24-07-2014 21:36

the quality of impact gets better each week since slammiversary.

I do hope they do terrel v kim 3 after their last woman standing and ladder match which just blew the female wrestling sterotype to pieces.

12th minute

just realised it is a year ago since that epic match which is still one of the best female wrestling match.

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Rammyrascal - 24-07-2014 21:40

tna have done Terrell v Kim 3 bigguy01 it's on this weeks impact wrestling which is shown in the us tonight and in the uk on sunday also tna yesterday announced they have signed Brooke Adams to a new multi year deal with tna along with Sanada and Sam Shaw to new 1yr deals

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Robot Devil - 28-07-2014 13:09

Unfortunately Spike TV has cancelled it's deal with TNA, which means that unless TNA can find a new TV channel in the States by October the company will be finished. Worrying times for Dixie & gang. The only good news is that FOX TV are interested in getting wrestling back on their network. It would be terribly bad for wrestling in the US if TNA DID go under.

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Joey 27 - 28-07-2014 13:30

i've gone off TNA tbh i haven't watched it for a couple of months, i probably won't stop watching WWE no matter how shit it gets, though i hope TNA doesn't go under as i might get back into it again

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Rammyrascal - 28-07-2014 14:17

I think TNA will be fine. They're about to start filming series 2 of British Bootcamp and have over recent weeks and months signed quite a few wrestlers to new contracts, most recently announcing they had signed Brooke Adams to a new multi-year deal along with new deals for sanada and Sam Shaw. Also they've announced their main ppv of the year, Bound For Glory which is in october, will be in Japan. Also if course their is the 2015 UK tour in January

TNA wouldn't be doing all this if they did not have a new tv deal lined up, either on their current network or on a new tv network and I'm sure they will have planned for the possibility that spike tv wouldn't renew their deal with them and will have been already speaking to other tv networks about a deal and they now will speak to those networks that were interested.

I think tna will announce a new tv deal in next few weeks

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Doddle - 28-07-2014 16:08

TNA sabotaged their own relationship with Spike TV by bringing in well-known numb-nuts Vince Russo, instead of any of the 6 billion people on Earth who know more about wrestling, and despite Spike TV hating his guts. This is the sort of kamikaze behaviour which makes no sense if you're a company in as relatively healthy position (Network notwithstanding) as WWE. For TNA to do it suggests the lunatics are finally going to find out what happens when the asylum is closed down.