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Ashleigh Doll - Printable Version

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RE: Ashleigh - mr williams - 09-05-2011 21:47

With Courtney being on holiday, it's the lovely Ashleigh Doll filling in on the Monday night slot, and The Pink Pussycat is looking hotter than ever!

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RE: Ashleigh - speedybert - 10-05-2011 07:16

Gotta say that if the old thread 'who's come up on your radar recently' reappeared then Ashleigh would be top of the list.Teriffic natural figure and looking sexier than ever.Big Grin

RE: Ashleigh - Topman 47 - 10-05-2011 08:13

Have to agree she is looking absolutely fantstic watched her for a long time last night not worth channel hopping and then she went naked!!!!!!!!!.

RE: Ashleigh - Ashleigh - 11-05-2011 23:00

Hello boys and girlies Big Grin

Just to let you know my website will be up and running very soon! I hope you all have a peek because you'll be seeing a hell of a lot more of me on there! I'll keep you updated on it's progress Wink

Thank you for all the laarvly caps and comments!

Love Ashleigh xXx

RE: Ashleigh - Mini Nut - 18-05-2011 22:42

Newbie so I'll probably ar$e up this post....

Just wanted to say that I listened in to Ashleigh for the first time tonight (too chicken to call) and other than the usual platitudes of killer looks and body to die for, for someone who is clearly a dirty little minx, she is extremely considerate of the folk also listening in. On a number of occasions when there were brief gaps in callers or Ashleigh was going to the microphone she always spoke to the listeners acknowledging they were there and explaining what was going on. I've only listened to a few girls across the channels so this may be the norm but it isn't so far in my experience so was very refreshing.

Apologies if this is a lame first post, I've followed the forums for a few years now but never felt inclined to join but after a pleasant experience this evening, in more ways than one ;-) I felt I had to be courteous in reply so I just wanted to say 'thanks!' to the pink goddess with the absolutely gorgeous voice.


RE: Ashleigh - chesclah - 18-05-2011 23:08

She comes across as a GenuinelyCaring & PleasantGirl. On the posts i see here and on TV, she seems a Courteous LovelyGirl.

Not one of the girls who after spending a couple mins on a call smiling and laughing, after the call finishes, calls them a 'wanker' or a 'saddo'

TopGirl. BigFan.

RE: Ashleigh - mr williams - 18-05-2011 23:26

You've got that 100% right. Ashleigh's an absolute treasure.

RE: Ashleigh - Classic84 - 18-05-2011 23:42

Ashleigh looks hot tonight Heart her pink hair and knickers, nice tits too! Cool

RE: Ashleigh - mr williams - 18-05-2011 23:53

The lovely Pink Pussycat from Wednesday night:

[Image: as1_102_thumb.jpg] [Image: as2_102_thumb.jpg] [Image: as3_102_thumb.jpg] [Image: as4_102_thumb.jpg] [Image: as5_102_thumb.jpg] [Image: as6_102_thumb.jpg] [Image: as7_102_thumb.jpg] [Image: as8_102_thumb.jpg] [Image: as9_102_thumb.jpg] [Image: as10_102_thumb.jpg] [Image: as11_thumb.jpg] [Image: as12_102_thumb.jpg] [Image: as13_thumb.jpg] [Image: as14_102_thumb.jpg] [Image: as15_thumb.jpg] [Image: as16_102_thumb.jpg]
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RE: Ashleigh - mucker - 19-05-2011 00:32

[Image: 2011_05_19_010014.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_19_010548.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_19_010926.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_19_011211.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_19_010626.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_19_011804.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_19_005614.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_19_011432.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_19_010056.jpg] [Image: 2011_05_19_010130.jpg]