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Forum Awards - Winners Ceremony - Printable Version

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RE: Forum Awards - Winners Ceremony - Rammyrascal - 23-12-2013 09:31

Genuinely can't believe I won the Most Devoted Fanboy award. All those hours spent watching Louise Porter (who I will admit to being a fanboy of) and keeping her chat thread going have ended up winning me this.

massive thanks to all those who voted for me, all those who were involved in the organising of the awards and of course babestation for sponsoring the awards and giving prizes.

hope everyone on the forum has a good xmas and new year

RE: Forum Awards - Winners Ceremony - forum awards - 23-12-2013 10:35

[Image: awards2013.jpg]

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babestation xtreme

For all of you who can't view the videos
Here is a list of all the winners

Poster of the Year Snookered147
Thread of the Year Dan Volatile's Oldish Babeshow Videos Recorded off the Telly
Video Poster of the Year Quiquems
Caps Poster of the Year Groundnpound
Fanboy of the Year Rammyrascal
Best Avatar The Truth
Funniest Poster of the Year CWPussylover
Video Site Poster Aaron
Forum's Unsung Hero Mr Williams
Broadcaster of the Year Eccles
Video of the Year DT's Dionne Mendez on Sexstation Post 21
Cap or Set of Caps of the Year Cpe's Yasmine James Caps & Vids Post 436

RE: Forum Awards - Winners Ceremony - Captain Vimes - 23-12-2013 10:47

(23-12-2013 10:35 )Forum Awards Wrote:  Funniest Poster of the Year CWPussylover

I see the voters have mistaken funniest for funny peculiar instead of funny humorous and witty. Wink

Well done CW and all the other winners.

RE: Forum Awards - Winners Ceremony - mr williams - 23-12-2013 11:16

[Image: image-128D_52B815B2.jpg]

I suppose by definition I won't be able to defend the title as now I'm a sung hero (whatever that may be) but hey, who cares!

Thank you to all those who nominated and voted for me and congratulations to all the other nominees and winners.

RE: Forum Awards - Winners Ceremony - skully - 23-12-2013 11:29

Congratulations to all the winners, each award was very well deserved Smile

RE: Forum Awards - Winners Ceremony - Snooks - 23-12-2013 12:59

Forgive me for not responding sooner.
I am utterly shellshocked Surprised and somewhat overwhelmed Blush.
I have no clue what I have done to merit winning my award.
To get nominated was a surprise, finishing in the top three was a huge shock but winning eek.
I never win anything Surprised.
You voters must have been pissed beyond words Bounce.
I am genuinely flabber to the power of gasted SurprisedSurprisedSurprised.
If it is felt that my written contributions add something to the forum then that is very humbling and I will endeavour to try to be constructive, objective and downright daft in future.
Thank you so much to all those that voted for me. I am truly stunned eek.

RE: Forum Awards - Winners Ceremony - Don Tingley - 23-12-2013 13:05

Cheers for the award.
Thanks to the organisers, people who voted me, Rochelle for the presentation and Dionne Mendez for putting on a great show to record and post.

RE: Forum Awards - Winners Ceremony - groundnpound - 23-12-2013 14:06

Congrats to all the award winners, well done everybody, you've all made a top contribution this year. Thanks to all who voted and to the people involved in organising and running the awards and to Babestation and the ladies for the great videos!

Thanks for voting me capper of the year, can't believe i've won that. Only started having a go at it this year and i've not posted loads, so again, thanks. There's some great cappers on here who deserve to win this. Thanks to BS and Lori for the video, appreciate it. Smile

Just finally to say thanks to Skully and DT for the tips and advice before i started the caps. Cheers lads.

Merry Christmas.

RE: Forum Awards - Winners Ceremony - Snooks - 23-12-2013 16:23

I have thanked Leigh Darby via pm for announcing my award but would like to thank her on here too Tongue.
That vid certainly put a smile on my face as well as a bulge in my trousers. I am taking out trouser zip insurance as a matter of urgency Wink.
Thank you also to Forum Awards for running the comp, I know all too well what running comps is like Wink.
I am all comped out laugh.
Merry Christmas to all forumites Wink.

RE: Forum Awards - Winners Ceremony - mf135 - 23-12-2013 17:02

Congratulations lads. May ye all be here to defend yer titles in 2014Wink