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Memories of Childhood - Printable Version

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RE: Memories of Childhood - Carl-Gen X - 20-01-2019 22:43

(20-01-2019 22:28 )babelover48 Wrote:  I tell you what GM if this thread isn't in the thread of year award in December it wit be a catastrophe as this is easily the best thread around atm!! Big Grin Big Grin

Thanks mate you are bringing back lovely memories..

Yes I’ll second that..inspired idea for a thread...well done.Smile

RE: Memories of Childhood - Carl-Gen X - 21-01-2019 00:21

(20-01-2019 22:40 )GreenMachine Wrote:  
(20-01-2019 22:28 )babelover48 Wrote:  I tell you what GM if this thread isn't in the thread of year award in December it wit be a catastrophe as this is easily the best thread around atm!! Big Grin Big Grin

Thanks mate you are bringing back lovely memories..

Oh grief I hope not, I am not sure I could stand losing twice Smile but thank you for you very kind words, I am glad you are enjoying it babelover48. More surprises to come shortly.

Carl: Never liked jelly, and still don't but did you ever like Angel Delight? It never seemed to come out like it looked on the packet-it had an odd texture but in those days it was the look and taste we were interested in.

You’re probably not going to believe this Greeny but, given how hugely popular Angel Delight was in the 70s, I have absolutely no recollection of ever having tried it...none whatsoever...I have sat and tried to think of one occasion when or where I may have had it, but I just hit a mental brick wall...

RE: Memories of Childhood - Carl-Gen X - 21-01-2019 00:35

As we are on the subject of childhood memories, I’m curious as to what the first few clear memories that other posters have.

My first few involve having a train set around the age of 4 or 5 which included realistic rails which came in sections that snapped together, along with a replica of a late 60s diesel locomotive, carriages and wagons..the whole thing was electric powered like the Hornby sets of today. That’s a good memory..

A not so good which is the earliest recollection I have and one which can still have an effect today..I was downstairs in the living room of our house, my sister was only a baby as I can remember her being in her cot which would make me about 4 years old. I remember looking out of the window, it was raining outside and there was condensation in the window. My attention was drawn to the sight of a really manky dirty looking Labrador dog going past the window..the dog then stopped having encountered a huge great big dog turd on the ground...and then proceeded to eat the bloody thing...bleugggh..

To this day if I see a dog having a crap I have to turn away...

I also had a habit when I was about 5 or 6, which drove my Mam to distraction, of collecting up to half a dozen snails which I would put on the window for a snail race...,then when the race was over..,I’d take them off and stamp on the lot of them!!!

RE: Memories of Childhood - GMach1 - 21-01-2019 00:39

Earliest recollection I was 1-2 years old picked up two full milk bottles which smashed together, cut myself open at lower chest, rushed to hospital. No scarring.

RE: Memories of Childhood - Carl-Gen X - 21-01-2019 00:59

I lived in a row of 12 houses during the first six years of my life, and I remember there were a few of us who lived on the row of a similar age. One of our neighbours was a direct descendant of Thomas Telford.

We also had an elderly couple on the row who owned a Heinkel Kabine (better known as a bubble car)..A three wheeled thing which had no reverse the old boy would drive towards his garage and all us kids would help push this bubble car backwards into the garage...his wife would then come out of her house with a huge tin of sweets, lollipops you name it, as a reward for our help...that’s a good memory as well..

RE: Memories of Childhood - GMach1 - 21-01-2019 01:22

Angel Delight is still around Carl-I believe it is commercially available or you could go online. My mum used to whip it up but it never looked like the front of the packet-but I suspect it was a different substance(like mashed potato was used to advertise ice cream)

RE: Memories of Childhood - rpj316 - 21-01-2019 01:36

(21-01-2019 00:59 )Carl_HoneyLover Wrote:  I lived in a row of 12 houses during the first six years of my life, and I remember there were a few of us who lived on the row of a similar age. One of our neighbours was a direct descendant of Thomas Telford.

We also had an elderly couple on the row who owned a Heinkel Kabine (better known as a bubble car)..A three wheeled thing which had no reverse the old boy would drive towards his garage and all us kids would help push this bubble car backwards into the garage...his wife would then come out of her house with a huge tin of sweets, lollipops you name it, as a reward for our help...that’s a good memory as well..

My uncle had a bubble car in the 60s,I only ever saw polaroids of it,although its beyond me why anyone would take pictures of or even want to own such a piece of shit. Smile

By the time I was born in the 80s he had an Audi Quattro,I remember all my mates rushing to the windows of school classroom to see it whenever he came to pick me up at home time.

RE: Memories of Childhood - GMach1 - 21-01-2019 02:37

Oddly enough chap up our road many years ago had one too-I think it was an Isetta? but he used to go to work in it. Just as long as he didn't park near a wall...Big Grin My Dad had a batmobile-style Cortina looked great and very reliable, only ever had one puncture.

RE: Memories of Childhood - milfspotter - 21-01-2019 08:45

(19-01-2019 19:48 )Carl_HoneyLover Wrote:  Thursday nights in the mid 70s watching Tomorrows World which my Mam and Dad (God bless them) were big fans of, I’d sit through it because I’d be waiting for Top of the Pops which came on straight afterwards...funny how my Dad would watch that as well...whether that had anything to do with the girl dancers Pans People (later Legs & Co - these were the days before videos) or whatever I don’t know Smile

David McCallum as the Invisible Man was another one I was an avid watcher of, as well as Sapphire and Steel which started in around 1978/79 if memory serves..

What else?.....Space 1999...seem to remember we’d all be sat watching it while eating our tea which I’d been sent to the local chippy up the road for, along with what I thought was the drink that had been sent from the gods...dandelion and a big glass bottle...

Bloody hell Greeny you’ve started something here...

Don't remember seeing "the Invisible Man" Smile

my memory must be failing me. I always thought Tomorrow's World was on after TotP.

RE: Memories of Childhood - lovebabes56 - 21-01-2019 09:00

I tell you what does help to bring back memories when growing up, and that's when i see the old 70's - 80's ad on youtube!! Cool Big Grin
i loved The Sun ones the best and always wondered who it was who did the voice over.

Angel Delight was a favourite of mine loved the strawberry one bst we did have a Vesta dish once and that was it to say the least.

Then I remember the excitement when we got the first spectrum computer, i have to admit my brother and I went through the whole series I think and the games look so retro now but god they wwre a pain to lad sometimes i def want to get the emulator program again 9that's only desktop that is out of action atm, and playing a few of those games again will bring back memories too.

so it's now time for your earliest home computer memories guys...which system you had and what games you played the most or what games you completed...