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RE: 24 Season 8 - little gimp - 06-06-2010 23:34

Weak ending just a set up for the movie in my opinion but then I wanted the last shot to be Russian nukes taking offeek

RE: 24 Season 8 - *Kal-El* - 07-06-2010 00:15

I was a little disppointed with the 2 finale, i thought the first hour was brilliant classic jack, the second half for me felt a little bit of let down and seemed to cram everything in, i can see why it ended like that to set up the movie, just wish it had gone out more with a bit of bang. Over all it was good but liked the first hour more the second hour.

RE: 24 Season 8 - synerd - 07-06-2010 14:16

I agree the 1st hour was so much better and it seem to just flow better. Unlike the second they just seemed to wanna get to the climax ending in a hurry just wasn't as entertaining as it could of been, although Logan was as impressive as always.

RE: 24 Season 8 - Hollywood PillowPants - 07-06-2010 14:19

I have to agree with Kalel,the first hour,edge of the seat,second hour,too quote Larry David "EH!!!" I thought the end when Jack was gazing forlornly into the drone camera at Chloe (Bloody internet rumours,she didn't snuff it Sad ) was a bit of a cliche.
But at least he lives to fight another day at the cinema,out of curiosity will the film be called 24? or will it be called 120 minutes?

RE: 24 Season 8 - TheWatcher - 07-06-2010 15:08

I thought the ending was poor to a series which had been very good up to the last hour.
Inconclusive ending, not sure how long Jack could survive, in a bad state leaking blood, on his own and no weapons with everybody after him.
Don't think Logan was the type to kill himself, and why did he kill his faithful assistant.
Also, the Russian president seems to have got away with it and won, since the cancelling of the peace conference was what he wanted all along.
President Taylor was just as guilty as Logan since she tacitilly agreed to ambushing the ambulance containing Jack in which it looked liked people were killed. Wonder what was supposed to happen to her afterwards.

RE: 24 Season 8 - supermario1983 - 09-06-2010 15:04

the reason logan killed himself and his assistant was because that was his one last act of revenge against jack. after jack had exposed him as a traitor in season 5, it took logan years to rebuild his image and regain the public's trust and to play a role in the peace agreement with america and the i.r.k. would go a long way in rebuilding his image. but once again jack showed up to ruin his plans and once the cover up of the russians involvement in president hassan's death was revealed, logan knew that his involvement would be exposed as well which meant all that time he spent trying to rebuild his image would be for nothing. logan blamed jack for all of this and the reason why he killed himself and his assistant was because he thought that they were the only two who knew where jack was when he was ambushed, so their deaths meant that nobody would ever find out where jack was and that meant he couldn't be saved by anyone.

RE: 24 Season 8 - *Kal-El* - 09-06-2010 16:42

Logan is quite dead as in the last ep when they found him they said he was still alive but will suffer permanent brain damage, he couldn't even get that right. It was better that way as now his stuck in his own living hell lol.

RE: 24 Season 8 - El Minx - 10-06-2010 22:48

I really liked the ending although I thought the drone/satellite phone was a little too neat even for 24. It was only right that Jack and Chloe share a moment having been the only constants in each others lives for so long and putting the emphasis on both the Russians and US hunting him down for his crimes in the latter half of the day gave it the urgency necessary to the show. The other alternative would have been to kill Jack, but that would have been too much of a downer to end on. I also really liked Chloe's final line of the show and the way the final clock counted down the last few seconds to 00:00:00. Its the little things that matter.

All in all a really good season to end on, not the best (Still think 5 is 24 at its peak) but definitely up there (joins 3 and 7 amongst my personal favourites)

RE: 24 Season 8 - terence - 23-10-2013 20:11

just read this and having watched 24 of my own free will and walker texas ranger at the will of my father i found it encapsulates both characters perfectly. also it's funny as fuck!

Jack Bauer and Chuck Norris have just received identical orders to eliminate each other without knowing who their actual targets are. These instructions have lead both of them to an abandoned warehouse located at a dormant shipping port.

The warehouse is large and unexplainably still contains large containers and has crowbars and chains lying around.

Chuck has decided to take the brash approach of just walking right through the main doors, making as much noise and drawing as much attention as possible. Dressed in blue jeans and a tweed sports jacket, accompanied by cowboy boots and hat. Gun drawn, he walks down the center of the warehouse.

At the same time Jack is already hiding in the ventilation system. He has a wireless uplink to CTU and has access to 30 remote cameras viewable on his PDA. He has night vision goggles and a silenced 9mm.

Chuck is sidestepping his way across the floor of the warehouse, attention drawn straight ahead. As he is making slow deliberate steps, he mistakenly kicks a loose metal pipe that is lying on the floor. It echoes throughout the warehouse and exposes his presence. Jack trains his cameras on Chuck and triangulates his exact location.

Using a small shaped charge, Jack blows a hole in the duct he is hiding in and drops through the ceiling suspended by a single rope.

Chuck dives for cover.

The two both start shooting at each other. Chuck is using a revolver and somehow manages to get 35 rounds off. Jack returns fire, and after running out of rounds throws his weapon away and pulls out a back up and continues to shoot.

After some time both come the realization that bullets have no affect on either of them.

Out of breath, both are sitting on the floor leaning up against shipping containers. They begin yelling out to each other.

Chuck notices that there is a heavy hook hanging from a chain that is connected to track in the ceiling. Out of sheer chance, the hanging hook/chain contraption is in Jack's direct path.

Chuck steps out into the open to draw Jack out. As soon as Jack takes the bait, Chuck does a slow-motion roundhouse kick sending the whole chain/hook device right at Jack.

The hook hits jack right in the face and knocks him to the ground. Blood has been drawn.

Jack is out cold, or so we think. Chuck walks over, cautious, yet confident that Jack has been defeated. Chuck leans over Jack and begins reciting an old Indian prayer in order to set Jack's spirit free. While this is going on the ghostly vision of an old Cherokee warrior appears and we catch the glimpse of the hindquarters of a wolf as it scurries behind a container. Not sure whether this is real or a vision, Chuck is distracted. In that time Jack regains consciousness and stabs Chuck in the leg.

Jack gets on top of Chuck and removes his belt. He begins to strangle him, yelling, "What do you know!!"

Chuck tries to grab at his own throat but is unable to stop Jack. Chuck is dying. In a moment that makes absolutely no sense, the wolf reappears and lunges at Jack in a cheesy slow-motion/strobe effect kind of way. Jack in knocked off of chuck.

The two exchange blows for a while, Jack repeatedly snaps Chuck's neck, and Chuck gets off a good 25-30 roundhouse kicks to Jack's head. Both are a little worse for the wear, but neither is seriously injured.

At this point both Jack and Chuck realize that they are incapable of being destroyed. After comparing stories they also realize they have been setup. This realization sets into a series of events that involves them both hijacking a domestic flight from LA to New York, breaking various federal and interstate laws, postal fraud, and kidnapping, in order to get back at those who set them up. Lots of people get their necks snapped and roundhouse kicked to the head, but after 24 hours those responsible have been killed and both Jack and Chuck go home to have sex with females. Bounce
