RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - sierraman - 25-07-2013 10:36
great opportunity for bs to rid itself of some of the *rap that's embedded itself in the station,starting with lori,geri and tiffany before they get the whole lot shut down,
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - sierraman - 25-07-2013 10:36
great opportunity for bs to rid itself of some of the *rap that's embedded itself in the station,starting with lori,geri and tiffany before they get the whole lot shut down,
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - mr mystery - 25-07-2013 11:05
Is this move to Milton Keynes another cost cutting exercise ?, a few years ago when "allegedly" in the midst of a previous cost cutting drive Cellcast sold off or gave up the lease of their other building that they used for broadcasting the Sex Station web and TV show, Party Land, The Chat, Blue Kiss, Live XXX, they then axed some of these channels and moved the others to the BS building so that they were all under one roof, are they doing something like this again ? .
Cellcast already have some sort of facilities/Offices/studios in MK as mentioned last year in various news articles when Ofcom were complaining to the Dutch regulator, so are they moving everything under one roof ?.
Cellcast have openly stated in their company reports that they will be continuing to cut costs in the UK throughout 2013, so i can't see see them spending much money on new sets/studios etc, in fact i wouldn't be surprised if they are even smaller and cramped than they are now .
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - HannahsPet - 25-07-2013 11:16
think most drive and live outside the centre of london so guessing will save them on congestion charge and parking
Dont think many of the Ex girls will consider going back unless its for a lot more money couple of the girls have said they are glad they left because it had gone from being a laugh talking to the punters and having a right laugh with the others to hardcore selling of pics and vids and bsx. with the producers on there backs every 5 mins to plug
the problem is with the move if the same people are still in charge behind the scenes nothing will change.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - HannahsPet - 25-07-2013 14:13
(25-07-2013 11:05 )mr mystery Wrote: Is this move to Milton Keynes another cost cutting exercise ?, a few years ago when "allegedly" in the midst of a previous cost cutting drive Cellcast sold off or gave up the lease of their other building that they used for broadcasting the Sex Station web and TV show, Party Land, The Chat, Blue Kiss, Live XXX, they then axed some of these channels and moved the others to the BS building so that they were all under one roof, are they doing something like this again ? .
Cellcast already have some sort of facilities/Offices/studios in MK as mentioned last year in various news articles when Ofcom were complaining to the Dutch regulator, so are they moving everything under one roof ?.
Cellcast have openly stated in their company reports that they will be continuing to cut costs in the UK throughout 2013, so i can't see see them spending much money on new sets/studios etc, in fact i wouldn't be surprised if they are even smaller and cramped than they are now .
well im guessing if cellcast own the current london site then it will be worth a couple of million and will give them breathing room. i get the feeling that babestation part of the business is still profitable.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Doddle - 26-07-2013 07:31
(25-07-2013 10:36 )sierraman Wrote: great opportunity for bs to rid itself of some of the *rap that's embedded itself in the station,starting with lori,geri and tiffany before they get the whole lot shut down,
More likely to cut everybody else besides Lolly, Lori, Geri, Preeti & Jada. Only three channels to play with now, they can sort out a rota between these 5 to cover them all night long (which would be little different to what's already happening).
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - sierraman - 26-07-2013 08:30
yep,doddle,youve summed it up.they helped put the boot into bsx,the stronger station that I supported. their tame infantile material had no business to be on a supposedly pay to view more x type station. unbelievable the way they falsely advertised it as something it was never going to be.the pussy stuff gave pussy lovers like me just one live show alternative to the reams of other stuff that is available.people wouldn't even leave us the one alternative.still,thats history now.used to love girls like queen skipping through the free stuff a bit more now.seeing lots of ex bs girls turn up on different stations.there are still odd good girls on bs but they get starved of air time by the types you mention.i wont really get seriously interested again unless a stronger pay station does pop up eventually,so in that sense im a bit of an outsider.just my honest opinion that bs needs a massive a shame to see it go under as it has thrown up some gorgeous fit girls even in the 12 months or so iv been viewing.must be a reason why loads of them leave.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - dave34 - 27-07-2013 03:10
I have jest put ch 174 on & it has stop showing the message that has been up on screen. Could be a hint that something is going to be put on ch174. As all I'm getting on screen now is black screen .
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Doddle - 27-07-2013 07:12
(27-07-2013 03:10 )dave34 Wrote: I have jest put ch 174 on & it has stop showing the message that has been up on screen. Could be a hint that something is going to be put on ch174. As all I'm getting on screen now is black screen .
Probably cheaper than screening a caption Don't hold your breath waiting for change.
By the by, it comes to something when the fate of one channel showing nothing is more interesting than the three other channels which were presumably showing something
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - The Silent Majority - 27-07-2013 21:15
(25-07-2013 09:56 )Digital Dave Wrote: Commuting from London to MK is easy as it's on the fast Birmingham line and takes around 40 minutes. The downside is the cost, so hopefully Cellcast have factored this in.
Depends how many of the girls actually live in London. A few of them are in Essex, which maybe isn't so bad for MK.
But, talking about Geri, she's down in Kent somewhere. I remember her mentioning it on the mic once, a while ago.