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Asian Babe Update - Printable Version

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Asian Babe Update - Hofmiester - 17-09-2009 01:55

Asian Babes started of as experiment. With 20 plus channels of the same girls we wanted to try somthing diffrent - Appreciating that everybody has diffrent tastes we decided it was high time we actualy put the 'World' into Babeworld.

I personally hopped on a plane, with a camera wrapped up in a beach towel, a rucksack full of cables and some interesting video technology developed in the workshops at Babeworld HQ. With a lighting rig made from a pair of step ladders, my equipment laid out on an old desk, and lots of conversations with Thailand Telecom, Singapore Telecom and Cable & Wireless we finally managed to get a signal 6500 miles round the globe with less than 1/4 of a second delay.

Since that first trip I have been returning to Thailand with more goodies in my suitcase wrapped up in several items of clothing. As many of you have noticed I sneaked out a second camera, added a vision mixer, and hung a proper lighting rig... although I do need to spend a bit of time on the lighting and the set (I cant seem to buy lighting gels in Thailand).

Our man in Thailand very kindly erected a 'Pole' last week - and the girls have been having fun with that.

The video quality, I will admit is a bit low and this is not for wanting better - we just have a technical problem that needs resolving. Unfortunately its one of those problems that lost of university type bods have written papers on, but nobody has actualy managed to solve it. Anyway it is the top of my priority list - and I will solve it somehow (and I don't have a degree).

There has been a question raised somewhere in these forums that we are just doing this for cheep labour - I can assure you this is not the case. The girls are paid exceptionally well and apart from having to start work at 4:00am in the morning (Because of the 6 hour time difference) are very happy.

So what started as an experiment has now become a fixture, thanks largely to the support of all the callers - and for that I thank you. I always read your posts, comments and suggestions - any love to hear any constructive ideas you may have (This doesn't include stupid suggestions that would breach the OFCOM code, even if I think it sucks as much as you do).

For those who have never actualy called the Asian shows, give it a go - it can realy be fun. The girls English is good, and getting better every day - and they can be alot of fun - and belive it or not, they actualy want to speek to you.

Thanks for all your support.

Best Regards


RE: Asian Babe Update - SashasMan - 17-09-2009 06:44

Japaneese would be great fun are you going to try that next?

RE: Asian Babe Update - SOCATOA - 17-09-2009 08:37

Makes it sound a good channel, personally its the worst of the 900 channels, skip it every timeSad

RE: Asian Babe Update - elgar1uk - 17-09-2009 11:42

I watched it out of curiosity last night and when the girls spoke on the mic their English seemed pretty good.

RE: Asian Babe Update - ClownSpank - 17-09-2009 11:44

I have a thing for asian birds, top work hofmeister......

RE: Asian Babe Update - trevor format - 17-09-2009 12:47

It works well as an alternative to the other channels, many of which are shuffling the same girls from channel to channel, so in that way Asian Babes is a worthy addition to the babe channels. The poor picture kills it though!

RE: Asian Babe Update - Addison - 18-09-2009 01:44

Whoever it is encouraging the girls to glam themselves up by donning stockings and heels, please can you stop?!! You're absolutely killing the thing that sets this channel apart from almost every other: pure, natural beauty which doesn't need - and in fact suffers from the introduction of - artificial additives (i.e. nylons and shoes). Although the camerawork and set has improved on the show, the picture quality is still a little problematic and I suppose it will remain so. The one thing that really makes me stop by is the fact that the Tai babes offer such a beautiful, natural alternative to the brassy, tarted-up look of the presenters on the other channels. In any case, I think the ladies themselves look a little awkward and self-conscious when wearing fishnets, etc. Please consider ditching these glam accoutrements, that only serve to conceal that gorgeous, smooth golden skin, and letting the babes revert back to their state of simple, as-nature-intended beauty. Also, the info bar is a bit obtrusive, as well. The graphics for the day show are excellent, better than those on almost every other channel. Why not adopt that style for the evening show? At any rate, kudos for trying something new with this channel, and good luck.

RE: Asian Babe Update - Hofmiester - 02-10-2009 04:53

Hey guys, thanks for all your comments. Interesting opinion about the make up. When I first went out to Thialand, I mad a point of NOT letting any of the girls see any of the UK shows - I wanted to see what would happen if I just let them run.

I am 100% in agreement about the natural beauty of Thia women, and maybe I screwed up when I asked them to put on some slap. However calls have increased, and although we are not making a wild profit (Actualy I think its still loosing money) we do seem to be attracting a significant audience.

I would love to hear more of your oppinions on this and will make changes according to your responses.

As for the Technical Quality Issue - we may have found a soloution thanks to Sky News and CNN of all people. Its going to take me a couple more weeks to evaluate the technology, but we may have the answer.

Thansk for the support


RE: Asian Babe Update - StanTheMan - 02-10-2009 19:19

(02-10-2009 04:53 )Hofmiester Wrote:  As for the Technical Quality Issue - we may have found a soloution thanks to Sky News and CNN of all people. Its going to take me a couple more weeks to evaluate the technology, but we may have the answer.

I presume this is in response to the oveall quality, but what the hell has happened to the little window where the 3G girls appear? For the last three nights or so, the pictue quality has been so bad it's actually unwatchable.

RE: Asian Babe Update - Addison - 03-10-2009 12:42

(02-10-2009 04:53 )Hofmiester Wrote:  Interesting opinion about the make up [...] I am 100% in agreement about the natural beauty of Thia women, and maybe I screwed up when I asked them to put on some slap. However calls have increased, and although we are not making a wild profit (Actualy I think its still loosing money) we do seem to be attracting a significant audience.

Oh well, at least it's not a reflection on your own tastes, then! I'll honestly never understand how seeing these eastern beauties half covered up with nylon beats the fullest possible sight of that amazing bare skin as long as I live, but please don't British babe-ify them too much, and try alternating with the more natural look from time to time, yeah? Also, is there any way the graphic running along the bottom can be straightened out so that it runs parallel with the screen edge and doesn't angle up into the picture area so much? I hope that the picture improvement possibility you mention comes good; the stop-start, foggy picture really affects the enjoyment of the channel at the moment. It's a testament to the beauty of Tiger and Chilli (still not 100% sure of their names) that whenever these two are on, I'll even periodically battle through the frequent picture freezes to watch them!