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anyone remember rachel??? - Printable Version

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anyone remember rachel??? - jasonhallceltic - 06-12-2008 14:34

alright guys, anyone remember this hunni, she was black or mixed race i think, fuckin gorgeus and a sexy husky voice! last time i saw her was when babestation first came on in the daytime she was on there for a couple of shows, anyone know what happened to her or what she's upto now? links and pics would also be appreciated! she's in the dooman vid at 1.01/1.04, and when the rapper guy goes into the pub he's standing next to her for ages, she's in the black top with the black beads, cheers lads!

RE: anyone remember rachel??? - skateguy - 06-12-2008 14:53

Hey Jason, your link went a little wrong - this is the correct link to the video and here's some caps of the girl you mean:

[Image: 52376008Picture 2.jpg] [Image: 76118559Picture 3.jpg] [Image: 22436647Picture 4.jpg]

[Image: 13737235Picture 5.jpg] [Image: 42856806Picture 6.jpg] [Image: 24081725Picture 7.jpg]

RE: anyone remember rachel??? - jasonhallceltic - 06-12-2008 20:13

cheers bud, not very good at the old technical stuff like caps, repped. so now we have some pics, anyone got any info?

RE: anyone remember rachel??? - al4 - 06-12-2008 20:30

she looks hot............Cool

RE: anyone remember rachel??? - skateguy - 06-12-2008 20:39

I do recognise her but can't think of her name. Im sure someone here will know and post soon - if not perhaps a resident Cellcast mole could help... Wink

RE: anyone remember rachel??? - jasonhallceltic - 06-12-2008 20:45

emm the clue is in the thread title mate it's rachel! back in he day she flicked between babestation and babecast

RE: anyone remember rachel??? - skateguy - 06-12-2008 20:54

ahh yes - you wanted pics & vids not her name....

RE: anyone remember rachel??? - *Kal-El* - 06-12-2008 22:57

i remember her, wonder what happened to her?

RE: anyone remember rachel??? - jasonhallceltic - 08-12-2008 19:14
