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Sportxxx - Mic Left On - Printable Version

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Sportxxx - Mic Left On - mdevil316 - 05-05-2010 22:32

i know not many guys watch 40+ but mic is left on right now and you can hear her moan and groan etc

RE: mic left on - WifeyLover1 - 06-05-2010 21:11

(05-05-2010 22:32 )mdevil316 Wrote:  i know not many guys watch 40+ but mic is left on right now and you can hear her moan and groan etc

lol yea i was watching, really like Christina X, didnt say anything cause i think they read these and would instantly turn it off once they read it

RE: mic left on - Firebird - 06-05-2010 21:14

Christina X made the same mistake with the mic last week, not much came from her mouth apart from ooohh, aaahhhh, ooohhh, how do you want me, what like this !!!! No talk as such, quite boring realy lol. Bye the way i was only flickin through and i thought sod it im gonna listen for a minute or so.

RE: mic left on - mdevil316 - 06-05-2010 22:56

(06-05-2010 21:14 )Firebird Wrote:  Christina X made the same mistake with the mic last week, not much came from her mouth apart from ooohh, aaahhhh, ooohhh, how do you want me, what like this !!!! No talk as such, quite boring realy lol. Bye the way i was only flickin through and i thought sod it im gonna listen for a minute or so.

thats exactly what i was doing, dont watch 40+ unless its josephine james or wendy taylor or serena and even then only for a few mins. turned over as soon as i the mic went off.

also yes the mic went off not long after i posted this, were they reading or just coincidence? either i was getting bored so who gives a shit lol

RE: mic left on - Lilly XXX - 11-05-2010 22:34

I can't help but respond to your comment, about the mic being left on. O.K so you think I might be some airhead bimbo that flaunts her bits on telly for money, why should I have an opinion?....Dont take this personally im just exhibiting some sound advice on the matter from a different point of view.......I think every girl on this forum will agree with me on this matter: What you heard on the mic was a snippet of what would have been an 8 hour session. Yes we have fun at work and we enjoy taking the calls but like any job 8 hours is very long and models at the end of the day are only human, we get tired too. It may take you a couple of minutes to relieve yourself and I bet that exhausts you, IMAGINE DOING IT FOR 8 HOURS!!!!!..

also as a listener you do not know what the model is talking about until your connected and lets be honest there are a lot of different fetishes, fantasies that are requested and acted out by both the models and callers alike.

A tip for the future, if you dont like what your hearing on the phone, hang up and call the model back, that way you can be guaranteed the pleasure that you seek. This is also a more positive way to provide positive criticism to the model and they will appreciate it a lot more rather than being disheartened by idol gossip on a forum.

RE: mic left on - gunflash10 - 11-05-2010 22:56

Valid points well made Lilly xxx and you have definitely put across your views on the matter very well.Personally though i myself can last just a tad longer than 2 minutes.TongueTongueTongue

RE: mic left on - mdevil316 - 11-05-2010 23:24

(11-05-2010 22:34 )Lilly XXX Wrote:  I can't help but respond to your comment, about the mic being left on. O.K so you think I might be some airhead bimbo that flaunts her bits on telly for money, why should I have an opinion?....Dont take this personally im just exhibiting some sound advice on the matter from a different point of view.......I think every girl on this forum will agree with me on this matter: What you heard on the mic was a snippet of what would have been an 8 hour session. Yes we have fun at work and we enjoy taking the calls but like any job 8 hours is very long and models at the end of the day are only human, we get tired too. It may take you a couple of minutes to relieve yourself and I bet that exhausts you, IMAGINE DOING IT FOR 8 HOURS!!!!!..

also as a listener you do not know what the model is talking about until your connected and lets be honest there are a lot of different fetishes, fantasies that are requested and acted out by both the models and callers alike.

A tip for the future, if you dont like what your hearing on the phone, hang up and call the model back, that way you can be guaranteed the pleasure that you seek. This is also a more positive way to provide positive criticism to the model and they will appreciate it a lot more rather than being disheartened by idol gossip on a forum.

hi lilly, i appreciate your opinion and certainly don't think you're an airhead. i wasn't critising the on-air girls mic skills, i'm sure she is good at her job, i was merely stating what i heard wasn't overly great and that coupled with her not being my taste wasn't enough to keep my interest.

however had it been you moaning like that i woulda watched all night or equally had the girl in question said more it woulda kept my interest more despite not being my cup of tea looks wise

RE: mic left on - sweetsugar007 - 12-05-2010 08:05

(11-05-2010 22:34 )Lilly XXX Wrote:  I can't help but respond to your comment, about the mic being left on. O.K so you think I might be some airhead bimbo that flaunts her bits on telly for money, why should I have an opinion?....Dont take this personally im just exhibiting some sound advice on the matter from a different point of view.......I think every girl on this forum will agree with me on this matter: What you heard on the mic was a snippet of what would have been an 8 hour session. Yes we have fun at work and we enjoy taking the calls but like any job 8 hours is very long and models at the end of the day are only human, we get tired too. It may take you a couple of minutes to relieve yourself and I bet that exhausts you, IMAGINE DOING IT FOR 8 HOURS!!!!!..

also as a listener you do not know what the model is talking about until your connected and lets be honest there are a lot of different fetishes, fantasies that are requested and acted out by both the models and callers alike.

A tip for the future, if you dont like what your hearing on the phone, hang up and call the model back, that way you can be guaranteed the pleasure that you seek. This is also a more positive way to provide positive criticism to the model and they will appreciate it a lot more rather than being disheartened by idol gossip on a forum.

I don't think my fellow posters were idly making gossip here. They were just making some comments on what they saw. Its all they can do.Yes it is a long time eights hours but ultimately its your job. If you don't like it well.....If we dont like you we wont call. There are girls like Paige Tyler who seem to work every day 10 hours a day and who seem to genuinely enjoy it from the first minute to the last. Just an opinion.

RE: mic left on - Christinax - 12-05-2010 14:41

Time for me to chip in with my thoughts here....

OK so I left my Mic on - mistakes do happen occasionally - and I am really glad for my sake and the sake of the channel that I was NOT being that explicit on the phone at the time!

It seems to me that many of you on the forum cant wait for one of us to make a slip up, or have a clothing malfunction, or make some mistake - and before you know, its its up on here for general discussion, with people making off the cuff remarks that can be damaging to the presenter in question! I always thought the idea of the channels was that guys phone in to chat to us and have a bit of naughty fun with us, not for guys to just watch and see if we "cock up"?

First of all , many of the guys who do actually call up really enjoy my chats and know that I am not "boring" at all! The 40+ channel may not be to everyone's tastes and I personally may not be your idea of a sexual fantasy, but to brand me "boring" is very unfair as you are basing your judgement on just a few snatched minutes that you "inadvertently" overheard by mistake and on your own personal opinion. There may have been many reasons why I was just "oohing" and "ahing" - the main one being that it was probably a "listener" on the phone, and not a caller...and if it was a caller, then THAT was exactly what HE wanted me to do! I may have been at the start of a call and only gearing up for the more explicit are only making your point in the small context of something you thought in a split second, whereas there is a much bigger picture here....

Anyone who calls me, or has chatted to me in the past knows that I always try to tailor the chat to exactly what the caller wants...and as a well educated, intelligent, mature woman I am able to talk about anything and everything - not just sexual stuff! I may have been at the start of a call and only gearing up for the more explicit stuff when my mic was left on and you heard me! Also, the 40+ Channel caters for guys who specifically like older women - our approach on the phones and on air may be a little different to some of the younger presenters, because the guys who phone us, dont always want the XXX filthy chat....they want something a little more refined and seductive.

I love my job and enjoy what I do ( I wouldn't be doing it otherwise) and I always try to give 100% every time I am on the 40+ Channel! Like all the girls at Sport, I choose my outfits and lingerie very carefully, I am always buying and wearing new things for you all, and I spend lots of time and money getting my appearance right before a show. I spend a lot of time getting to know my callers both on the show and online on social networking sites and forums like this. If I could work 7 days a week doing it I could, but I also have a successful model career to manage, and I also run other adult businesses alongside my work for Sport. I also do a 6 hour round commute by public transport each time I appear, have often been working all day before my night shift. 8 hours IS a long time to be on air, constantly taking calls, and keeping it exciting and fresh over that time period, for each new caller is a big challenge. I think it probably looks quite an easy job when you are sitting at home watching us, but we do a lot more than just sit there with our baps out, looking sexy and having fun on the phones. We have to keep on eye on 2 different screens which tell us the amount of calls coming in, or how many are waiting and we also have to monitor how we are positioned for the camera, whilst constantly posing, and shaking our booty for you guys watching. That's as well as talking to the callers of course. Each caller is very different and we have to adapt to each ones requests accordingly, and that often means thinking on our feet sometimes! And that's before we have to think about all the ever-changing restrictions on what we can and cant do or show on TV! If you think its easy work, then think again! Its like doing an 8 hour aerobic workout physically, and mentally it is very tough as you never know what's gonna happen next! I want thank Lilly for making her points too, as she knows how hard the work is, and how upsetting it is to find you are the subject of negative "idle gossip" when you put in so much effort to get it right.

We all make mistakes, we all slip up every now and then - we are human beings, not robots and I am grown up enough to know and accept that at 45 not everyone thinks I am sexy or should be flaunting my bits on TV!

But please guys....dont "out" us girls for making mistakes or call us boring for not being to your personal tastes, or because you just happened to catch us in a rare "quiet" moment as it doesnt serve any other purpose but to stir up negativity and bad feeling!

Can we all be friends again now please?

RE: Sportxxx - Mic Left On - Shady - 21-06-2010 18:44

Thanks Lilly and Christina for your responses, particularly the last one which was well thought out and explained things clearly from a presenter's POV. It's probably something that's not considered much of the time.

Forums are tricky and even though I've used many over the years, there are always stumbling blocks re what is fair game for debate and what isn't. As far as I am concerned, I think most things can be discussed as long as they are in context, pertinent and non-derogatory. How we say something is equallly as important as what we say.

If I had called a show and received a poor performance from a model, then I think I would be justified in saying so in the forum, but I would offer it as a critique as opposed to a negative or rude comment. I think it's fair to say that a performer will react more favourably to that method. Where I can appreciate that days can be long for models and that they have lots to concentrate on, I still expect to receive a service worth paying for like any consumer would.

The flip side of course, is that models should be treated fairly and respectfully, the same as we the viewers/customers would expect to be. Personally, I wouldn't comment on a performer's looks unless it was in a positive way, because to do the opposite is just ignorant. That's not to say I find every model to my taste, I just choose not to comment on my dislikes of a model. Quite simply, if I am not a fan, I won't watch - problem solved.

I am certainly not referring to anyone personally in this thread when I make these points though, this is just my tuppence worth for consideration.