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Daytime Shows - General Chat & Discussion - mikedafc - 30-05-2010 02:00

Does anyone else think it is laughable that the rules say that you will be cut off for any sexual talk on the daytime shows when they have girls wearing just bra and knickers on them?

Is it the girl who decides whether to cut you off or the producer?

RE: Daytime show rules - Mister Gummidge - 30-05-2010 02:11

Thanks to the 900 channels being classified as shopping channels, they can't advertise any adult services during daytime hours. That's the theory, anyway. What happens in practice, though...

Entirely dependent on which presenter you ring, which channel she works for and whether or not she has a rule stickler producing on that specific day. Try it on with a presenter on The Chat, then marvel at how quickly you get cut off (which is fair enough, they play to a very specific niche). Some of the other channels and presenters? Considering the outfits, facial expressions and writhing and contorting, you can reasonably guess they're perfectly obliging to callers requests, if said request won't get them fired for flagrant rule breaches.

It's all a bit of a lottery, really. It does seem to depend very much on the individual presenter and what her personal comfort zones are, which seems fair, considering the shows are clearly labelled as daytime safe.

RE: Daytime show rules - damncensorship - 30-05-2010 03:44

This is what makes me laugh about these channels. They are strict rules for the night shows, some channels make the girls wear two pairs of panties, the cameramen are so paranoid at times that often don't focus downstairs for too long. They aren't allowed to show vagina even though it is post watershed and it is easy enough for parents to place a block on such channels.

Then we come to the dayshows and the girls can get away with girating sexually, putting on dirty voices, wearing unbuttoned tops that at some point a nipple is bound to make an appearance. I mean you just have to look at the slip of the day thread to see how many times nipples have been exposed pre-watershed and the other day there was even a pussy slip.

I really don't understand the rules, any kid could flick onto the day shows but us adults can't enjoy the female form at night as much as we would like.

I know this would probably prove unpopular but I would sacrifice all of the dayshows if we could see pussy at night.

RE: Daytime show rules - vostok 1 - 30-05-2010 05:53

(30-05-2010 02:00 )mikedafc Wrote:  ...on the daytime shows when they have girls wearing just bra and knickers on them?

That couldn't possibly be true, could it?

RE: Daytime show rules - sonofapaddy - 30-05-2010 06:13

I have seen many a day girl in a outfit that would make a night girl blush.There's something of the forbidden about a day girl getting away with a very sexy outfit,performance and suggested talk.

RE: Daytime show rules - Josh187 - 30-05-2010 06:18

If the Daytime Girls didn't show off their fine bodies while wearing these sexy, eyecatching, revealing outfits then they wouldn't attract as many pontential callers, but it's a bit ironic however that they are not aloud to talk dirty, i mean when you're wearing an outfit like that, it's expected that a guy would want to talk dirty to you.

On the sex talk subject, while you can't directly talk dirty to them, many people do find ways around it..

This thread should help - Wink

RE: Daytime show rules - HannahsPet - 30-05-2010 08:34

Its the producer who decides on daytime i nearly came a cropper the other week with hannah mac on the pad me and her have had a lot more suggestive conversations in the past but on this day i had heyfever and a blocked nose so was breathing a bit heavy so was kept getting asked. got a nice Pm form Hannah saying sorry for asking so many times but the producer was doing her head in asking

i find if u keep it suggestive in a funny way more the carry on ooo er missus and double entendres you can get away with almost anything in fact sometimes you have to tell the presenter its a daytime show

RE: Daytime show rules - bravozero - 31-05-2010 22:10

Good topic.. The rules are laughable but I can say that rules are there to be broken! (I am glad they are..)

If it wasn't for the rules, I can say there would be full sex scenes in daytime telly and who knows what would be on show post-watershed.

The rules make the shows clean and interesting, I mean a flash of a nipple at mid-day on one of these channels would make my blood rush downstairs faster than seeing the same thing in a movie at the same time of the day! It gives the 'tease factor' to the show. I remember the old days when a flash of knickers under a dress from the girls was a eek and a Surprised and a Heart at the same time. But now if a girl puts a dress on, they would probably be speaking with colleagues in the studio more than clients on the phone.

I am glad that some girls can break the rules sometimes on a dull day to put the fire into the shows.

Many thanks to all the contributors!


RE: Daytime show rules - Regenerated - 31-05-2010 22:48

Depends on a couple of factors. The particular girl's tolerance level for sexual talk and the producer's strictness. I think that the girls are given a limit of discretion for which they have to abide, some girls are cheekier than others.

Some rules can be bent, and others will try to be broken by the callers. After enough requests to change the subject the call is terminated, some callers will try to push it further than others, and some of the girls will allow it to develop further than others, but ultimately neither they or the producer will allow the line to be crossed.

The way the girls are dressed is whatever they are comfortable in.

RE: Daytime show rules - al4 - 01-06-2010 19:16

(31-05-2010 22:48 )Regenerated Wrote:  Depends on a couple of factors. The particular girl's tolerance level for sexual talk and the producer's strictness. I think that the girls are given a limit of discretion for which they have to abide, some girls are cheekier than others.

Some rules can be bent, and others will try to be broken by the callers. After enough requests to change the subject the call is terminated, some callers will try to push it further than others, and some of the girls will allow it to develop further than others, but ultimately neither they or the producer will allow the line to be crossed.

The way the girls are dressed is whatever they are comfortable in.

yeah right, if you belive that you'll belive anything...........laughlaugh
