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Rapidshare - New Premium User Payment System - Printable Version

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Rapidshare - New Premium User Payment System - chrislatimer - 19-06-2010 18:15

with the news that rapidshare is stopping its rapidshare points system for uploaders. from july 6th i think

i am just wondering are any of you who use rapidshare to upload gonna stop uploading, or you just gonna move to a other host.

RE: a question for the upload guys - skateguy - 23-06-2010 05:48

Thanks for the info Chris. For anyone who hasn't seen the information, RS's news release is below in full.

So, uploaders with points - make sure you convert your points before 6th July - if you've got enough points, you can extend your account for a year. If you still have enough points left over, you can also set up other premium accounts - although there's little point in uploading into those as after a year you'd have to pay for them just to stop the files being deleted.

Afterthought: Instead of converting excess points to a new premium account, I wonder if after extending your main account for one year, whether you can then convert those excess rapidpoints on the same account and extend it for a further year.

Quote:Reward programme: RapidPoints and RapidDonations to be discontinued
June 18, 2010

As of July 1, 2010 RapidShare's RapidPoints programme will be discontinued. This decision by the company is a reaction to claims that the reward programme rewards the uploading of contents that are protected by copyright.
We feel it is necessary to undertake this step as we do not wish RapidShare's users to be exposed to such an unjustified general suspicion. Our primary objective remains to provide users with a fast, secure and reliable service.

What will the changes mean for our users?
First, nobody will lose any points that have already been accumulated. You can redeem them until July 6, 2010. Please also note that within the next days we will offer you an opportunity to convert a Collector's account into a free Premium account and to transfer your points into this Premium account.
Unfortunately, we must also give up the RapidDonation scheme. An amount of 10,000 Euros was collected for each and every organisation and project that was introduced. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the donors for their contributions!
We are currently exploring how we can continue the donation programme in the future.
Clearly, we would like to continue rewarding customers who recruit new clients. As soon as we have developed a new reward programme, we will of course contact you immediately to provide more details.

I can't imagine any of the vid uploaders would stop as a consequence of the points system coming to an end. Free membership from the points is of course good, but I doubt any uploader puts in all that work just to save themselves £5 a month.

RE: Rapidshare - Rapid Points Scheme To Be Discontinued - TheWatcher - 23-06-2010 11:07

I only have a free collectors account. I have collected quite a few points in the last year but have never bothered doing anything with them.

RE: Rapidshare - Rapid Points Scheme To Be Discontinued - Shady - 23-06-2010 11:21

(19-06-2010 18:15 )chrislatimer Wrote:  i am just wondering are any of you who use rapidshare to upload gonna stop uploading, or you just gonna move to a other host.

Admittedly I use it way more for downloding, but this change won't stop me using it for storing my vids, etc. I've found it reliable and I like the Rapidshare Manager software. I'll stick with them.

RE: Rapidshare - Rapid Points Scheme To Be Discontinued - skateguy - 26-06-2010 20:24

Rapidshare have just released information on a new payment structure.

I'm not sure whether they could have made it any more fucking complicated if they'd tried. I presume they've made it so, in order to disguise the fact that they'll be charging more if you share over 50GB of data.

If you want to continue with a premium RS account that allows you to download data as premium user, the packages work out as follows:

- RapidSmall: If you only want to download a max of 1GB per day, it'll cost you around £1.23 per month. The maximum size of the files you can store is 10GB.
- RapidMedium: If you want to download up to 5GB per day it'll cost you around £6.14 a month. This is more than their current monthly charge which is around £4 or less depending on whether you paid per month or per quarter. It also means that you can only share 50GB.
- RapidBig: If you want to download more than 5GB per day, or crucially, have over 50Gig in your account (and under 200Gig) as I expect a lot of the main RS uploaders on this forum do, its going to be expensive - around £24 per month.

Collectors accounts are going to be automatically converted into premium accounts "thus making it still possible to use the RapidShare service without charge". I assume this means that its possible to have a free premium account where you can still share data, but only be able to download as a free user. I can't see any information on whether there's a maximum storage limit on a free premium account, but it can't be larger than the 10GB that the cheapest payment option allows.

I guess all the RS uploaders will have rapid points that they can convert and in doing so acquire a reasonable level or credit to pay for one of the packages for a period of time.

I'm not sure what will happen if you currently have more than 50GB in your account. Will they automatically convert your 'Rapids' that you obtain from your current rapid points, into a RapidBig package at the cost of 78 'rapids' per day? Or will they allow you to choose your package, and if so and you only decide to pay for their RapidMedium service, what will happen given that you'll have in excess of 50GB? Or maybe if you have in excess of 50GB the only packages you can opt for will the RapidBig or larger.

Personally, I like other members have enough RS points to convert into their new 'rapid' currency to last me for some time with a RapidMedium package. I don't intend to use my newly converted 'rapids' to pay for a RapidBig package, so if needed will reduce the amount I share via RS to 50GB or less.

I don't know if they'll automatically convert premium users' current rapidpoints into their new currency, so in case they don't, make sure you check and convert them yourself - and soon (you've until July 6th). For some, I'd guess your points will equate to 1 or 2 years worth of a free RapidMedium package.

RE: Rapidshare - Rapid Points Scheme To Be Discontinued - aceman65 - 26-06-2010 21:02

50GB file storage seems pitifully small to me. I have only been a member of this forum just over 7 months, and I already have well over that amount posted in this forum.

So I certainly will not be using Rapidshare. I'll stick with MegaUpload, which has unlimited storage with a premium account.

RE: Rapidshare - New Premium User Payment System - skateguy - 30-06-2010 21:11

Info for RS Premium users with Rapid Points & Over 50GB of stored files

For anyone not using the new Rapidshare Premium URL, this is it.

Rapidshare have now converted your remaining subscription period into their new currency - Rapids.

If you have over 50GB in your account, RS will automatically have placed you on the the larger RapidBig package. This will use 78 Rapids per day, thus you will now effectively be paying around £24 per month which means if you had three months of your subscription period left, it'll disappear in around 25 days.

So, if you want to choose a lower package, you'll need to do this in the Settings. If you do choose a package with a storage limit below the amount you have stored, you're apparently supposed to tick the "Automatically delete inactive files (after 60 days without a download)." check box. If you don't, I'm not sure what will happen - maybe they'll implement the deletion of inactive files anyway, or just delete files randomly. Its not very clear.

[Image: rs_packages_thumb.jpg]

Convert Your Rapid Points!

After looking at my account, they hadn't converted my previously earned Rapid Points into the new currency; Rapids. It seems you need to do this yourself. Its pretty easy, but if anyone gets stuck, drop me a PM and I'll help out. Its important you do this. For example upon converting my RS points, I have enough Rapids to provide me with over three years of a RapidMedium package, worth over £200 - and I'm sure many active file sharers will have more.

RE: Rapidshare - New Premium User Payment System - HannahsPet - 01-07-2010 05:53

Skate ive just had my collectors account turned into what they are calling a free premium account. I got a load of files on there wonder if i will get charged for that in the long run like the way they just did it without telling me mind.

about these rapidshare points how do you find out how many you got and what they are worth

(26-06-2010 21:02 )aceman65 Wrote:  50GB file storage seems pitifully small to me. I have only been a member of this forum just over 7 months, and I already have well over that amount posted in this forum.

So I certainly will not be using Rapidshare. I'll stick with MegaUpload, which has unlimited storage with a premium account.

Yeah i got 92gb on my collectors / free premium account hate to see what skates is Big LaughBig LaughBig Laugh

RE: Rapidshare - New Premium User Payment System - skateguy - 01-07-2010 12:09

(01-07-2010 05:53 )HannahsPet Wrote:  Skate ive just had my collectors account turned into what they are calling a free premium account. I got a load of files on there wonder if i will get charged for that in the long run like the way they just did it without telling me mind.

about these rapidshare points how do you find out how many you got and what they are worth

I think the deal with the Free account, is that you have a maximum 'protected' storgae level of 0GB. I think this means, just like any of the paid accounts, you can store in excess of your protected storage limit, but any 'inactive' files which haven't been downloaded in over 60 days will be deleted.

Converting RapidPoints:

1. When you visit your account, you'll see a heading called Account Overview. Click the + sign and various info, including how many RapidPoints you have will become visible.

2. Unless Collectors Accounts didn't accumulate RapidPoints, you're likely to have some 'Free RapidPoints' and some 'Premium RapidPoints', which will be detailed. To be able to convert any rapid points into the new currency Rapids, you'll need to have at least 10,000 points (which you'll need to balance to 5,000 Free RapidPoints and 5,000 Premium RapidPoints).

3. Its likely you'll have many more of the Premium RP than you will the free ones, so you'll probably have to convert some of the Premium RP into Free RP. If for example you have 28,350 Premium RapidPoints and 4,200 Free RapidPoints, you'll want to convert 12,000 Premium RP into 12,000 Free RP - leaving you with over 15,000 of each. This will enable you to convert "5000 Premium RapidPoints + 5000 Free RapidPoints" into 6,000 Rapids, three times.

4. Click on the 'Convert RapidPoints' link near the top of the page and a box will pop up. If you have over 5,000 of each of the Free & Premium RapidPoints, you can convert them into Rapids. If you need to change some Premium RP into Free ones, you can do that too. Note that you can't change Free RP's back into Premium RP's, so don't go and change too many or you'll be 'fucked', to use a technical term.

RE: Rapidshare - New Premium User Payment System - HannahsPet - 01-07-2010 16:52

bloody hell this is confusing !!!!!!

i got over 12800 premium rapidpoints and over 5600 free ones and 0 rapids so will proberly only convert 1 lot and get 600 rapids hmmm not sure ah sod it will wait til im wide awake incase i do something stupid lol