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A Very Belated HELLO EVERYBODY! - Printable Version

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A Very Belated HELLO EVERYBODY! - Mister Gummidge - 31-12-2008 07:18

It's gone a bit quiet on here, so I'm throwing this together since I've never gotten around to putting one up. I keep forgetting that this section is here, hence my infrequent welcome messages and hellos to new members. I'm not exactly a posting machine either (that title belongs to The Man Of Steel himself, Kalel76) so I don't get around the boards as much as some of the other guys on here. If you're one of the many, many, members I didn't welcome personally, erm... Hello and welcome. My new year's resolution for teh inarwebz is to be less reserved and shy online, so I'll be saying hello to new folks a lot more often.

What about me? Well, I'm fractionally under thirty years old and happily married for nine years. I have loved the various babe channels since their inception, initially for the weird charm when the shows were a lot more innocent, then as the shows became more sexy it corresponded with my wife's gradual decline in health, meaning they have provided a good outlet as sex became a less frequent feature of our relationship. Although they'll never know about it (Erm, unless they read this, obviously) the various girls on the channels have saved my marriage.

I'm trained as a painter and decorator but eventually had to give up work to become a full time carer for my wife. After a couple of years feeling useless, I decided to pursue my ambition to write fiction. If anyone's interested all of my stories are linked to from here. There's a companion blog as well which just contains the stories and none of my random wittering here.

I love writing, reading, watching sci-fi films and T.V. shows, comedy, food and football. (My love of food and comedy often combine when I cook.) I take a strange pride in the fact that I am a truly terrible angler and yet still go out fishing despite the fact I've never caught one single, solitary fish, the utimate triumph of hope over expectation. That's all, once again... Hello to the folks I haven't met yet. I'm happy to be here.

RE: A Very Belated HELLO EVERYBODY! - BelfastBadBoy - 31-12-2008 07:48

Welcome mate lol and remember marriage isnt just a word,its a sentence...a life sentence

RE: A Very Belated HELLO EVERYBODY! - Mister Gummidge - 31-12-2008 07:55

Good morning BBB, you're up at the crack of Dawn. Did she mind?

RE: A Very Belated HELLO EVERYBODY! - Bosse - 31-12-2008 07:59


RE: A Very Belated HELLO EVERYBODY! - Mister Gummidge - 31-12-2008 08:04

Howdo. Bloody weird being up and around this early isn't it? I personally regard seven a.m. as some sort of evil joke, perpetrated by management types or somethingSmile

RE: A Very Belated HELLO EVERYBODY! - BelfastBadBoy - 31-12-2008 12:23

I aint married mate,100% playa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

RE: A Very Belated HELLO EVERYBODY! - BristolRovers - 31-12-2008 19:16

Haha ^^

Hello, tmf great to have you around. Keep up the good posting and work. Hope your ok?

RE: A Very Belated HELLO EVERYBODY! - Mister Gummidge - 31-12-2008 19:22

Very well thank you. A large dose of rum and coke, imbibed intraveneously, will make sure I stay that way all night:)Yay! Until I'm sick.Sad Boo! But then I'll start againSmile More Yay!

RE: A Very Belated HELLO EVERYBODY! - Heavenlybabespecialfriend - 20-04-2009 19:12

A very belated hello mr gummidge Important Shy

RE: A Very Belated HELLO EVERYBODY! - Colbert Rules - 20-04-2009 19:59

I'm sorry to hear about your wife's health mate, god bless you both!