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BBC vs ITV - Printable Version

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BBC vs ITV - birdlime - 08-09-2010 20:13

When it comes to sports coverage, gameshows, news, soaps, films and so on who do you think is better BBC or ITV this can be past aswell as present.

RE: BBC vs ITV - lucent-x - 08-09-2010 22:05

If ITV suddenly stopped broadcasting I wouldn't even notice, there's literally nothing on there I watch or even seems to be aimed at me for that matter.

The BBC has it's faults of course, Stephen Fry's recent comments about the safe blandness of some programs on the Beeb were sadly spot on. But for all it's faults it does make up for it with some really excellent programming.

RE: BBC vs ITV - RCTV - 08-09-2010 22:48

ITV is a load of s**t, the BBC is a hell of lot better. Why do you think the BBC is bigger and liked quite a bit in Spain and USA.

RE: BBC vs ITV - Chilly - 08-09-2010 23:02

Has to be the Beeb. ITV is sooooo council.

RE: BBC vs ITV - sweetsugar007 - 09-09-2010 09:05

I couldn't give a shit about the BBC its so up its puritanical arse!!!Give me council any day!!!

RE: BBC vs ITV - elgar1uk - 09-09-2010 09:49

I've been trying to remember the last time I watched anything on ITV, but it's so long ago that I simply can't recall.

RE: BBC vs ITV - steven6 - 09-09-2010 11:49

Definetely bbc itv has simon cowell

RE: BBC vs ITV - Chimpy - 09-09-2010 14:52

If i had to choose at gunpoint then i would have to say the BBC but only because of the shows on BBC 2, BBC 1 is full of shite repeats, endless period dramas and lame ass games shows.

RE: BBC vs ITV - mitchell - 09-09-2010 16:54

For sport mainly football i'd say BBC as it has no ad breaks & ITV & Sky Sports piss me right off when they go to a break just as the teams come out.

For very good or watchable dramas or series.. Ummm.. Probably the BBC again as they had, Luther, The Silence, Spooks, The Street & The State Within which were all quality tv, as well as Blood and Oil, Hustle & The Red Cap which were decent.
ITV dramas are normally not excellent but watchable the likes of, The Fixer, Identity, Vincent & Mobile although i thought Collision, Farther & Son, Unforgiven & Whitechapel were good & Law & Order UK starts again this week.

My problem with any UK tv channel drama series is they're too short averaging about 6-10 episodes where as US made drama series run for 20+ episodes.

RE: BBC vs ITV - rickhardo - 09-09-2010 17:25

BBC by a million miles. The only thing I watch on ITV is sport and then I sit there complaining about the coverage.