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Save our Forests - Printable Version

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Save our Forests - little gimp - 02-11-2010 11:39

Dear friends,

Have a look at this:

I've just signed up to support the save our forests petition. The more of us take part, the stronger the message will be.

Please sign the petition now:



RE: Save our Forests - little gimp - 10-11-2010 10:10

Got an email from 38 DEGREES about the progress of the Save our Forests campaign and thought I'd share it.


Dear Friends,

Brilliant! Our Save our Forests petition is growing fast. So many people are telling their friends about this campaign that almost 60,000 of us have joined the campaign so far. 

We’re proving that the public doesn’t want our forests sold off. If enough of us get involved we can make the government back down.

We need to prove we are not just a flash in the pan. Let’s aim to get past 75,000 signatures this week. That will show the government that the campaign is going to keep growing until they change

If you use Facebook, please share the petition on your profile by clicking here:

If you use Twitter, please “Tweet” about the petition by clicking here:

Forests like the Forest of Dean, the New Forest, Grizedale Forest, Alice Holt Forest, Kielder Forest and Sherwood Forest are national treasures. Once they’re gone, they are lost forever. A huge petition will force the government to rethink. If we can prove how strongly thousands of us feel about this, we can make them back down.

We're already making a difference. The Welsh and Scottish governments have rejected the forest sell off plan. The campaign is now growing so fast it's getting talked about in the national papers. If we keep working together and keep telling our friends about the campaign we'll save our forests from the government's sell off.

Thanks for being involved,

The 38 Degrees team

P.S. Getting lots of signatures on the petition is the most important thing we can do right now to get this campaign going. But we need to think about future plans too. Do you have other ideas or suggestions for what else we can do together to Save Our Forests? Click here to share them with other 38 Degrees members and see what other people are suggesting:

see for example:

38 DEGREES Registered Company No. 6642193

RE: Save our Forests - Jam Da Man - 10-11-2010 13:17

Nick Clegg at PMQs just now, was asked why he supports selling off forests in England.

After a laugh and a joke, he completely ignored the question. annoyed

RE: Save our Forests - Mister Gummidge - 10-11-2010 16:19

(10-11-2010 13:17 )Jam Da Man Wrote:  Nick Clegg at PMQs just now, was asked why he supports selling off forests in England.

After a laugh and a joke, he completely ignored the question. annoyed

Is this really any surprise? The man is rapidly becoming a verb in his own right...

Urban Dictionary Wrote:2. Clegg

A verb. To 'Clegg' (or 'clegg on')is to put a spin on something disagreeable; especially for the individual - no matter how much - but do so in defence; and especially in an earnest way. This verb is named after the Liberal Democrat politician, Nick Clegg, who has consistently defended Conservative policies within the Con-Lib-Dem coalition.

E.G. To clegg on the subject of drink driving: "No-one likes car crashes. But to imply that drinking somehow impairs one's ability to control a vehicle is just scare-mongering - and it's the sort of jittery overreaction that causes most accidents in the first place. The simple fact is that only by calming our minds with alcohol can we keep a steady hand on the tiller."

Edited to add - You can also write to your MP asking them to oppose this plan. If you don't know who your local MP is, then you can use this site :- to find out and to help you draft the email to your representative.

RE: Save our Forests - Jam Da Man - 10-11-2010 18:59

Strangely enough Mister G, my MP is Alan Johnson, a man who is very familiar with the concept of drinking.

Unfortunately he is very unfamiliar with responding to correspondance... although I should add that all of the correspondance I sent him was via his Official Facebook page - and none of it very constructive.

I can't really see him trying to save the forests, when there are Westminster bars that need propping up.

As for Calamity Clegg, I think his attention will be elsewhere for the foreseeable future anyway.

RE: Save our Forests - little gimp - 09-12-2010 12:38

Got another update from 38 DEGREES here it is,

What a great response! We have now raised over £12,000 for the Save Our Forests campaign. That's brilliant - it means we can start preparing for a huge push to get the government to drop its plans to sell off our woodlands.

Thousands of us are donating whatever we can afford because we know that the more we raise, the more likely we are to win.

Could you chip in a little to help us reach £20,000 this week? More cash would mean more leaflets, more posters, more adverts - and more pressure on MPs to stop the forest sell off.

Please click here to make a secure donation to the Save Our Forests fund:

Thank you,

the 38 Degrees team

PS: In last week's campaign strategy survey,one of the things lots of us said we needed to take the campaign forward was an online action centre where we can download posters, leaflets, briefings, etc to help sound the alarm. We've made a start on this and you can now download posters and petitions from here: Feedback and more ideas are welcome!

RE: Save our Forests - little gimp - 17-02-2011 20:16

Got this email todaySmile

WE'VE WON! The government has just confirmed they're totally scrapping the forest sell-off. The phoney consultation has been cancelled. The sinister legal changes to pave the way for privatisation have been dropped.

We did this together. Next time someone tries to tell any of us that signing petitions or emailing our MPs doesn’t work, we’ll know exactly what to say: “People power does work. Just look at the Save Our Forests campaign”.

Over half a million of us can feel very proud of what we've achieved together today.

On the 38 Degrees Facebook page, members are celebrating. Fiona, for example, says "Fantastic news! And great for letting people see that actually there IS something they can do when they don't like what the government does, and their protest can make a difference!" Even Sky News seems to agree: "This is a great example of people power".

38 Degrees members voted to start this campaign. We knew that making forests safe for future generations was something worth fighting for. So we signed the petition, emailed our MPs, put up posters in our local woodlands, organised local events, and chipped in for a people-powered opinion poll and national newspaper ads.

Local groups joined in, as did national organisations like the National Trust, Friends of the Earth, and Greenpeace, and celebrities who spoke out in the press. Together we stopped the sell-off plans.

We need to keep an eye on what happens next, but we've shown that if forests are under threat, people power can come to the rescue. Right now, let's celebrate that we forced the government to back down from plans to sell up to 100% of our woodlands!

Hundreds of 38 Degrees members are celebrating now on our Facebook page and the website. You can click here to join in: and

And if you know someone who thinks writing to MPs or signing a petition is a waste of time, maybe you should forward them this email!

Thanks for everything you did to save our forests,

David, Hannah, Johnny and the 38 Degrees team

RE: Save our Forests - bigguy01 - 17-02-2011 23:25

well done for saving a few trees but we still being fucked in the ass by the shit that happened during the labour government years. i would like to have the labour party charged with financial rape.

some forests owned by the public cannot be accessed by the public which is the true horror story.