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Fantasy 2-4-1 with Kelly bell - Printable Version

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Fantasy 2-4-1 with Kelly bell - Jusin Sayne - 08-05-2011 15:36

Alright peoples

I hope you don't mind me starting a new thread but with miss bell's glorious return to our screens deserves one, as I know there already is a 241 section for mere mortal models ;-)

Now that we know kb is with elite, who from their stable would make a perfect wank-foil?

I'd go for Kelly and Alice Goodwin. Thoughts?

RE: Fantasy 2-4-1 with Kelly bell - AngryPirate - 08-05-2011 15:57

I was going to say Fernanda, but Alice Goodwin would be absolutely awesome. Good choice.

RE: Fantasy 2-4-1 with Kelly bell - terence - 08-05-2011 16:10

anybody who's actually into 241's! so caty then!Smile

RE: Fantasy 2-4-1 with Kelly bell - mr williams - 08-05-2011 16:29

I would suggest Fernanda but the NHS just couldn't cope with the aftermath.

RE: Fantasy 2-4-1 with Kelly bell - terence - 08-05-2011 16:31

i wonder if fenanda would be up for 241's? if so the i'm with mr williams!Smile

RE: Fantasy 2-4-1 with Kelly bell - SwedishHouseMafia - 08-05-2011 16:31


RE: Fantasy 2-4-1 with Kelly bell - Jusin Sayne - 08-05-2011 16:34

Can I change my mind to fernanda? From what I've heard, kb is up for a 241 as well. Just keeps getting better doesn't it? :-)

RE: Fantasy 2-4-1 with Kelly bell - superpetemac - 08-05-2011 17:18

got to be alice

RE: Fantasy 2-4-1 with Kelly bell - rover - 08-05-2011 19:09

For me it would have to be Sophia Lares or Fernanda.

RE: Fantasy 2-4-1 with Kelly bell - Rammyrascal - 08-05-2011 19:11

for me has to be kelly and alice goodwin. a blonde brunette big boob combo, very nice